Official Week 5 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon Dec 24)

041jackson Posts: 36 Member
Happy holidays everybody!

Let's push for those last couple lbs to come off, even in this gluttonous season!




  • prillygirl
    prillygirl Posts: 52 Member
    I did it! I did it! I did it!!!

    GW for challenge: 153
    Today's weight: 153!!!

    I still have 28 pounds to go to reach my overall goal, but it's nice to say that I've lost 20 pounds since starting this back in mid-September. Now to try to maintain or hopefully lose during the week ahead!
  • melanogaster
    I did it! I did it! I did it!!!

  • melanogaster
    Started the challenge at 222 (Started weight-loss pre-MFP at 230)
    Week 1 - 221
    Week 2 - 219
    Week 3 - 217
    Week 4 - 215
    Week 5 - 217
    NYE Goal Weight - 212

    and.... this was the week it all fell apart, because of family drama. Suddenly I'm not seeing this happen. :frown:
  • prillygirl
    prillygirl Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks melanogaster!

    Family drama...understandable. Stick with it because even if you can't make your NYE goal, you're still working towards the larger goal and that's really all that matters.
  • Bolthouse26
    Bolthouse26 Posts: 70 Member
    @Prillygirl - Great Job! Proud of you girl =)
  • GoingAllTheWay4MeDee
    Hello everyone -- I am down another 2 pounds!!!
  • pjrbs
    pjrbs Posts: 179 Member
    Tuesday is my weigh in day.

    SW Nov 13 190 (GW 179)

    CW Nov 20 188

    CW Nov 27 187

    CW Dec 4 185 Down 5 pounds. 6 to go

    CW Dec 11 182 ( had a terrible cold and didnt eat much so this may be temporary.) Anyway 3 to go.

    CW Dec 17 180 ( an entire week of family ( food) gatherings coming up.
  • 041jackson
    041jackson Posts: 36 Member
    GW: 175 (14 lbs)
    SW: 189
    Week 1: 185.5 (-3.5lbs)
    Week 2: 183.5 (-2lbs)
    Week 3: 182.5 (-1lb)
    Week 4: 181 (-1.5lbs)
    Week 5: 180 (-1lbs)

    Total: -9lbs
    Weight to go: 5lbs

    I'm not going to reach my goal, but at least it's an improvement!
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    Starting Challenge weight: 232
    Week 1 weight: 229.0
    Week 2 weight: 226.6
    Week 3 weight: 226.2
    Week 4 weight: 224.0
    Week 5 weight (current): 221.8
    NYE Challenge goal: 217

    I might still make it . . . 4 lbs. in 7 days is a lot though. I'm just happy I'm losing, even if it's only 1 - 2 lbs. a week. On the other side of the victory front, I've lost another 1" around my waist and another 1/2" around my hips! :wink:
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    Challenge Start:
    200.8 lbs
    Natural waist 33
    Belly buton 38.5
    Hips 49.5

    Week 1: 197 (-3.8 lbs)
    Week 2: 195.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    Week 3: Weight Up :(
    Week 4: Weight: 192.2 (-3.4lbs)

    Week 5: Weight: 191.2 (-1lb)

    1 Week Left!!! Have about 1lb to loos and 1/2 inch in my waist.

    GW: 190, and Waist under 30!
  • prillygirl
    prillygirl Posts: 52 Member
    @Prillygirl - Great Job! Proud of you girl =)

    Thanks!!! : )
  • KrD265
    KrD265 Posts: 22
    Down 3lbs. That makes me -7lbs my NYE goal!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    SW: 141
    CW: 139.4 (again)
    GW: 138

    I've been pretty good...maybe next week...
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    Unfortunately I'm unable to weigh myself as I am staying at a hotel all week. I'm going to guess my weight hasn't changed.

    So. 119.4?

    Goal weight for the challenge was 115.

    Starting weight 121.6 I think.
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    With yesterday's hectic day I forgot to post my update on my weight for the challenge!!!!
    Here it is:
    SW: 62.8 kgs (138.45lbs)
    CW: 60.9 (134.26lbs)
    GW: 60 kgs (132.28lbs)

    I'm almost there!!! I know I won't make it to NYE but I already knew that from the beginning. I wasn't expecting two injuries and a full week off the gym due to flu-like symptoms but really, I'm more than thrilled with my progress and it will be less than a month until I reach my goal weight.

    I'm very very happy :)
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    so here is my update:

    Starting weight: 153.4
    CW: 146.6
    total loss: 6.7

    I am so exictied! I have reached my goal. I am going to push for some more tho...maybe get to 146 even...boy that would be nice.
  • strive2012
    strive2012 Posts: 14 Member
    YAYYY!! I hit my goal early!!!

    SW 213.8
    CW 201.8
    - 11 lbs
    GW 203.8
  • Bolthouse26
    Bolthouse26 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My 5th week was okay because christmas dinner was so delicious.

    Starting Weight: 142 lbs

    End of first week: 140 lbs
    End of 2nd week: 140 lbs
    End of 3rd Week: 136 lbs
    End of 4th Week: 136 lbs
    End of 5th week: 135 lbs

    Current Weight: 135 lbs

    Goal Weight: 132 lbs
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    Starting Weight: 156
    Goal Weight by NYE: 149.9

    Current Weight: 152.7

    Pound Lost: 3.3


    Forgot to post this on Monday! But that was my weight as of Monday morning :) I don't think I will reach my goal.. but man I'm super happy that I have managed to lose 3.3 pounds during the holiday season!
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    I hit my goal also! woot woot!