


  • Hi, my name if Jennifer. I am a mom of 22 year old twins, and a 13 year old. I have struggled with my weight my entire life! My mom is very skinny and is always letting me know how much happier I would be if I could loose this weight. I have heard that forever from her and it still hurts. I stress eat and I know it isn't healthy. I use to be on WW and gained it all back and then some. I am married to a wonderful husband of almost 24 years. I just don't know how to like myself enough to keep weight off. I really need help and I am afraid to admit that. I hope to be encouraged and held accountable. I don't know why this has to be so hard. Thanks~~~
  • BrattyNatty
    BrattyNatty Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Natalie, I have 4 children (11, 21, 23 & 28) and 5 grandchildren (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 2 more on the way).
    Last January 1 I weighed in at 220. In February I purchased a Total Gym and I got down to 179 using that and religiously logging everything in MFP. Over the summer I had a devastating death in my family and everything just kind of plummeted from there. While I'm not running through fast food drive thru's, my food choices are not great, and my Total Gym has been folded up for several months. My husband is very encouraging, however, will run to the store for whatever forbidden treat I desire.

    I generally don't respond well to challenges, but I REALLY need to do something before 220 creeps up even closer. My goal weight is 150, so if I can get 10 pounds closer to that, I would be so stoked. I'm pulling out the MFP reports from when I was logging and losing from earlier in the year and will follow that as an eating plan for the next few weeks.

    Looking forward to the group.

    ~Bratty Natty
  • tls723
    tls723 Posts: 14
    New to challenges! I am getting married in less than 4 months, and need an extra boost of motivation/confidence so I feel HOT on my honeymoon in Mexico!
  • First time joining a group or a challenge!

    I don't have a ton of weight left to lose, so I'm hoping the 6 week challenge will help me get there.

    I am Shauna. I am married and have 4 kids (14, 13, 6 and 3.5.) I homeschool all of them, and we are crazy busy. I needed to lose weight to have more energy, number one. I am amazed and how much more energy I have since losing 15 lbs. I've lost 3 pants sizes, and as a reward just purchased a pair of really expensive (wonderful!) jeans.

    I have been eating horribly the last 3 weeks, and need to get back on the wagon. I've done well today, and hope to keep it up!

    6 weeks, 6 lbs. I can do it. :)
  • Saritamac25
    Saritamac25 Posts: 83 Member
    New to challenges! I am getting married in less than 4 months, and need an extra boost of motivation/confidence so I feel HOT on my honeymoon in Mexico!

    You can do this! I couldn't get myself going before my wedding in October, I ate from stress! But you can totally do it if you stay focused. Good Luck!
  • uniquesarah
    uniquesarah Posts: 79 Member
    Hi im sarah im 34 and im from england i joined this site today i am 200 pounds and want to get down to a healthy weight and to tone up so i can feel confident when i have my photos taking at my wedding i have been with my other half 5 years and engaged for nearly two years i lost weight last year but have put ia all back on which is due to the fact i have no motivation when it comes to fitness i throught this groub sounded like a great idea x
  • New to challenges! But going on vacation in may and I want to wear a two piece at the beach after having three kids.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm Nickie, 20 and from West Bromwich, UK. I have roughly 58lbs to lose before I reach my goal. I'm finding it a little tough, due to Thyroid issues (underactive) but I'm incredibly determined. I'd love to lose at least 20lbs before April 2013 as it's my 21st that month! I've lost 15lbs in total (from my highest weight) since September just from walking daily and watching what I eat.

    I'm aiming to lose 10lbs before Valentines day
    Feel free to add me, I'm on everyday :smile:
    Best of luck everyone!
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Soo excited to see such an amazing turn out............. this is going to be a great 6 weeks!
  • flyersrule17a
    flyersrule17a Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Jenni. I am 27 and the mother of two and step-mommy to another. I am married to my wonderful husband, John. Our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up on January 22nd. After having my second child two years ago, we discovered that my thyroid isn't working properly anymore and I gained 40 lbs on top of the extra weight I had already been carrying. At my heaviest I was 200.8. I have lost about 4 lbs so far, but it is slow coming off. I currently weight 196.4 and my ultimate goal weight is 135. It would be amazing for me to at least get back into the 180's by Valentine's Day. That is why I joined this group.
  • mmj09
    mmj09 Posts: 12
    Hi all! My name is Megan. I used mfp before, but only for a few days. I didn't interact with anyone. Looking to find some encouragement with friends and challenges.

    Looking forward to it!
  • Hello to everyone....I am new to MyFitnessPal, and decided to join this particular group. I am looking for help in what exactly I am supposed to do. In addition weightloss recipes/resources/support that can help me along this journey! Please help me to know what I need to do in order to be qualified in this challenge! Thanks!!!!
  • deb3690
    deb3690 Posts: 59 Member
    HI there! I'm Deborah ...51 and 170 pounds....hoping this challenge time will help me get started on the right path! I need social support so please reach out to be friends if you are inclined....I'm supportive too...

