Starting Stage 1 Janaury 2013

kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
I have just bought the book and have read it once now. A lot of information to go through and a lot of old notions to let go of. I am sure it is going to be dog eared before I am through.

Am getting a PT to help me start the program and make sure I am doing the exercises correctly. really terrified of hurting myslef - I have degenerative disk disease and just don't want to go there.

I've asked for a nice new gym bag and work out clothes for Christmas. getting very excited to do this.

Looking for friends for support and encouragement as we go along this journey. Please add me.

Namaste, Kristine


  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Kristen,
    I'm just starting too. DH and I recently turned our deck into a 3-season room and are outfitting it as a home gym. I am reading NROWL4W right now and will start in the next couple of weeks. Maybe even tomorrow if I read enough tonight. for equipment I have dumbbells, an olympic bar w/ weights, a balance ball and the Marcy Pro compact trainer. I think I'm good to go.
    Good luck!
  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    HI Kristine & Sierra (and all else),

    I'm in the process of reading the book, NROL4W, but I haven't got to the exercise section, yet. Once I have that finished, I plan on starting the program. Always looking for friends in general and in regards to NROL4W. Feel free to add.

    Best of luck,
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I would love to start this in January! I have read the book once, but will re-read it again before the start of the challenge.

    Feel free to add me!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I am doing my first workout tonight...anyone is welcome to add me...
  • Steph7x
    Steph7x Posts: 115 Member
    Im starting in January got the rest of 30DS to finish first so i should start this 1st of Jan :) Anyone feel free to add me.
  • vmarie74
    vmarie74 Posts: 26 Member
    I ordered my book on Amazon yesterday - I'll be starting in January as well. Would love to start with a group all starting out. :)
  • cstexas2012
    cstexas2012 Posts: 53 Member
    starting soon, feel free to add me!
  • knewbegin
    knewbegin Posts: 10 Member
    I'll be starting in January as well. Feel free to add!
  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    Since my last post I've had a week long migraine and a 10-day long (and counting) respiratory virus. So, yeah.... I haven't started the NROL4W plan yet. I'm going to start with you ladies on the new year. DH got me some pink lifting gloves, a medicine ball and some protein powder for Christmas. He is very supportive. I'm pretty excited to get started. Is it sad I'm psyched to go clipboard shopping this weekend? :) Getting myself setup for the New Year. Now, I must get healthy.

    Merry Christmas everyone!!
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm in the first stage and loving it!! Feel free to add me :)
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    Hey girls - the count down is on. A New Year and A New US. Let's talk about what we like and what is a challenge for us. Let's support each other on this journey.

    Are you going to be following the nutrition plan in the book or something else? I am going to be following a plan by Tosca Reno - I'm going to try to eat as clean as possible. Learning to eat more food is going to be a reall challenge for me - pold school thoughts - less calories is good.

    My biggest problem (before I start the program - I'm sure I;ll have more problems then :-) ) is drinking enough water (or anything for that matter) I don't know when I am thirsty.

    I'm creating a vision board to help motivate me. What will you be doing to motivate yourself?

    Namaste, Kristine
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    It seems like I will need to start over next week too....this week was suppose to be week 2 ( thankfully I wasn't too far- lol) but I havnt had the time with all of our Christmas'.

    I hope that I can find a routine that works as I will be going back to work as well after been off on maternity leave. It will be challenging with a little one.

    As for eating, this is my down fall for sure!!! I am hoping to not be such a sugar maniac. LoL
  • I have just started stage one. Please add me. I no longer track my food on mfp, I'm tracking on ww, but I am logging my losses, and exercise on mfp.
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    I started today! And my rear-end is a little sore from the dead lifts already. Is there a way to make a group out of you ladies? I'd love some support in this.

    I upped my protein and I need ideas for food. I will search the threads, I'm sure there are some recipes/ideas, but if you ladies have some I'd love it!

    Will send FR, please FR me.
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    I started today! And my rear-end is a little sore from the dead lifts already. Is there a way to make a group out of you ladies? I'd love some support in this.

