new fun: ocular migraines

Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
I'm getting 2 or 3 a day right now.
Not "real" migraines, in that I only get a tiny headache, but I get 30 minutes worth of the visual problems, the "aura" etc.

Started this week.

I can't decide if it's another hormone shift
stress (finals etc, I'm a professor)
the big shift in our weather
that I have a sinus infection.

All I know is: It's annoying to go "blind" once or twice a day....

A friend suggested rubbing vicks on my nose and on my sounded silly, but the aura went away almost immediately.
Hope it wasn't a fluke!


  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    I get those but only occasionally and I don't think mine are hormone related. They can be very disconcerting particularly if I'm driving.
    I just try to find a quiet place to sit, close my eyes and relax.....obviously not while driving. lol
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    O. M. G.

    I get these too! Please don't tell me these are ANOTHER symptom of menopause? **groans**

    I try to explain to my fiance that it's not like a headache, it's just like my eyes hurt. Can't see, can't think, don't wanna open my eyes. Trouble is, mine usually last a whole day. I was chalking it up to *ahem* getting older & possibly needing glasses. Never crossed my mind it could be related to this.

    Lovely! :frown:
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    O. M. G.

    I get these too! Please don't tell me these are ANOTHER symptom of menopause? **groans**

    I try to explain to my fiance that it's not like a headache, it's just like my eyes hurt. Can't see, can't think, don't wanna open my eyes. Trouble is, mine usually last a whole day. I was chalking it up to *ahem* getting older & possibly needing glasses. Never crossed my mind it could be related to this.

    Lovely! :frown:

    It might be worth getting your eyes tested but genuine migraines are not usually eyesight related as a cause. My eyes don't hurt as such but I get the classic disturbed vision of zig zag lines.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    O. M. G.

    I get these too! Please don't tell me these are ANOTHER symptom of menopause? **groans**

    I try to explain to my fiance that it's not like a headache, it's just like my eyes hurt. Can't see, can't think, don't wanna open my eyes. Trouble is, mine usually last a whole day. I was chalking it up to *ahem* getting older & possibly needing glasses. Never crossed my mind it could be related to this.

    Lovely! :frown:

    It might be worth getting your eyes tested but genuine migraines are not usually eyesight related as a cause. My eyes don't hurt as such but I get the classic disturbed vision of zig zag lines.

    Yes, I get those too. I do plan to get them checked out. Just putting if off; purely out of denial!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    O. M. G.

    I get these too! Please don't tell me these are ANOTHER symptom of menopause? **groans**

    I try to explain to my fiance that it's not like a headache, it's just like my eyes hurt. Can't see, can't think, don't wanna open my eyes. Trouble is, mine usually last a whole day. I was chalking it up to *ahem* getting older & possibly needing glasses. Never crossed my mind it could be related to this.

    Lovely! :frown:
    For me it's just the ocular part of a migraine. I don't get a headache. My eyes don't hurt. I just can't see for a few minutes, as commonly happens at the beginning of a migraine.
    It looks like this:

    I'd suggest having your eyes checked. I've had both a doc and an eye doc check mine.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Today, for an added benefit I got a full migraine.
    days of aura, then an actual migraine.

    It's been ages since I've had a full on migraine. I didn't miss it.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I started getting these a couple of years ago. I usually don't have pain either, but every once in a while I will get a sharp pain in my eye. I only get them in one eye. Odd. I do remember reading somewhere that it can be hormone related.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    I've been getting ocular migraines since my son was born (he's 8.5). I get a kind of weird feeling behind my left eye, then my left pupil completely dilates. Then I get pure double vision. It's only been a couple of times that it has turned into a full-blown migraine.


    (Chiro has helped mine, and just trying to stay hydrated and stress free - like stress isn't an occupational hazard for a working mum!)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've been getting ocular migraines since my son was born (he's 8.5). I get a kind of weird feeling behind my left eye, then my left pupil completely dilates. Then I get pure double vision. It's only been a couple of times that it has turned into a full-blown migraine.


    (Chiro has helped mine, and just trying to stay hydrated and stress free - like stress isn't an occupational hazard for a working mum!)
    It's interesting that you say this. Yesterday morning I was thinking: what's changed. I looked through the calendar, at when my sense of impending migraine started. And realized it was last saturday. I also remember waking up and feeling sore, stiff, achy, and creaky that then yesterday did a lot of stretching, and work on the foam roller, and made an appointment with the chiro. Hope it helps. Today was day ONE without a migraine.... here's hoping.
  • masirahmo
    masirahmo Posts: 30 Member
    Ohhhhhh lovely!