    .best to see we are not alone in these challenges. I had a partial thyroid removal and it messed everything up with my hormones ...instant menopause....the whole package of problems. so Im trying to get things balanced out again. I gained 10 pounds just in the last three months! Hard to believe! but I am determined to get things back on track...Im getting back to a veg diet and I found a gym that I like so I think all the ingredients are in place for success.....

    just time to do it!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • BellehavenfarmDawn
    BellehavenfarmDawn Posts: 248 Member
    Happy Post Christmas everyone and Melissa, thank you for starting this group. Small challenges and Short Challenges sound great to me.

    Avid horse woman retraining an off the track thoroughbred. Learning various healing modalities for horses.
    61 yrs, 5'7", 220lbs, Looking at 190 which believe it or not will get me into the high end of my healthy BMI (Strong Like Bull????) I see that as A Good Start.
    Married, H is passionate about bicycling.
    Daughter Brie with 15 mo Matilda live in Sydney, Australia with American H. Long story!
    Son Adam is a programmer for in Seattle, getting married 2-21-14 in Boca. Yeah I get to see and pet the Friendly Whales!

    Just following my life long quest for better health. I basically came from a binge-purge background beginning in 10 th grade. But Bingeing started very early as a way to self sooth. Parents....I hope you teach self soothing ! I did with both my "kids" and neither have eating disorders.

    happily I am no longer symptomatic just >>>do not stop eating at night and don't go to gym.<<<

    but I am going to think of you 33 folks cheering me on to new and better habits!

    BTW off to New Zealand to baby sit Matild for three weeks. I will write from there.

    Love to all,
  • Hi everyone :smile:

    My name is Jen and I am 22 years old. I just joined MyFitnessPal today. This will be my first challenge and I am excited to start!

    I have struggled with my weight pretty much my entire life. Even when I was very involved in sports, I have always been "big boned" and as a result bigger than all of my friends. I've struggled continuously with my self-confidence. I have tried various programs to lose weight but have never been very successful on any of them. I tend to be a stress-eater and I am totally a carb-addict.

    I have an awesome family who are loving and supportive but as far as genetics go we have a mix of good genes and bad genes :tongue: Heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and stroke have taken members from both sides of my family. However, I also have quite a few family members that lived into their late 80's early 90's =) I am going to get healthy so I can activate these good genes instead of the bad ones!

    I want to loose weight because I am at a point in my life where I am seriously thinking about what kind of future I would like and I do not want a future filled with heart disease, diabetes, and plus sized clothing.

    I want to be able to look in the mirror and love what I see. I want to feel healthy and have energy. I want to have the self-confidence to go out and meet someone that I can fall in love with, marry, and have a family. (What can I say, I am a romantic =P)

    I hope that I can support y'all and y'all can support me as well. Feel free to add me because as of now, I have no "friends" :frown: haha
  • Hey everybody :) My name is Christine and I want to lose about 20 lbs. I also want to make permanently healthy habits, because I come from a family of people with VERY unhealthy habits. My absolute idol is my boyfriend's grandmother, who is 75 and a yoga teacher!

    I would love for anyone to become my "friend" on here so we can motivate each other!
  • I was invited to this group by one of my lovely MFP friends, iv never done a group challenge before, so this is a first for me. Not sure how much weight i have to lose, iv still got a tummy bump but its hard to work out what i need to lose.

    Thanks Munty! We are going to rock this challenge socks off! :glasses:
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi all. I'm Kim. I'll be 51 the week after this challenge ends and being down at least another 6 pounds by then would be great! I just finished a challenge (20 pounds by Christmas) and it really helped having not just MFP and pals as accountability, but another group that I knew I was accountable to. Looking forward to this one! Blessings on your journey!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Hi Everyone! Nice to meet all of you. This should be fun =)

    One of my most inspirational MFP buddies invited me to join this group (thanks Amanda - aka Time2LightenUp!). If she's in, then I know it'll be good. So I'm here to show some support and also to challenge myself!

    I actually joined MFP about a year after I reached my goal weight. I sure wish I'd had this resource while I was trying to shed those pounds! I've been maintaining for a couple of years now, and MFP makes it super easy. Plus it's a great place for me to get my fill of calorie counting and exercise conversations...

    I'm happy at my weight, but I'm still feeling flabby in some areas. I like to run (though I haven't even put on my running shoes since this spring), do body-weight resistance training (like the stuff in Jillian Michaels' videos), and weight training. Since August I have focused on building muscle and strength, and I've noticed some major improvements. There's always more room to improve, though!

    So, my personal goal for this challenge isn't tied to a number of pounds, but inches lost. Looking forward to V-day!
  • Hi Everyone! Nice to meet all of you. This should be fun =)

    One of my most inspirational MFP buddies invited me to join this group (thanks Amanda - aka Time2LightenUp!). If she's in, then I know it'll be good. So I'm here to show some support and also to challenge myself!

    Thank you so much. Your an inspiration all on your own. :) I have been having a really hard time sticking with it being stuck in this plateau. Friends like you remind me this is a lifestyle change and to push through the hard times your proof it works! :flowerforyou: