6 Reasons It Is Impossible to Quit 'World of Warcraft'



  • lomogeek
    lomogeek Posts: 31 Member
    I've been playing since Vanilla and have taken two 6 month breaks in between. I was a hard core raider until cata came out, my work schedule changed and I realized I would rather do RL stuff vs sit in front of my pc for hours on end. I get bored from time to time and occasionally miss my raiding days but I wouldn't trade it for anything now. I play the game to get my mind off other things now days.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I actually WANT to get back into it, but haven't been able to. I played from vanilla until the end of cata. Raided in a decently high rated guild (in the top 20 in wrath then turned to suck and was top 30ish in cata :) When my guild broke up I realized I had been pretty burnt out on the game. I played a bit of beta until all my gear broke, and I couldn't repair. I tried to start back up a month after the xpac launched. I leveled my main to 90, but I just couldn't get into the world of dailycraft. Those cooking dailies are terrible! I don't have the inclination to invest the time I used to spend raiding, nor do I have confidence in the devs to make interesting content after raiding though all of cata waiting for a decent fight. I liked council, sinestra, and rag was okay. There were so many memorable fights in wrath pre-nerf Mimiron still makes me happy in the pants thinking about it. (I may have a problem.) Even pre nerf Flame levaithan was semi challenging. Ulduar was probably the best instance blizzard every produced. Trial kind of sucked exept for Anub, but it had fun achievements like no deaths in heroic. Icecrown had tons of amazing fights pre-nerf. Even halion was fun- especially 10m. Ahhh nostolgia. If I try to play now I log on and realize I can do dailies or lfr to get gear for...dailies? I'm a fricking resto druid. Yeah I get 2 actually different specs now, but killing things doesn't really do it for me. Maybe if they institute xrealm rated pvp queues?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I quit back in 2007, shortly before the WotLK expansion pack came out. I played for about two years. It was pretty easy for me to quit because it never was the game it was cracked up to be for me. I was introduced back in the days when Ultima Online was the only game in town, and it was a very different playing experience that made WoW seem tame by comparison. I wanted that sense of hardcore excitement and having to constantly watch my back while questing back, and WoW just didn't deliver. PvP was a joke, I had no patience for grinding, and raiding was also boring to me. Everything just seemed so... tame, and predictable. I left it for EVE Online and I took about half my guild with me because they grew bored of the game as well. Some went back because EVE's "don't trust anybody/always watch your back" playstyle didn't suit them, but a few of us stuck around. It was exactly what I was looking for. But after a while even it got stale when balance issues forced you to train for specific ships/skillsets to keep from being cannon fodder, and like 3 years went by without having those balance issues addressed.

    It's for the best, though, because MMOs simply clash too much with a healthy, active lifestyle and that's become #1 for me.

    I now play Battlefield 3, Planetside 2, and Mechwarrior Online.
  • Secret_Cyclist
    I'm trying to leave the game. My characters are all on a dead server but with 7 lvl 90's it's too expensive to migrate them all. I've taken the drastic step of deleting the activator from my phone and deleting the game from the PC. I'm trying now to focus on my casual games, playing them in small bursts rather than long, drawn out sessions as with WoW.

    Saying that though, I have put some epic sessions into Skyrim recently, but only after a long bike ride!
  • deepestpuddle
    This is my seventh year of playing WoW now. I almost can't believe it, but that article sums it up pretty well.

    I've always been a casual gamer. When I first started playing I was dancing alot as well. Me and my buddy would level at night and dance the next morning haha. We would talk about our adventures in Azeroth while doing flips and tricks.

    I just love the art and design of the game. I've played the same character and class for all these years, namely a druid. I just love the lore and the design that comes with it.
  • Starbanana
    Starbanana Posts: 1 Member
    Have been playing WoW since the first few months of release. Used to raid with my guild and constantly get chucked into dungeons but then it all started getting stressful! Much prefer bumming around collecting pets, doing a bit of PvP and levelling. I have been away from it for about 6 months but with the current offer of 10 days free play to check out the pandas I am very very tempted to return. Dont really need another excuse to sit on my butt though ;)
  • Aquarii
    Aquarii Posts: 71 Member
    I've played since BC, but quit right before the 2nd set of WOTLK raids, so that I could focus on school (university got hard). I started playing again when Cataclysm came out, but quit around May '11 when the first set of Cataclysm raids were out for a bit.

    ...lately I've been reminiscing hard about BC times, which were the best of times for me. The panda expansion is the only one my friends and I didn't buy immediately following its release, simply because our dreams were crushed by the failure called "Diablo 3." I literally lost all drive to play any sort of game for several months once I quit Diablo 3, but I've been daydreaming about the good times for the past month or so, which has turned into talking about it with my friends.