    I upped my protein and I need ideas for food. I will search the threads, I'm sure there are some recipes/ideas, but if you ladies have some I'd love it!

    Will send FR, please FR me.

    Maybe we should start a group. We all seem to be at the same point.
  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    It would be great if we had a group.

    Is everyone starting on New Year's day or tomorrow (Monday)? I was thinking of starting tomorrow so I can be on a MWF schedule. I wish I was looking forward to it, but I'm not. It seems like so much WORK! I get discouraged easily. Well, I made an excellent protein shake that I can have after my first work out tomorrow. I am not following the diet plan in the book. I'm trying to eat a wheat-free diet with lots of veggies and protein. It is hard to go light on the carbohydrates. I'm trying to have less than 100 grams a day.

    Good luck everyone!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I agree Sierra! I'm not following the diet but just trying o lower my carbs and increase my protein. I'm on week 2 so I won't be starting exactly from the start but close enough.

  • grammiejul
    grammiejul Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone! I got the book for Christmas and will be ready to start in a week or so. I just ordered a stability ball, so I have to wait for that to be delivered. I would love to have MFP friends that are also doing NROLFW. More so that we are all at the same basic starting time! I am going to send friend requests to everyone! I am psyched to get going!
  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    I've just updated my profile and added some goals. I have 6 goals that help motivate me:

    1. I want upper-arms like Michelle Obama.

    2. I want to weigh under 150 lbs.

    3. I want to be flexible.

    4. I want to be able to do 100 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and 25 pull-ups.
    My record, set this summer after a couple weeks of training, is 60 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 0 pull-ups.

    5. I want energy, clear skin, and no migraines
    Eating no wheat seems to help all these things.

    6. I want to finish the Walt Disney World half marathon.
    I signed up for this race in January 2010 and only made it 4.5 miles. There were some circumstances - massive asthma attack brought on by already inflamed airways from training in cold weather - but I feel in my gut that this was an excuse and I failed. For a couple of years I have lived with this shame and I want to make it right. (yup! I have issues :laugh: )DH and I will be in WDW January 2014 for our 7-year anniversary. I want to do this race together. I'm thinking if I do the NRoL4W plan from January - July then do a half marathon training plan from July - December I'll be in good shape. I don't need a fast time, I just need to finish and get that medal!

    So, what are your goals?
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Those are great goals!!! Running is a way more mental then anything!!

    I want to decrease my BF% and get to pre pregnancy weight ( had baby 3 month ago). Beating my previous half marathon time would be sweet too!!
  • 101lizzie
    101lizzie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All, I'd love to join you all too. Been reading about the NROL4W and have ordered the book, should arrive by the end of the week. I didn't do any resistance work in 2012, just cycling and jogging but results not that great. I also feel stiff a lot of the time so think a combo of resistance and yoga/pilates added to my cardio should help immensely!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm starting (again) as well. Either tomorrow (depends how I pull u after NYE) or Wed.
  • marthacrow
    marthacrow Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Kristine and others,

    I too would like to join your beginners group. Yesterday I went to the gym and did Workout A. I had trouble with getting onto and staying on the ball for the prone jacknife but I will re-read the instructions today to be ready for my next try. Tuesday (New Year's Day) I will do B. I like this program because it's challenging. It may take me a while to get into the food just because of time constraints. I found the book a bit of a slog; it will need reviewing at least once!

  • marthacrow
    marthacrow Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Kristine, Since everyone in this line of messages was talking about the need for a beginning group, I just started a new group-- 2012 NROL4W. Can I get you to join? Martha
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    I would love to join Martha.
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    The group is actually 2013 NROL4W. Please join us.
  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Kristen and Martha. I'm in!
  • I am so happy! Just started the program this week and can't wait to compare :) Thanks!
  • DNeumeier
    DNeumeier Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in. I will be starting on Jan 1 and would love to be a part of your group. Have only ever posted once before as I'm not real sure how to do this but will give it a go. Good luck everyone!