December 9-15 Weekly Challenge For The More Avanced

For the more advanced out there, our challenge will be as follows...
1. 240 minutes of Boxing, Kickboxing, or Zumba
2. 60 minutes of yoga
3. 5 Mile Run (or 5 miles on an elliptical- for any of you out there with bad knees/ankles)

We will announce a December winner for the more advanced, so once you complete everything, please let me know by replying to this thread. Also, we planned on starting this out slowly, so let me know if you think this is too easy:)

Let's Get Going!


  • Chan1122
    Chan1122 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't think this is too easy. This is six hours of high impact activity if you do the elliptical option which I will be doing. I decided to do this option because I would allow myself to be in a comfort zone if I did the light weight category because I have been exercising for a couple of months. I have never done more than one boxing and one zumba class in a week so this is going to be a REAL challenge! I haven't done a yoga class in over a year. Primarily because it kicked my butt...its hard holding those poses when you weigh 200 lbs. Nonetheless, I'm up for the challenge and this is just the motivation I need to get it done.
  • rachel8848
    rachel8848 Posts: 1 Member
    This will be a fun week! FYI, if you visit, you can find free 20 minute yoga classes that are really top notch classes for all levels. I like to add on a 20 minute class after my cardio/strength training as it helps immensely with recovery.

    Boxing is an incredible workout especially when hitting the heavy bag. Beginners should work on form initially so that they can get the correct body movements when throwing a jab, hook, cross and uppercut. When you have good form, boxing is one of the best total body workouts.
    Looking forward to this challenge!
    Let the games begin!
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    Like someone said earlier, I think I'll do this option because it is definitely out of my comfort zone. I'm so excited to start!
  • 2tang
    2tang Posts: 44
    count me in
  • GardenDelight
    GardenDelight Posts: 71 Member
    Long hectic weekend. And here it is Monday. Oh, I wanna just sleep a little while longer. I - MUST - GET - ON - THE - TREADMILL! And I did! 2 miles in 25 minutes, and now, hours later I feel great! I am excited to do this challenge, and if time allows, or on days I need something lighter, I can work on the lighter challenge.

    Hope you all are doing great and feeling the excitement as well!! I need this badly!!
  • ZumbaQueen1212
    ZumbaQueen1212 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a question...does spinning count towards this more advance challenge?

  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    I have a question...does spinning count towards this more advance challenge?


    I was also wondering if the elliptical (fairly fast and on level 2 or 3) counted as more advanced challenge.
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    Also, for the 5 mile run, I'll be doing it on the elliptical because of bad knees. I was wondering if that was 5 miles at once or 5 miles altogether. Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I'm doing this right!
  • Sistuhgurl
    Sistuhgurl Posts: 3 Member
    Yush! 45 minutes of Zumba down this morning. Thanks for the tip about! Let's knock this challenge out the park!!!
  • brittlynn8907
    brittlynn8907 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm so excited about this challenge! I definitely need this right now!
  • Chan1122
    Chan1122 Posts: 12 Member
    I should have updated my exercise yesterday. Sorry, I forgot. I weighed in yesterday morning at 200lbs.Anyway, I did 5 miles on the elliptical. I was on the elliptical for 70 minutes on the aerobic level. I burned 698 calories. I will reply again this evening when I go to the gym.
  • Chan1122
    Chan1122 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm not really sure but it doesn't say spinning. I have classes that I do that are not listed but I'm going to do the challenge as listed and my classes that I normally do but I'm only going to list the classes that are a part of the challenge. This is only week one so who knows maybe spinning will be listed in week 2,3, or 4.
  • GardenDelight
    GardenDelight Posts: 71 Member
    I wasn't sure which challenge I was going to do...but I'll be aiming for the Advanced! It looks like this as of today:

    140/240 minutes of Zumba, boxing or kickboxing (love Turbo Jam Punch, Kick & Jam!)
    0/60 Yoga
    2/5 Mile run
  • 2tang
    2tang Posts: 44
    did 45 minutes of zumba this morning; will try to do 5 miles on the elliptical tonight
  • ZumbaQueen1212
    ZumbaQueen1212 Posts: 6 Member
    I will try to do the advanced challenge. I know though that spinning is apart of my normal workout routine for the week but I think I can incorporate some zumba and kickboxing...Time to work it out. Thanks for the help everyone.
  • Chan1122
    Chan1122 Posts: 12 Member
    I completed a 45 min turbo kick class on Tuesday 12/11/12 from 6:00 - 6:45 pm.
  • ZumbaQueen1212
    ZumbaQueen1212 Posts: 6 Member
    Completed 1 mile on the treadmill and 30 minutes of zumba tonight. I am doing spin class tonight and hopefully can fit in yoga after that. Have a good day everyone!
  • brittlynn8907
    brittlynn8907 Posts: 92 Member
    45/240 minutes of Zumba, kickboxing, or boxing
    0/60 minutes of yoga
    0/5 mile run
  • GardenDelight
    GardenDelight Posts: 71 Member
    183/240 minutes of Zumba, boxing or kickboxing (love Turbo Jam Punch, Kick & Jam!)
    0/60 Yoga
    4/5 Mile run
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    15/240 minutes of Zumba, Boxing, or Kickboxing
    0/60 Yoga
    1/5 miles