
mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
Hey everyone.....

So I thought I would introduce myself..

My name is Melissa.. I am a mother of two and happily married to my high school love for almost 5 years (anniv on 12/29). I was always a little overweight in highschool but wasn't anything too bad and was pretty active until my senior year, which is when I met my husband now.... Since meeting my love I have gained roughly 140lb... Now keep in mind, this does include having 2 children and 1 miscarriage... I have been on weight watchers numerous amounts of times and never really found my passion for getting the weight off... Sure I wanted to be skinny and healthy, but I never really found my stride... I would lose around 15lb or so then gain it back while gaining some more..... I reached my highest weight ever at 304.

That was when I finally hit an "OMG... What are you doing to your self" moment. I started back on WW on March 9,2012 and hit the grind stone... I even started some personal training sessions at my gym. From March till about May I lost around 19lb and hit a financial rut and had to end up quiting trying my hardest to maintain or even lose..

In August of this year I joined MFP. Since joining I have really found my way in this journey and have lost an additional 24.8 lb bringing my total amount lost for 2012 so far to 43.8 lb.... The support of this site and the challenges I have taken part in has really been a big key in my entire journey... I joined the 20 weeks to Christmas around the same time I found the site and met so many amazing people and felt accountable each week to stay strong.... and I hope that I can continue to stay this way through this challenge.....

That is a little about me.. Now I want to know all about you guys... Is there a significant moment in your life where you grabbed yourself up by your boot straps or have any successfull weight loss tips? Feel free to introduce your self and any stories you may have....


  • I have been on a positive move in my life for almost 2 years, and have lost 65 lbs. I was using another tool, but felt like a stranger there, and too much boy girl stuff.. I have my guy, i need health oriented friends.

    Anyway, my mom died in November and I've been sliding sliding sliding into old habits, and I am ready to leave it behind again. I gained around 11 lbs since she died and still needed to drop another 15 20 lbs.. so now I'm at 160 again.. and only 5'3" ..

    I joined a Pilates class, scheduled some massages (one today) and am busy throwing out all those yummy holiday treats ..

    I'm in.. let's do this.
  • LadyMud17
    LadyMud17 Posts: 193 Member
    This is my first group,, so bear with me, I am usually a loner in this :) I am Saz, SAHM of 2 littles, and I do obstical course racing for a passion. I need to drop 15 to 20 to 1. feel good in my jeans 2. feel great during the day 3. look good naked 4. and kick *kitten* at races. I know, it isn't a lot to lose, but I have been battleing it on my own for a while and it isn't working, so time to try something eles. I am a workout queen, but I need to tighten up my diet. My greatest weekness, eating out and wine/cocktail. They are my treats/crutches sometime and I realy need to clean it up. I am 35 so my metabolism isn't going to get anybetter, so the time is now. Thanks!
  • aefallis
    aefallis Posts: 169 Member
    Hi. My name is Amy. I have been married going on 7 years. I am a mom of 4 (3 girls ages 6, 3, and 2 and 1 boy who is 4.5 months). I joined MFP in November 2011 right before getting pregnant with my son. Got back on at the end of August and have lost a total of 40 pounds from my very top weight (20 pounds down from my pre-pregnancy weight). For most of my life, I've been on the chunkier side. I had managed to lose quite a bit before getting married but gained a bunch of weight due to a medication I was taking. Then I gained even more after getting pregnant with my first child. I gained roughly 100 pounds in a little over a year. Didn't have much of a chance to lose between children so here I am ready to get rid of the extra weight. I just recently dipped under the 200 mark. Lowest I have been in almost 3 years which was right before getting pregnant with my third daughter.
  • Hi everyone! I'm Maureen, wife of 7 years, mom and teacher of 3 years. I have always fluctuated with my weight, but I am at a high point right now, coming in at 195 lbs. This morning, my daughter said, "Mommy, look, your tummy is getting big!" and that was my aha!-moment. I am looking forward to taking care of my body, and working on some self-esteem issues too. I am proud of my accomplishments in my career, but have neglected my body in the process. This is my first year teaching 3rd grade Spanish immersion, and I am loving it! Unfortunately, the steep learning curve and my high-energy 3 year old princess have left me exhausted all the time! I am hoping to look better for myself, feel healthy, and have more energy! Looking forward to the Valentine's Day challenge!
  • cassjacobsen
    cassjacobsen Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Cassidee and I am the mother of a beautiful four year old boy. Both of us love to eat, anything and everything. I have been on this journey before and succeeded, in 2010 I lost 75 lbs on WW. At that point, I was at my lowest weight of 190. Since then, I have gained 35 lbs back (10 lbs in the last two months). I feel miserable and none of my clothes are fitting!!! It is time to get back on track!! No turning back. Diet changes and workouts! Besides nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels!!
  • quinntendo
    quinntendo Posts: 34 Member
    Hello, everyone :) My name is Quinn. I have been married for 3 years. My husband is an active duty Marine and has been in almost 5 years. I have tried losing weight before with no motivation so I really fall away and give up. My highest weight was 295 pounds. I lost 13 pounds a few months ago, but took a step away from MFP and gained 8 of that back. :( But I recently learned that my weight contributes to infertility issues (caused by PCOS) and that I HAVE to lose weight if we ever want to conceive, and that has really lit a fire under me. I am much better at small, frequent goals, so hopefully a 6 week challenge will help me to feel a sense of accomplishment and encourage me to continue on this journey.
  • Hi Everyone-

