On Campus gym or off campus?

faupster Posts: 86 Member
What do you use?


  • Valover
    Valover Posts: 5 Member
    On campus.
    My school has a nice gym and I can walk to it between classes.
  • What do you use?

    Well, I am not paying for a gym membership due to limited funds. With that being said, I tend to use the rec center on campus due to the center having nice equipment. If I go to a place off campus, it is normally with a friend who has a guest pass to Planet Fitness or the YMCA.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    I wish my school had a gym. =\

    I go to a little local gym, for now.
  • Off campus all the way, too uncomfortable to work out in front of my classmates.
  • On-campus; it's literally 30 feet from my front door. Buut on days I don't get to it until prime gym rat time (when every god-forsaken machine is taken by the DYEL crowd), I'll pop in a workout DVD and/or do some jump rope/jumping jacks/high knees in my room.

    You're welcome, dorm room right below mine.
  • faupster
    faupster Posts: 86 Member
    Our gym is really nice but we have tons of students sooo I started going at 6am, it sucks but every single morning I know that it will pay off.

    This last week I am doing morning and evening workouts... Soo we shall see how that goes.
  • on campus! gym is great and classes are free :)
  • On campus! Be honest guys.. what do you guys think when girls walk into the weight room? I really enjoy lifting. I am normally the only girl in the free weights area. Sometimes guys makes me feel really uncomfortable because they just stare.
  • faupster
    faupster Posts: 86 Member
    On campus! Be honest guys.. what do you guys think when girls walk into the weight room? I really enjoy lifting. I am normally the only girl in the free weights area. Sometimes guys makes me feel really uncomfortable because they just stare.

    The guys stare because its a nice refresher to see a girl in there.

    Once you show them you can hold your own - you'll become a regular in their eyes.

    Maybe try to bring a friend or go at the same time so its more of the same people every time?
  • zx0810r
    zx0810r Posts: 62 Member
    On campus, cheaper than off campus, but off campus is nice. Its a new 24/7 with a sauna and for extra a tanning booth.

    I live off campus and sometimes just run to and from the gym as well.

    Edit- not looking forward to new years resolutioner's though
  • zx0810r
    zx0810r Posts: 62 Member
    On campus! Be honest guys.. what do you guys think when girls walk into the weight room? I really enjoy lifting. I am normally the only girl in the free weights area. Sometimes guys makes me feel really uncomfortable because they just stare.

    Would probably pay 0 attention to you
  • faupster
    faupster Posts: 86 Member
    I am not excited for all the new years resolution people at the gym. I think its great and all but every year its the same. Huge crowds and then slowly it gets back to normal.
  • SweatingBeauty
    SweatingBeauty Posts: 24 Member
    I'm going to be one of those new year resolutioners at my campus gym.....but I'll be there at the end of the semester too. Mark my words ;)
  • davoiscool
    davoiscool Posts: 125 Member
    We have a fairly well stocked weights room in our garage. Happy days :D
  • Chelseatheturtle
    Chelseatheturtle Posts: 25 Member
    I love the gym on campus during the semester while its open. I go to the YMCA when dad goes during the breaks. Honestly, I feel more uncomfortable at the Y than I do at the campus gym. Too many fit people at the Y. Don't be embarrassed to workout in front of your classmates. A lot of times I go in the late afternoon/early evening and I see one of my professors in there all the time. Register for PE classes at the campus. You'll meet students like yourself. I have taken 2 semesters of water aerobics and a semester of pilates. Talk about awkward, but if just pay attention to yourself and the instructor, its not as bad as it looks because some are thinking the same thing.
  • aretek983
    aretek983 Posts: 9 Member
    On campus. It's a nice facility, it's convenient, and it's already included when I pay my tuition. Why spend the extra money by getting a membership off campus?