Hello group



  • DeeChan634
    I'm definitely in! I started at 165 but made my way down to 152. My ultmiate is 115. I cant WAIT to get this started!!!!
  • JDavis352
    JDavis352 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone! I am really excited about this group. I joined the NYE challenge group BUT dropped out of it. BOO! I have been in a different "zone" here the past couple of months. Just not feeling motivated AT ALL!! I started out on this Journey (an. Of 2010 at 214.8 pounds. I am now 143. I want to lose another 23 pounds and do some major toning up. I know I can do this, just got to find my desire and get my MOJO kicking again. OK will post pics first of the year. Best of luck to everyone! I am always here for support and encouragement, even if i'm not feeling it myself from time to time. So feel free to add me if you could use a little nudge.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    I know I'm going to have to redo this picture before the official start, but I've never uploaded a picture before so I'm doing a practice run.

    5'4", start weight 177#'s October 2012.

    Before Start: December 10, 2012 163#

  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I know I'm going to have to redo this picture before the official start, but I've never uploaded a picture before so I'm doing a practice run.

    5'4", start weight 177#'s October 2012.

    Before Start: December 10, 2012 163#

    [img]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag129/Lynn_Babcock/Weight loss/MFP12102012163_2copy_zps33a94bb1.jpg[/img]

    Change the %20 in you4 link to a space and it will show...
  • keekahari
    keekahari Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all! I am also looking forward to this challenge. I have about 3 mini goals for 2013 so I am hoping this challenge moves me closer to my success!!

    I am 5'7". highest weight 282 (2006) , beginning weight in 4/2012 was 242, current weight is 201 (I can almost taste onederland) overall goal is 160!!

    Much success to everyone!
  • electricello
    electricello Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm SO excited to be part of a group going into 2013 - and I think it will make a huge difference to me and my journey.

    I'm 5'8", 33 years old, and starting at 210 lbs.

    My weight fluctuates wildly, but I am hoping to be at 200 lbs by New Year's.

  • plzlbsbegone
    I just joined too! I am 5'9" and I currently weigh 207.5. I am hoping to get down to 145-150. This could be just the motivation I need to keep that ticker going!! When do we need to post before pictures??
  • Rabid180
    Rabid180 Posts: 15 Member
    Just joined and looking forward to the challenge! It will be great to have supporters as well as provide support to others during the festive season.

    No pictures, but current details are 5'6" and was 293 at my last weigh-in last Saturday. I've lost 37lbs since September and I'd like to keep it going. I'm aiming for 285 by the end of the challenge. Good luck to all!
  • BrittKnee_Rae
    BrittKnee_Rae Posts: 111 Member
    Hey you guys, I just joined this group and I'm super excited! I am now only 21 lbs from my goal weight.. But I would like to maybe get into some heavy lifting with the new year! So my 2013 goal are to reach my goal of 150 LBs and start to sculpt and tighten my body!!

    Starting weight: 250
    Current weight:171.4
    Goal weight:150
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    hey everyone! just joined as well. i got down to 163 a few months back, but i've gained back all of the lost weight, and then some. so i'm hoping that from now, and into the new year, that i'll try to keep my eating in order, and that i'll get myself more fit, and that my weight will eventually move down.
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    I usually save a pic to my computer then upload it to www.tinypic.com then it will give you a web address so you can copy and post it to a forum such as this......but when it gives you the web address it usually starts with Http, you want to make the H a lower case h before posting.....I hope this helps. I'm probably leaving out a piece of info b/c I haven't posted a pic in awhile, however I will try later and make sure I'm telling you the correct thing. Hope this helops.

    Anyway I'm Jennifer, joined MFP last jan after gaining so much weight after having my twins....I decided to get on the scale one day and literally cried 282 was staring back at me, that the first time I've ever posted my weight on here.....I was my lowest since starting this diet in the beginning of October at 220, I went on a 2 week vacation at the end of october and just haven't seemed to get the same stamina back, I currently stand around 223-226 on any given day. It's frustrating!!!
    I'm looking forward to joining you guys and finally hit the one-nder land...and ultimately hitting 180 at 5'8.

    ****Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Hi Jennifer! Twinmom430 is an awesome friend to have, just so everyone knows!

    I'm also a mother of twins. I've gotten to my pre-pregnancy weight twice in the last year (yay me in theory, but I was stupid enough to have to lose it twice because of an injury-induced regain!), and there I sit. Unfortunately, that's still 20lbs above what my husband thinks is best for me, and 40lbs above what I'd LIKE to be.

    5'2", 38 years old, SAHM privileged enough to have lots of help!
    HW (at end of twin pregnancy): 220
    SW (for MFP): 193
    GW1 & CW: 170-172 (also my ppw)
    GW2: 150
    UGW: 125-130

    I'm finding that this time of year is really hard for me to keep motivation going and eat cleanly. It's dark and cold and I just want to eat junk food and nap all day.

    I LOVE lifting heavy, but I'm struggling to get to the gym to do it. I have a great home gym set up, but my dumbbells only go to 100lbs total. I have Chalean Extreme and I'm thinking about trying to restart that in January. I'm really good at making myself a schedule and routine and then not sticking to it. Hopefully you guys can help motivate me!
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    Hi Jennifer! Twinmom430 is an awesome friend to have, just so everyone knows!

    Awe that was such a nice thing to say, thanks so much!!!
  • finding_sammi
    Hey guys, I just joined and am excited that 2013 WILL be the year I change my eating habits, get to grips with the whole fitness thing and generally wave a happy byebye to the excess lard I've been trying to drop since January 2009!!

    Im currently about 230lbs (down from 250 when I started at Halloween), and would LOVE to be a fit, toned strong and sexy 140/147. Hell yeah! :D
    Bit scared bout posting my before pic, but I will... hey we all have to start somewhere right? And this could just be the motivation I need to really do something about my weight/lifestyle for good this time (no more yoyo~ing!!)

    Feel free to add me anyone. And good luck to all of us: Lets do this thing!
  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm excited to join this group too. I'm also going to make 2013 my year to get out of plus size clothing and to quit using my weight as an excuse for not having a social life. I'm going to get my big butt off the sofa and get moving. I haven't taken pictures in forever...if I do, I usually stand behind someone or duck out of the picture before it's taken. I'll have to figure out how to upload a picture. My sister is coming up this weekend and I know she'll help me.

    In the meantime, I'll post my stats: I'm 53, 5'2" and 210 lbs. My goal is to get to 140 by the end of 2013.

    Good luck to all of us!
  • Ibelievenme2
    Ibelievenme2 Posts: 96 Member
    Looking forward to the challenge. Will up load photo Jan 2013.
  • emptylbj
    Hello all. I am ready to do this again, this time with the goal of sticking with it. I have yo-yo ed for too long. I am currently 308 lbs at 6'2". I am hoping to reach my goal of 245 lbs this year. I know I can do it, and each time I have tried in the past, I think this was the part I was missing. The support from others. With my wife by my side, I am going to do this for me, for my wife, and for my wonderful 3 kids.