Official Week 4 end weigh-in (Up to Mon Dec 17)



  • SW: 265.8
    CW: 261 (4.8 lbs lost)
    Challenge GW: 255.8

    Still struggling, I gained weight back this week which I am not happy about. I really wanted this challenge to jump start me to more weight loss... Ive got to try harder!
  • Kaylao7i987
    Kaylao7i987 Posts: 33 Member
    Starting MFP - 184 lbs
    CW - 181.2 lbs
    week 1 - 178.8 lbs
    week 2 - 177.6 lbs
    week 3 - 173.4 lbs
    current weight - 171.6
    GW - 171 lbs

    total loss for challenge - 9.6 lbs
    lack .6 lbs for being at goal weight for challenge

    total MFP loss - 12.4 lbs
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    SW: 141
    CW: 139.4
    GW: 138 (It could happen! )
  • Lost 8lbs so far!:wink:
  • Challenge beginning weight: 163
    Current weight: 157.2

    6 pounds so far! :happy:
  • strive2012
    strive2012 Posts: 14 Member
    SW 213.8
    CW 204.0
    - 9.8
    1 lbs to go.. Right on track to reach my goal!!!

    Let's keep on trucking!!!!
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    SW: 62.8 kgs (138.45lbs)
    CW: 62.4kgs (137.56 lbs)
    GW: 60 kgs (132.28lbs)

    So, I've been weighing 61.4 ALL WEEK, but my scale decided it was a good joke to show me a higher number this morning. I'll still take that higher number as my official challenge weight. I want to be truth to myself and to the rest of members. Grrr, i really hate it when my weight plays these tricks on me!!! The funny thing is that this evening i weighed myself fully dressed at the gym and I was below 62, but whatever....

    Let's say I lost 400grams (almost a pound)... officially.
    Congrats to all those who lost weight and let's keep on fighting!!!
    I'm almost at my goal weight!
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    SW: 161.2
    Week1 - 161
    Week 2 - 159
    Week 3 - 157.8
    Week 4 - 157

    Total Loss - 4.2lbs
    Goal - 11.2
    2nd Goal - 16.2
    Left To Lose - 7/ 12

    Going to really step it up for the last two weeks but I'm not sure I'll hit my goal. I'm just relieved to be under 160 though, I've been stuck there for a long long time!
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Hate to say this.....but I may skip this week. The last weekend was filled with craving temptations... plus I am experiencing some mother nature issues, so I am going to rest this week and see what unfolds next week....

    I wish I could blame my lack of motivation on "the Holidays" but it is completely not that at all..... I am needing to get my motivation back.

    Wish me luck...
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I usually don't weigh in officially for myself until Thursday, but I did weigh myself today (much like every morning, im a bit scale obsessed).
    144.8! wooot!
  • KrD265
    KrD265 Posts: 22
    SW: 288

    W1: 282

    W2: 277

    W3: 271.5

    W4: 268

    GW: 272 - I may double my NYE goal!
  • cjosenga
    cjosenga Posts: 37 Member
    SW- 182
    CW- 175
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    SW: 288

    W1: 282

    W2: 277

    W3: 271.5

    W4: 268

    GW: 272 - I may double my NYE goal!

    Wow! Way to go!!!
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Challenge pledge 14lbs
    Week1: 2lbs
    Week2: 0lbs
    Week3: 3lbs Yay!. I started Dukan diet and it def helped ;)
    Week4: 2.1lbs woohoo!

    As of 12/17/12 -Total lost -7.6 lbs (6.4lbs more to go!!)

  • TymelessBeauty
    TymelessBeauty Posts: 3 Member
    5lbs away from my 15lb goal woohoo!!
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    My right thigh went from 18.5" to 18", while my left from 18" to 17.7". Everything else stayed the same. :flowerforyou:
  • Bolthouse26
    Bolthouse26 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My 4th week was not that good because I went on a bender.

    Starting Weight: 142 lbs

    End of first week: 140 lbs
    End of 2nd week: 140 lbs
    End of 3rd Week: 136 lbs

    Current Weight: 136 lbs

    Goal Weight: 132 lbs
  • arikag
    arikag Posts: 94 Member
    SW of 6 wk challenge: 125
    CW: 118.5 (as of 12/17)
    GW by 1/1/13: 118
    Final GW: 115
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    SW: 123

    CW: 119.4

    GW: 105

    GW for this challenge: 115

    I know I'm two days late on weighing in, but I had no access to a computer.
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Just wanted to at least check in. I didn't weigh in this week. For numerous reasons, one being my birth control has me all out of whack and I am feeling really bloated and haven;t been able to exercise because of vertigo from it :( Switching bc pills friday. Hope to weigh in the last weigh (not this next weigh in, but the 6th one) in with a nice number.

    I am only doing that because I am terrified of seeing a positive number on the scale after all the work i have done recently to get the weight off, and even if i KNOW for a fact it is caused by my bc pill, it WILL get me down and completely discouraged.

    So, there is that!! Everyone seems to be doing a fantastic job!! :)