
Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
found a site that gives you swimming training based on your skills and what equipment you have.


be honest though. nothing can tell you how out of shape you are like swimming can.


  • JudySwims
    JudySwims Posts: 52 Member
    Two things I recommend for pool training.

    Poolside book: Swim Workouts in a Binder (Amazon)
    Lap counter: Sport Count (Amazon)

    The book will PUSH you more than you can imagine.
    The counter will free your mind to focus on stroke while you pound out those laps!!!
  • ziegman49
    ziegman49 Posts: 28 Member
    Best thing I have found is a group of excellent swimmers to push me. I am by far the youngest and by far the slowest. I'll usually get 400 in to their 500. But in the 4 weeks I have been working with them I have improved as much as I had over the last 3 months.