40's and up on EM2WL Support Group ?



  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm 47, 5'3" and 119 lbs. Trying to lose bodyfat more than anything right now (scale says my bf% is 25) but have an end weight goal of 111-113 in mind which is where I easily stabilzed for many years without diet or exercise.
    Glad we've all come to our senses and are eating more!
  • Turn 60 in January.
    BF in March of this year was 37%. Currently it is 26%. Weight 268 at peak. Now 231. Began EM2WL 2 weeks ago with a TDEE cut 20% at 2212. Goal is to reduce BF% to 13-15% which would put me at 200 or slightly under. I am 6'0". If this support group is for women only I will bow out. --Gary
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Whoever said it is for women only? Glad you're here, Gary!
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    And welcome to KeriA and Nikkit! :)
  • Whoever said it is for women only? Glad you're here, Gary!

    Thanks. Didn't know.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Bump!!! I'm 40...soon to be 41 in Feb :)
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    hey.... i'm 43, 5'7" and currently 132. aiming to get down to around 125-128. it's been so very HARD after hitting 40...i used to be able to drop weight very easily, yet hardly even had to. used to manage without barely trying. anyhow, this forum is wonderful and helps to keep my mind on the sane side! :-)
  • Hi~
    I am 43 and completely new to this idea, and pretty new to MFP. I am so excited to have found this group. I would love to have support through this process.

    I have been a life time yo-yo-er. I was doing good for about 3 years, maintaining about 135 with pretty low cals, and lots of exercise. Then I hit an emotional trauma, and boy did it trigger a binge! About 8 months of binging. Which proceeded to put all of it (and more) back on. I have always struggled with that 'layer of fat' even when my thinnest.
    Then in July I decided I had to change. I tried to clean up my self, my diet, my Fat brain...Some good (gave up all soda, all junk food, stopped exercising, no weigh in's), some bad 30 day juice fast, yes VLCD,...and yet again, all that was lost, returned with a vengeance.

    I was so done.
    Then I came across MFP, started becoming aware of my intake, my macros, etc...and another bout of inspiration hit me.

    So as of today: I am 5-4", 162 lbs, 38% BF, and 2 weeks into Chalene Extreme. Started with the 1200 recommended, and luckily, I found you guyss. I am so excited, and a little terrified. But I believe in the science, I see the transformations, and I want to do it too!
    So I am up to 1600 cals (my BMR ~ 1400, my TDEE~2100). I am nervous to start getting on the scale again, but I think I can do it one a week, and measure with Chalene's 4 week routines. I am hoping I don't need a full reset, having binged my way through the last 14 months, I hope I fed the monster enough! So I am going to try TDEE - 15-20%.
    It feels good to eat, and I agree with a previous poster, I feel a lot less emotional eating, almost none really.

    My goal is Body Fat loss, weight loss, and fitness. I would love to get to 130-ish lbs, and 22-24% BF.
    I wish all of you all the best, and I really look forward to this healing journey, with Freedom at the end!

    Cheers everyone!
    Thanks ~ Betsy
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    I haven't read the entire thread ... But no indeed ! Lots of success no matter the age. I'm sooooo passionate about not letting age or anything else be a barrier. I believe it was Yoda who said : Either Do or Don't Do. There is no try .

    Age 49
    Total right knee replacement in 2011
    Size 18 - 8 with size 6s in sight !

  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Hi!!! I'm 51, 5' 4", 152lbs....looking to get down to around 130. Came her around Feb. eating low cal....did the reset and finally figured out some numbers for losing some weight. Sometimes it takes soooooo long to figure things out if it's all new to you, but persevere and you WILL figure it out!!!
  • Update for me from earlier post:

    Some background first-
    Age 60 as of January, current weight 231, height 6'0", and male.
    Weight 268 BF% 37 on 3/12
    Weight 231 BF% 26.6 on 10/24/12
    Stalled all of November
    I was eating at 1660 calories net since July 1st
    After Thanksgiving I began EM2WL.
    Weight still 231 BF% 26.6
    BMR = 2048
    TDEE = 2765 (using a 1.35 TDEE factor which is between sedentary and lightly active).
    TDEE with a 20% cut my net calories are 2212 or ~1 pound loss per week

    So, my NSV for today on 12/15 or just over 2 weeks of upping my calories from 1660 to 2212 my weight has remained the same at 231, but my BF% has dropped from 26.6% to 25.5% or 1.1%

    It should be noted that on active days I am really active since I cycle and long distance power walk (training for a half marathon walking it) I eat back those huge burns after backing out the TDEE calories for that time period to get a net burn. My goal is to net 2212 daily. Hopefully, the weight will follow. My LBM is increasing and BF decreasing at the moment so no weight loss.
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    " My LBM is increasing and BF decreasing at the moment so no weight loss. "

    But you are now eating 600 more calories per day and in just two weeks have lost 1% bf so that's just incredible! You changed NOTHING except the calories, right?