    Thus, I might just pick up the panda expansion during my next days off, and start from level 1 for memories sake.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I find my desire to play MMOs to be very low if my friends aren't playing.
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    I quit MMO's altogether... finally realized that it was a waste of the 15+ hours a day put into it
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Wow is a dangerous game. I quit in bc, I quit in cata for Swtor, quit again after doing heroic deathwing (me and everyone else who does pve, lol) and just quit again after getting my fourth 90. But I think it's gonna stick this , because all of my friends have quit, my husband's quit, and raiding loses its charm when it's always with pugs
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    In middle school I had a nice little routine going for months. Wake up at 4, play WoW for two hours, trade off with my dad, squeeze in any homework from the night before over some sugary microwaved whatever,, school, come home and play another six hours, contemplate a shower, disregard, play until midnight, collapse, repeat.

    Needless to say I can't pull off that routine anymore. I quit back in June. WoW kills, man. And soon Elder Scrolls Online will kill.
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    I've played since BC, but quit right before the 2nd set of WOTLK raids, so that I could focus on school (university got hard). I started playing again when Cataclysm came out, but quit around May '11 when the first set of Cataclysm raids were out for a bit.

    ...lately I've been reminiscing hard about BC times, which were the best of times for me. The panda expansion is the only one my friends and I didn't buy immediately following its release, simply because our dreams were crushed by the failure called "Diablo 3." I literally lost all drive to play any sort of game for several months once I quit Diablo 3, but I've been daydreaming about the good times for the past month or so, which has turned into talking about it with my friends.

    Thus, I might just pick up the panda expansion during my next days off, and start from level 1 for memories sake.

    There should be a law banning the mention of Diablo III. It never happened.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    In middle school I had a nice little routine going for months. Wake up at 4, play WoW for two hours, trade off with my dad, squeeze in any homework from the night before over some sugary microwaved whatever,, school, come home and play another six hours, contemplate a shower, disregard, play until midnight, collapse, repeat.

    Needless to say I can't pull off that routine anymore. I quit back in June. WoW kills, man. And soon Elder Scrolls Online will kill.

    Oh God, ESO is gonna be so bad for me. I probably won't see daylight for days...maybe weeks.
  • Aquarii
    Aquarii Posts: 71 Member
    I've played since BC, but quit right before the 2nd set of WOTLK raids, so that I could focus on school (university got hard). I started playing again when Cataclysm came out, but quit around May '11 when the first set of Cataclysm raids were out for a bit.

    ...lately I've been reminiscing hard about BC times, which were the best of times for me. The panda expansion is the only one my friends and I didn't buy immediately following its release, simply because our dreams were crushed by the failure called "Diablo 3." I literally lost all drive to play any sort of game for several months once I quit Diablo 3, but I've been daydreaming about the good times for the past month or so, which has turned into talking about it with my friends.

    Thus, I might just pick up the panda expansion during my next days off, and start from level 1 for memories sake.

    There should be a law banning the mention of Diablo III. It never happened.

    I wish I could forget D3 ever happened, but the scars it left run too deep. :frown:

    On a brighter note, I started up WoW again! Hearing the Lament of the Highborne song in the BE starting zone filled me with such joyyy. Feels good to be playing again... for now.
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    I quit at the end of WotLK, can't say I've really missed it (other than a few of my old guildies who don't have FB accounts)..LOTRO and Skyrim are doing the job nicely for now.
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    I've been off WoW for a good 18 months or so. I hate raiding and don't really enjoy dungeons either. If WoW was a single player game I'd probably like it. The problem is so many of the other people playing. It seems to draw people who need the validation of being 'the best'; at least once you get to endgame. For me, the fun was levelling and playing the different zones. Once I hit 60/70/80/85 I'd roll a new char.

    This!..very much this :laugh:
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I want to quit. But then I have like 75k gold, how can I just let that go to waste? :bigsmile:
  • Bubsys_mom
    Bubsys_mom Posts: 124 Member
    I want to quit. But then I have like 75k gold, how can I just let that go to waste? :bigsmile:

    Give it to me!!! :D

    lol I started playing in 2010, quit for a few months then have been playing pretty much solid since Christmas 2010...I may or may not be addicted....especially to pet battles....which I may or may not be ranked #47 out of my server on Warcraft pets....>.>

  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I know I'm gonna be hated for this but I had too >.<
    One reason to quit World of Warcraft: Its bad. :DDD
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    I don't play as much as I use to but I've been doing silly stuff recently like blowing through raids and dungeons that are 30+ levels below me just to get credit for doing them. There is nothing like one punching a "super hard" boss that at level would kill you in an instant. :)