    You have my deepest sympathy. The first time it happened to me was about 3 years ago, and I had no idea what it was. I actually wondered if I was having a stroke. I'd never heard of them, couldn't explain them very well, and the doctor suggested that I'd been either looking at or out in the sun too long. ( Live in the Middle East ) Very frightening. I didn't find out until earlier this year what it was. I'd never considered it to be hormone related, but I guess it can't be ruled out given the timeline. In the last 6 months or so I have also been suffering from extremely dry eyes - especially at night. Very uncomfortable, and sometimes painful.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ohhhhhh lovely!

    You have my deepest sympathy. The first time it happened to me was about 3 years ago, and I had no idea what it was. I actually wondered if I was having a stroke. I'd never heard of them, couldn't explain them very well, and the doctor suggested that I'd been either looking at or out in the sun too long. ( Live in the Middle East ) Very frightening. I didn't find out until earlier this year what it was. I'd never considered it to be hormone related, but I guess it can't be ruled out given the timeline. In the last 6 months or so I have also been suffering from extremely dry eyes - especially at night. Very uncomfortable, and sometimes painful.
    I had hormone related migraines as a teen, and about yearly since then, so it was my first thought. But who knows.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    In the last 6 months or so I have also been suffering from extremely dry eyes - especially at night. Very uncomfortable, and sometimes painful.

    You should have this checked out! There are things they can do to help you with this. My grandmother had Sjogren's, which is an autoimmune disease that causes destruction of tear ducts. It isn't usually serious, but can cause lots of discomfort. Have an ophthalmologist check it out for you.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    In the last 6 months or so I have also been suffering from extremely dry eyes - especially at night. Very uncomfortable, and sometimes painful.

    You should have this checked out! There are things they can do to help you with this. My grandmother had Sjogren's, which is an autoimmune disease that causes destruction of tear ducts. It isn't usually serious, but can cause lots of discomfort. Have an ophthalmologist check it out for you.

    I should mention, it can also cause destruction of saliva glands. So, if your mouth seems dry that could certainly point to Sjogren's. A dentist or any general practice doc can check this out as well.
  • tashiaberman
    tashiaberman Posts: 48 Member
    I've started back to school recently and was carrying a full-time load, while working full time. I just went back to my optometrist after 2+ years and he doubled my prescription. My complaint was that my eyes would wear out before the end of the day and I couldn't finish all my studying. The glasses have helped a lot, but I have to take them off after a time. They strain my eyes trying to get used to them (bifocals).
  • tashiaberman
    tashiaberman Posts: 48 Member
    Have you had a CT scan to rule out brain tumors, etc?
  • tashiaberman
    tashiaberman Posts: 48 Member
    Oh, I had those when I was about 17 and first took birth control pills. I suffered with them for over a year before I figured out what was causing it and went off thepills. Since then, only rarely with a really bad period. Now that I am in menopause, I have no problem whatsoever. If you think it may be hormone related, try going to a bio-identical hormone replacement therapist to get the testing done and have your hormone levels adjusted. It might make a world of difference in both your migraines and ability to lose weight.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Oh, I had those when I was about 17 and first took birth control pills. I suffered with them for over a year before I figured out what was causing it and went off thepills. Since then, only rarely with a really bad period. Now that I am in menopause, I have no problem whatsoever. If you think it may be hormone related, try going to a bio-identical hormone replacement therapist to get the testing done and have your hormone levels adjusted. It might make a world of difference in both your migraines and ability to lose weight.
    I'm using bio identical progesterone now. Prescribed.
  • Abbey2Lynn
    Abbey2Lynn Posts: 17 Member
    alvalaurie wrote: »
    O. M. G.

    I get these too! Please don't tell me these are ANOTHER symptom of menopause? **groans**

    I try to explain to my fiance that it's not like a headache, it's just like my eyes hurt. Can't see, can't think, don't wanna open my eyes. Trouble is, mine usually last a whole day. I was chalking it up to *ahem* getting older & possibly needing glasses. Never crossed my mind it could be related to this.

    Lovely! :frown:

    I've had migraines for > 30 years, but I was warned by the neurologist (peri)menopause makes any migraine tendency worse and that specific vitamin supplementation at that time could help. It might be worth consulting a neurologist.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hey, my thread!

    It's now 2015. I still get them, but have discovered that for the time being anyway, 3-4 baby aspirin under the tongue stop them in their tracks. Thank goodness for that!
  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sabine,
    Thanks for posting the video of the occular migraines. I've suffered migraines ( several per month) since my first born in 1987. They've lessened somewhat since retiring (last June) so stress must play a bit of a part, however only the past two months have I gotten occular migraines ( only once before had I experienced this) funny ...for me it did not come with the searing pain that I usually get with migraines.... mind you I treated it as a migraine and took my medication right away.... Anyhow...thanks for posting the video...was able to show DH what I was meaning.... Hopefully you will not have too many of these...glad the baby aspirin is working for you. Sorry to hear so many of you are in the same boat with migraines... doesn't make life easy.