    I don't know about anyone else, but as we age, I think taking a bodyfat loss as opposed to a weight drop is preferred! I'm sure the weight will follow but your body is obviously thriving on EM2WL principles. Hurray!
  • " My LBM is increasing and BF decreasing at the moment so no weight loss. "

    But you are now eating 600 more calories per day and in just two weeks have lost 1% bf so that's just incredible! You changed NOTHING except the calories, right?

    I don't know about anyone else, but as we age, I think taking a bodyfat loss as opposed to a weight drop is preferred! I'm sure the weight will follow but your body is obviously thriving on EM2WL principles. Hurray!

    That's right Amanda added 600 calories daily. Activity has remained the same. My energy level has increased which makes sense since I was eating BELOW my BMR and now 200 ABOVE my BMR.

    At 15%BF I should weigh 200 with LBM remaining the same.
  • Update for me from earlier post:

    Some background first-
    Age 60 as of January, current weight 231, height 6'0", and male.
    Weight 268 BF% 37 on 3/12
    Weight 231 BF% 26.6 on 10/24/12
    Stalled all of November
    I was eating at 1660 calories net since July 1st
    After Thanksgiving I began EM2WL.
    Weight still 231 BF% 26.6
    BMR = 2048
    TDEE = 2765 (using a 1.35 TDEE factor which is between sedentary and lightly active).
    TDEE with a 20% cut my net calories are 2212 or ~1 pound loss per week

    So, my NSV for today on 12/15 or just over 2 weeks of upping my calories from 1660 to 2212 my weight has remained the same at 231, but my BF% has dropped from 26.6% to 25.5% or 1.1%

    It should be noted that on active days I am really active since I cycle and long distance power walk (training for a half marathon walking it) I eat back those huge burns after backing out the TDEE calories for that time period to get a net burn. My goal is to net 2212 daily. Hopefully, the weight will follow. My LBM is increasing and BF decreasing at the moment so no weight loss.

    As of 12/17/12 I am edging my net calories up to 2267 or a 18% cut. 18% cut = a 498 calorie daily deficit.
    Since 11/26 my cut was 20% or 2212 net calories (553 calorie deficit).
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    I'll be 50 in February. I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 130. I'd like to get down to between 120 and 124 which is where I feel my best. Right now I'm eating at a 10% cut from my TDEE, or 1800 calories per day.

    Losing weight after 40 is definitely more challenging but I've found lifting has become much more important than cardio in firming things up and changing the shape of my body.
  • I'll be 50 in February. I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 130. I'd like to get down to between 120 and 124 which is where I feel my best. Right now I'm eating at a 10% cut from my TDEE, or 1800 calories per day.

    Losing weight after 40 is definitely more challenging but I've found lifting has become much more important than cardio in firming things up and changing the shape of my body.

    Don't lose sight of cardio as it is important also. Both should be in the mix. Merry Christmas! :-)
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I have 5 lbs I'd like to lose (or at least "shift"!) in the New Year! Anyone else want to work on their "last 5 lbs" with me?:)

    I'm 40. 5'7" and 130lbs. I feel my "best" at 125. I know it's not the number on the scale and it's about fuelling my body...but I was there a month ago and have had waaaay too many desserts, etc. during the last few weeks.
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    I'll be 50 in February. I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 130. I'd like to get down to between 120 and 124 which is where I feel my best. Right now I'm eating at a 10% cut from my TDEE, or 1800 calories per day.

    Losing weight after 40 is definitely more challenging but I've found lifting has become much more important than cardio in firming things up and changing the shape of my body.

    Don't lose sight of cardio as it is important also. Both should be in the mix. Merry Christmas! :-)

    Oh, I agree. It is important and I still do it, just not as much. I went from an hour per day of cardio, 7 days a week down to 2 or 3 times per week. Merry Christmas to you too! :-)
  • I'll be 50 in February. I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 130. I'd like to get down to between 120 and 124 which is where I feel my best. Right now I'm eating at a 10% cut from my TDEE, or 1800 calories per day.

    Losing weight after 40 is definitely more challenging but I've found lifting has become much more important than cardio in firming things up and changing the shape of my body.

    Don't lose sight of cardio as it is important also. Both should be in the mix. Merry Christmas! :-)

    Oh, I agree. It is important and I still do it, just not as much. I went from an hour per day of cardio, 7 days a week down to 2 or 3 times per week. Merry Christmas to you too! :-)

    Sounds like a solid plan!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    My update is I finally seem to be losing steadily. In the last 3 weeks I have lost a pound a week. It is mostly due to my active jobs so when they slow down after the holidays I will have to stay active. My 6 days a week 1 hour a day exercise doesn't do as well with weight loss but has other benefits so I am looking forward to having the time to get back to more of it then.