christmas temptations

Anyone else finding this time of year particularly hard? Ate almost a full box of chocolates today. at least this has been my first cheat day in 4 months. Anything you do to keep yourself on the straight and narrow?


  • StephanieLisette
    StephanieLisette Posts: 17 Member
    Yes! It's all cocktail parties and celebration. I'm upping my water intake, and being mindful of not beating myself up. It's NOT a slippery slope and I know I can get back on track. That's all. Lots of water and herbal tea to help my body release this extra gunk I put into it. :)
  • SlimOnceMore
    I am ok so far, but next week I have 4 parties!! And I love wine on such occasions. So, I think I'm going to eat less, exercise more and drink loads!!! :laugh:

    I wont eat a chocolate tho, cos that's a slippery slope for me!! I've decided to give them up until Easter :noway: