Stage 3



  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Tonight, I do Stage 3/B, but I have a problem. For YTWL, I have a bench, but the metal on the sides get in the way. Does that make sense? I can't do the T. I may not be able to do the W or L. Any suggestions?

    Use a ball instead of the bench?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I'm starting 3A today. I'm scared for the BW matrix! I have horrible foot problems and have actually broken a bone while jumping before. I'm not 100% sure that it won't happen again...
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I didn't do the jumping moves part of the BWM for my first A workout because I was already worn out. I have no problem with not doing them at all! I don't want to hurt my knees.
  • shortie555
    shortie555 Posts: 37 Member
    hi guys! just started stage 3 workout a- did the bwm- it was soo hard! im so happy i'm done with that one for a least a few days.
    for the one leg dead lift, is anyone else finding it slightly hard to keep their balance? i am doing them but every so often i start swaying from side to side.
    anyway, going to go relax- i'm pooped from that workout!
    good luck everyone!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Here are my starting stats for Workout A:

    One-armed DB Snatch - 20lb DB
    Single Leg Romanian DL - 20lb DB
    Barbell Bent-Over Row - 65lb (I should have done a lot more.)
    DB Single Arm Overhead Squat - 5lb DB/20lb DB
    DB Incline Bench Press - 25lb DB
    Plank - 1 set 30s (My core was dead since I had a very long singing rehearsal that morning and it laughed at me when I tried to plank, so I barely did one 30s set. Couldn't do any more!)
    BWM: I'm not doing this because of my bad feet.

    I'm not sure how I feel about this stage yet. I went to the gym when I was starving, dehydrated, and had a raging headache, so I wasn't performing "up to snuff." But it was important that I start this weekend. I worry if I put things off too long. I won't be able to do Workout B until Thursday or Friday because my hips are 3in off and need adjusting. :ohwell:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning my NROL4W friends, I started Stage 3 today!

    One-armed DB Snatch - 15lb DB
    Single Leg Romanian DL - 15lb DB
    Barbell Bent-Over Row - 65lb
    DB Single Arm Overhead Squat - 15lb DB
    DB Incline Bench Press - 45lb DB
    Plank - 90 but I collapsed on the 2nd for 5 sec and finished
    BWM - I should have timed it. OMG that's a killer!!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    WTF???? Started stage 3 today and took so much longer than other stages!
    And what is with the single arm squat???? I could NOT do it! It is soooo awkward for me!!! Is it a flexibility thing because I am SO not flexible!!!

    Starting weights:
    One-armed DB Snatch - 25lb DB
    Single Leg Romanian - 15 lb DBs
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 50 lb
    DB Single Arm Overheard Squat - 10lb DB
    DB Incline Bench Press - 20 lb DBs
    Plank - all 3 sets at 90 secs
    Reverse Wood Chop - 17lbs cable weight
    BWM - 4:45 sec first set. (forgot to time second set)
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Just realised that by the end of stage 3 (which will be by xmas for me) we'll be half way through NROL4W!!!

    I have amazed myself with what I've achieved so far - wonder where I'll be in another three months?
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Mrs Agi - I will be the same as you but think I will go straight in to stage 4 (allow myself to feast on lovely food too) and then have the week off when I go skiing over new year. I am loving the muscles in my arms which have just decided to appear. Feel really strong and so enjoying it. Did S3B3 today so only one more of each to go!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Cangirl, don't worry B is much shorter but then you have the HIIT to add on the end. I often do the HIIT on the day after lifting if I run out of time in the gym but did it straight after today and really felt good after.

    The single arm overhead squat really is a killer! I can only use 2.5kg in the arm above my head and 5kg in my other arm and still my form is shocking. It is getting better but still pretty hard. One thing I think I am good at is the ballance one leg things as I can do 33lbs (15kg) on the romanian single leg dl.

    and got my bent over row to 80lbs
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    WTF???? Started stage 3 today and took so much longer than other stages!
    And what is with the single arm squat???? I could NOT do it! It is soooo awkward for me!!! Is it a flexibility thing because I am SO not flexible!!!

    Starting weights:
    One-armed DB Snatch - 25lb DB
    Single Leg Romanian - 15 lb DBs
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 50 lb
    DB Single Arm Overheard Squat - 10lb DB
    DB Incline Bench Press - 20 lb DBs
    Plank - all 3 sets at 90 secs
    Reverse Wood Chop - 17lbs cable weight
    BWM - 4:45 sec first set. (forgot to time second set)
    What aspect of the single arm overhead squat do you find difficult?
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Did my first 3A workout today. I was supposed to start last Monday but have had an awful sinus infection so today was the first day I felt up to doing a workout. So that was part of my's been almost 2 weeks since I lifted.

    But holy crap I did not expect it to be so hard! I actually loved it much more than stage 2, but I know I will not be able to sit tomorrow without crying. My quads already hurt so bad I can't imagine what tomorrow will bring!

    By the time I got to the BWM, I physically could not do the jump lunges. For the first round I just did the 24 squats and 24 lunges, then rested and did 24 jump squats and 24 regular lunges. No one ever said the BWM was easy, but I thought I would at least be able to do all the reps!

    A quick question also...I wore my HRM today because I wanted to see how many calories I burned doing the BWM. I wore it for the entire workout and it said I burned 550 cals in 65 minutes. Is that even possible?
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Did my first 3A workout today. I was supposed to start last Monday but have had an awful sinus infection so today was the first day I felt up to doing a workout. So that was part of my's been almost 2 weeks since I lifted.

    But holy crap I did not expect it to be so hard! I actually loved it much more than stage 2, but I know I will not be able to sit tomorrow without crying. My quads already hurt so bad I can't imagine what tomorrow will bring!

    By the time I got to the BWM, I physically could not do the jump lunges. For the first round I just did the 24 squats and 24 lunges, then rested and did 24 jump squats and 24 regular lunges. No one ever said the BWM was easy, but I thought I would at least be able to do all the reps!

    A quick question also...I wore my HRM today because I wanted to see how many calories I burned doing the BWM. I wore it for the entire workout and it said I burned 550 cals in 65 minutes. Is that even possible?

    I still have yet to finish the BWM!

    and I am due to do A4 tomorrow but have over extended my knee. Don't think I will be doing anything tomorrow!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Did my first 3A workout today. I was supposed to start last Monday but have had an awful sinus infection so today was the first day I felt up to doing a workout. So that was part of my's been almost 2 weeks since I lifted.

    But holy crap I did not expect it to be so hard! I actually loved it much more than stage 2, but I know I will not be able to sit tomorrow without crying. My quads already hurt so bad I can't imagine what tomorrow will bring!

    By the time I got to the BWM, I physically could not do the jump lunges. For the first round I just did the 24 squats and 24 lunges, then rested and did 24 jump squats and 24 regular lunges. No one ever said the BWM was easy, but I thought I would at least be able to do all the reps!

    A quick question also...I wore my HRM today because I wanted to see how many calories I burned doing the BWM. I wore it for the entire workout and it said I burned 550 cals in 65 minutes. Is that even possible?

    I did the whole BWM, but only 1x. I couldn't have done a 2nd one if my life depended on it. Room for improvement

    I wear my HRM all the time and get big calorie burns. I've never questioned it. They are consistently within the same range, depending on my exertion and the duration of the workout. What I've never done but will one of these days, is to wear my HRM all day and see what sort of calorie burn it gives for all my walking etc.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    WTF???? Started stage 3 today and took so much longer than other stages!
    And what is with the single arm squat???? I could NOT do it! It is soooo awkward for me!!! Is it a flexibility thing because I am SO not flexible!!!

    Starting weights:
    One-armed DB Snatch - 25lb DB
    Single Leg Romanian - 15 lb DBs
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 50 lb
    DB Single Arm Overheard Squat - 10lb DB
    DB Incline Bench Press - 20 lb DBs
    Plank - all 3 sets at 90 secs
    Reverse Wood Chop - 17lbs cable weight
    BWM - 4:45 sec first set. (forgot to time second set)
    What aspect of the single arm overhead squat do you find difficult?

    I don't know if it's a range of motion thing??? I'm in decent shape and I can do body weight squats no problem...but when I try to squat with a weight straight up in the air, my arm just doesn't want to stay in an upward position! Maybe I should try an even lower weight??? I will try next week. And I'll also look it up on Youtube to be sure I'm doing it properly! Thanks
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Did my first 3A workout today. I was supposed to start last Monday but have had an awful sinus infection so today was the first day I felt up to doing a workout. So that was part of my's been almost 2 weeks since I lifted.

    But holy crap I did not expect it to be so hard! I actually loved it much more than stage 2, but I know I will not be able to sit tomorrow without crying. My quads already hurt so bad I can't imagine what tomorrow will bring!

    By the time I got to the BWM, I physically could not do the jump lunges. For the first round I just did the 24 squats and 24 lunges, then rested and did 24 jump squats and 24 regular lunges. No one ever said the BWM was easy, but I thought I would at least be able to do all the reps!

    A quick question also...I wore my HRM today because I wanted to see how many calories I burned doing the BWM. I wore it for the entire workout and it said I burned 550 cals in 65 minutes. Is that even possible?

    I did the whole BWM, but only 1x. I couldn't have done a 2nd one if my life depended on it. Room for improvement

    I wear my HRM all the time and get big calorie burns. I've never questioned it. They are consistently withissn the same range, depending on my exertion and the duration of the workout. What I've never done but will one of these days, is to wear my HRM all day and see what sort of calorie burn it gives for all my walking etc.

    The first time I wore my HRM I burned 620 in 60 minutes and that was with Stage 2. This time Stage 3A I only burned 500 in 65 minutes. I've since come to learn that the number is quite inaccurate for strength training and that I probably only burned about 300! My workout was definitely not great but I find that with each stage my first couple of workouts are just figuring things out. Do you guys find that too?

    As for the BWM, I had to pause a few times to catch my breath especially with the jump squats at the end. I hope I'll grow to love them. LOL

    On to Stage 3B tomorrow - any advice!
  • MissSifaka
    MissSifaka Posts: 25 Member
    WTF???? Started stage 3 today and took so much longer than other stages!
    And what is with the single arm squat???? I could NOT do it! It is soooo awkward for me!!! Is it a flexibility thing because I am SO not flexible!!!

    Starting weights:
    One-armed DB Snatch - 25lb DB
    Single Leg Romanian - 15 lb DBs
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 50 lb
    DB Single Arm Overheard Squat - 10lb DB
    DB Incline Bench Press - 20 lb DBs
    Plank - all 3 sets at 90 secs
    Reverse Wood Chop - 17lbs cable weight
    BWM - 4:45 sec first set. (forgot to time second set)
    What aspect of the single arm overhead squat do you find difficult?

    I don't know if it's a range of motion thing??? I'm in decent shape and I can do body weight squats no problem...but when I try to squat with a weight straight up in the air, my arm just doesn't want to stay in an upward position! Maybe I should try an even lower weight??? I will try next week. And I'll also look it up on Youtube to be sure I'm doing it properly! Thanks

    I totally understand, I thought One arm squat would be pretty easy, start out with a med-easy weight 15lbs. I started down and not only almost fell over but about bashed my head in with weight. This excercise is extreamly awkward for me as well. ended up using 8lbs and pulling some pretty amusing faces of strain along the way. Room for improvement? I think yes ;)
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Was supposed to have started my first workout of this stage on Wed this week, but I've been so busy getting Christmas shopping done and yesterday/today packing boxes for an office move at work I'm exhausted and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open! I have family visiting this weekend, but will try to get a session in if I can. If not it will be Monday. Have a great weekend all.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Best laid plans...

    I had all my gym stuff out for the morning, but then my 3 year old woke up at midnight with a fever and had puked all over himself. It was a restless night for all. Therefore, skipped the gym for obvious reasons.

    Plan on going to a class tomorrow and starting stage 3 again next week...
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Best laid plans...

    I had all my gym stuff out for the morning, but then my 3 year old woke up at midnight with a fever and had puked all over himself. It was a restless night for all. Therefore, skipped the gym for obvious reasons.

    Plan on going to a class tomorrow and starting stage 3 again next week...

    awww.. poor thing. Hope the little one feels better and you get some sleep!

    I like this stage and I can do these exercises with some weight, except for that quarter squat! Thought I was going to fall over!