    My name is Robin and I'm looking to get back down to where i need to be weight wise. I'm fairly active and go to crossfit classes a few times a week but as I'm going to be turning 30 in February my metabolism isn't what it used to be. I've tried losing some weight a few year back only to have it come right back. My weaknesses are going out to eat and having a few drinks with friends during the week. Looking forward to being held accountable and checking in with everyone to get me motivated to lose that extra 20-30 pounds I've been carry around- and to keep it off for good this time.
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Wow such an inspiration and great thing to see how successful this challenge is already being........ Looking forward to this next 6 weeks of getting healthy and getting to know each and every single one of you!!!

    Good luck everyone :wink:
  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    Hi, my name is Sandy and I have been married for 24 years and have 8 children. I have 9 year old twins, girl and boy, 12 and 14 year old boys, 16 and 17 year old girls, and twin boys that will be 20 in a couple of days. I decided about 2 months ago that I really need to start taking care of myself and to get in shape. Since I started exercising and eating better I have felt better and have a lot more energy. I am looking forward to this V Day challenge.
  • Hi Everyone,
    My name is Amanda I have juggled my weight since my Senior year of high school I am only 5 feet tall so being over weight is so uncomfortable. I have lost 30lbs since August which I was at my heaviest weight of 187lbs but I have not dropped one pound since Octoberish. I would like to start a family in the very soon future and I want my body to be healthy. :)

    I have an office job and we can't leave the office for lunch so my job is very sedentary. Any one that has an office job also knows all the junk food that is brought in so I really packed it on the past year. So I am super excited for the 6 week challenge. I wish you all the best at your goals. XOXO :heart:
  • Hello everyone.

    My name is Valerie and I have been steadily gaining weight for almost 2 years. This coincides with moving to the east coast to a city where it's not as convenient to bicycle and living with someone who is too fantastic of a chef! Ha ha! I am getting off shift work and working weekdays like a normal person for the next 8 weeks so this challenge coincides perfectly with that time frame and the changes I want to make with my lifestyle. Good luck everyone and let's do this!
  • KatM2014
    KatM2014 Posts: 263 Member
    Hi! My name is Kat, I'm a full time grad student and part time university tutor and I live in Scotland with my fiancé Andy, we are getting married in June 2014. I put on about 15 pounds since finishing my undergraduate degree and more importantly I went from eating really well and doing lots of sports and physical activity to eating pretty poorly and spending most of the day sitting at my desk.

