Who's going to be logging over Xmas & New Year??



  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I might log just to keep an eye on my calorie intake. So that I don't get to lunchtime thinking I've hardly eaten anything, but realising that half a tin of celebrations and chocolate orange is my whole days allowance !!

    That said, I'm not going to log alcohol. And not worry if I'm going over. It's once a year. I will be miserable and on a super strict diet in January like everyone else in the world !!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'll regret it in the new year, but I'm going to stop logging, counting and caring on the Sunday before Christmas and I'm not going to start again until I'm back at work on 3rd January.

    This is why I know my reaching my goal weight may take some time!
  • foxys_mum
    foxys_mum Posts: 67 Member
    I plan on logging - Chances of a green day on Xmas itself quite low but no reason can't enjoy food and keep calories in check. After all its just eating and drinking for the sake of doing so that got me overweight in the first place.
  • iwannaballoon
    iwannaballoon Posts: 1 Member
    I'll probably log, but mainly out of curiosity rather than worrying about calorie intake as I've only been doing this for a few weeks. I'll be avoiding the sweet stuff though so I can enjoy the main meals more. I prefer savory to sweet though so it's not such a sacrifice for me.
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    I will log on, but not count the calories, just bung up some "quick add" random number in the thousands and go no back to normal

    Lol - that was my initial thought.

    I will be logging on and doing what I can to ensure I don't obsess too much but also just to keep me in check (binge eater here!).
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    I shall log. I joined in January 2012 and want to get to 365 days. After that I want to get to 500 days. Sad but havings targets worked for me.
  • If I log, I'll make myself miserable and it'll ruin Christmas for me. I find it disturbingly easily to become incredibly obsessive.
    My birthday is 28th December, too, so that's out the window as well!
  • IvyWhispers
    IvyWhispers Posts: 51 Member
    I can log new year but I am banned from touching the laptop on Christmas :')
    It took a while to convince me family that I'm not abandoning them if I call my boyfriend to find out how everything is (it's not his favourite time of year)

    but I will definitely log the rest of the holidays :) Just to help make sure the family aren't going to spoil my hard work with all the running and toning by giving me the delicious treats my Mam is so good at making :')

    I'm working new year too so can't drink new years eve :') that'll keep the calories down
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    I will be logging as much as I can, mainly because I have been known to actually gain half stone just over the short xmas period. My sister is also on a diet so we will hopefully be doing good together however she does end up binging on special occassions so may not be as much help to me! I tend not to drink much so will probably only have a couple of drinks. All I have to worry about is the chocolates and pudding! We tend not to buy big boxes of chocolates in our house but when I go to my parents house there is always loads!! Hence one of the reasons why I got sooooo fat!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I logged, without obsessing over it, last year (and set my goal at maintenance for that week). Inevitably a few days were over goal, but I think logging kept me aware of my intake on the days in between the big feasts, and reminded me to get out and do some exercise. The end result is that I didn't gain my previously 'normal' half-stone last Christmas, just one or two pounds of water weight from the higher-sodium diet over the festive period. I'm planning to do the same this year.
  • amateurdude
    amateurdude Posts: 44 Member
    Hell Yeah. Going to be giggles seeing all those red numbers, be GLORIOUS.
  • Not sure about Xmas and Boxing Day but will for new year eve and day .
  • joanne70
    joanne70 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm going to still log but set my goal as maintenance fingers crossed I will not put any weight on. Still going to enjoy myself. It's not the food it's the drink at Xmas for me lol
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I'm diabetic so will log to make sure my carbs are fine. I doubt I will be bothered if the calories are high, but I would be very bothered if my BG was high, so yes, I will log as usual.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    ill log, im making my xmas cake and pudding and will do the best i can. good luck all.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I'm not logging Christmas eve, Christmas day, Boxing day and New years eve (I'll just quick add to my calorie limit to keep my day count up). The other days I shall be super well behaved and hit the gym :-)
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I will log, I probably wont deny myself anything I want but I don't want to get into the trap of not logging on a daily basis.

    Fortunately it is just me and OH this year and as he has to work in between Xmas and new year we wont be visiting or having visitors (both our families are a long long way away) so we wont be going overboard which helps.

    (edit - have just read the comments about setting calories for maintenance - great idea I like it!)
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    I have a marathon on the 23rd of December so will be post race fuelling still :laugh:

    I am eating so healthily at the moment and am at goal weight. Normally in December I pig out on the sweet stuff all day long and on New Years Day practically cry when I see the scales, so a few weeks off the sugary stuff is doing me good. I have cut out chocolate for about 7 or 8 weeks now and am having it again after the marathon. I have saved my advent chocs.

    So I probably will log and will be over but not stress too much. I am working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, where there is normally way too much unhealthy stuff to eat but I'll hopefully be busy so pig less :laugh:
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Im the cook this year so it will be easy to measure and weight every thing.
    I will be logging every last calorie, but will be discrete about it not to annoy anyone.
    Im currently on a bulk, so its extra helpings of turkey and ham for me :D

    I dont really have a sweet tooth anyway.
  • I'll be logging. It'll let me know how hard I need to work at the gym on 27th - 30th!!