Food Ideas Phase 1



  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    JUst had a YUMMY non egg breakfast : 1 cup cottage cheese (2%) warmed for 20 seconds, mixed with 1 TBSP sugar free strawberry preserves, splenda and 1/2 pack of Emerald cinnamon roast almonds. (I crushed them and sprinkled them on top.) It was abot 260 cals. Sooooo yummy!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Mmmmm .... flavored almonds, sounds lovely :drinker:

    This is what I've been eating ......

    Breakfast (actual)
    - 1 hardboiled egg
    - 1 slice prosciutto
    - 1/2 red pepper, sliced
    - coffee w/skim milk

    Snack (actual)
    - baby carrots & hummus (can't remember if carrots are SB P1 friendly)

    Lunch (actual)
    - 2.5 cups of soup (chicken/kale/white bean/onions with LF chicken broth)

    Snack (plan)
    - 1 LF mozz cheesestick

    Dinner (plan)
    - pot roast ???? not sure ..... my husband's cooking tonight
    - large chopped-veggie salad with lime vinaigrette

    Snack (plan)
    - LF plain yogurt with SF strawberry jam
    - couple of pecan halves

    Hope everyone has a great day !
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    thanks for the recipe ill try it as missing biccies x
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Is sugar free pudding allowed? it is lass than 75 cals but i'm not sure....
  • Is sugar free pudding allowed? it is lass than 75 cals but i'm not sure....

    Sugar Free Fat Free Pudding as an occasional treat is allowed. Keep in mind, the word occasional. So this is not nightly...LOL...

    And take my word for it...occasional got me into trouble.

    I, apparently, did not understand the meaning of the word.

    So enjoy! This is on Phase 2 and 3
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I got stuck going to a Chinese Buffet with some of my co-workers. I did fair.

    No noodles, rice or anything breaded and fried.
    I ate:
    Peel and eat shrimp with a very little cocktail sauce, Chinese green beans , steamed broccoli, and a very small amount of mushroom chicken. I know the cocktail sauce had sugar. But I think the rest was ok.

    The hardest thing was passing on the Orange chicken..But I did it!!!:drinker:
  • LiveforChange
    LiveforChange Posts: 115 Member
    I have a recipe that i recently found it was delicious

    1 large egg
    1/2 cup ricotta cheese part skim
    1 packet of truvia
    tbsp of cocoa powder
    1/2tsp vanillia extract
    1 tbsp of sugar free syrup
    optional cinnamion,pumkin spice
    mix it all in a microwave bowl you can heat it up for 3 to 4 minutes its a great breakfast simple and good mix well
  • Just heard of a great idea for those of us on SBD. I knew you could make "mashed potatoes" out of cauliflower, but a friend of mine just told me that she makes "cauli-rice." Grate fresh cauliflower, microwave (don't add water) on high for 6-8 mins. Eat. :) Gonna try it!