    Since starting MFP I've managed to lose 16 pounds and I'm working on the last four while working on improving my strength and endurance and making more positive and long-term lifestyle changes.

    Lovely to meet you all!

    Kat x
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Lauren, I'm eighteen years old, and a high school senior. This past summer I stayed with my grandparents in Ireland, and my aunt brought me with her to her gym, a really small place with two trainers who were always at you. My assessment there was the moment when I had to stop being in denial, and realize how unhealthy I truly was. At my heaviest, my school physical for the tennis team, I weighed in a 220lbs at 5'5".

    Since July, I've lost thirty pounds, but I've basically been a loner in it. This is my first challenge, but the length seemed doable to me, and I definitely want a new motivator. I just got accepted by the college of my dreams, so I feel like life is going my way, as long as I put in the work. Plus, this challenge ends at Valentine's Day, and as I'm sure everyone can understand, high school guys aren't the most responsive to fat girls *blush* I'd like to be fitter and more comfortable in my own body by the time V-day comes around.

    I look forward to doing this challenge with all of you :)
  • HI Everyone Im Leah and its nice to meet you all!
  • Hi my name is Katharine. I have been steadily gaining weight over the past few years of unhealthy eating and stress. I'm more determined than ever to get that back on track and lose this weight! I am really looking for some accountability so I think this group will help with that. Nice to meet everyone!
  • Hi! I'm already so inspired by so many amazing posts here, so here's mine.

    I'm Megin, a 20 year old university student living in London. Since starting my weightloss "journey" I have lost roughly 100 pounds; not always the right way, unfortunately. I just started university this year, got quite comfortable and felt happy with myself and put 7 pounds straight back on (currently 182). I feel now is the perfect time with a new year and getting used to my new life in London to start fresh and go for the final stretch. I'm looking at reaching 150 for my first big goal, but I'd love to get down to 168 by V-day with this challenge.

    Why? To feel *better* and less embarrassed about myself, to get down to my lowest weight since I was about 10 years old (I was always a big child, too...), to set a good example to others, to be healthier generally... Also I'd love to hit 150, if not 140 by the time I'm 21 in October! What a great entry into legit adulthood that would be :)
  • Saritamac25
    Saritamac25 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi all, I love the idea of this group. Short but sweet, 6 week challenge!

    I am 31, just got married in October. I've always struggled with my weight and self image. Since I met my husband (three years ago) we have both gained 30+ lbs. I am not at my highest weight ever and feel insecure and uncomfortable! Want to be active and healthy with my husband before we start a family (which we would like to do soon!)

    Add me if you are looking for support, I certainly need all of the support I can get!
  • I need motivation. Hoping this 6 week challenge will get me going!
  • Hi All,

    Im Munty, just turned 36 and married to Lisa. I have been on MFP since 5th June , which is when i had my turning point. Iv not looked back since then.

    I steadily put on weight over the years and didnt know how to deal with it. I was very depressed , but felt trapped in a cycle of eating crap as i was depressed. Im so glad i managed to get out of that cycle.

    6 months later iv lost 13kg and down to 19% Body Fat ( I was over 30% at a guess previously )

    I was invited to this group by one of my lovely MFP friends, iv never done a group challenge before, so this is a first for me. Not sure how much weight i have to lose, iv still got a tummy bump but its hard to work out what i need to lose.

    Im currently on my second round of Insanity ( finished my first round about 3-4wks ago) but am also looking to mix this with some other strength exercises like GSP rush fit which iv also started to do on and off for the last few weeks.

    Nice to meet you all on here. Nice mix of different people with different stories and goals.

    Lets really own the next 6 weeks.
  • MrsJonSamuels
    MrsJonSamuels Posts: 53 Member
    Hello, all my name is Jon (girl). I've been married for three years and have three lovely kids. I started out at 275, now I'm 249. My weight has always been up and down for years. This time I'm making a change in my lifestyle that will aid in me seeing my kids grow up. My goal weight is 170. I'm 5'8, so 170 on me look good:)