60 day weight loss challenge! Anyone?

I started my 60 day insanity challenge yesterday however this challenge is being started from today and I don't mind giving another day. You don't have to be doing insanity to do this. The name of the game is to set your own goals and if you lose 10lbs at the end of it you done something right!! You can still join if you are not starting to the 1st. 58 days is as good as nothing

Please complete your stats as below and come back after 30 days and see how you done. Good luck everyone, you can do this! If you want to keep yourself accountable you can come back every day and confirm you have exercised and ate right!

Start date: 29th December 2012
Starting weight - 303 pounds
BMI – 49.32
Waist – 56 inches
Chest – 54 inches
Hips – 63 inches
Neck – 19 inches
Top of inner thigh – 46 inches
Top of arm – 26 inches
Body Fat Percentage - 44%

What do you want to achieve by the end of the challenge?

I want to fit into my new dress, lose at least 30lbs and complete the insanity challenge without fail.

What exercise will you be doing?

I will be following insanity. I intend to exercise for 6 days a week and miss one day for rest but will probably go for a walk if I am able to. Five days a week will be with insanity and the other day will be with my personal trainer!

What diet plan will you be following?

I am following slimming world but keeping my calories to a minimum of 1200 a day and will only eat back my exercise calories if I am hungry which no doubt I will be!!


  • Pammy820
    Pammy820 Posts: 117 Member
    I am in I need to lose 10 lbs! plus more! I will post my stats tomorrow. Is there a group or do we post back here?
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Post back here as its on my group
  • Pammy820
    Pammy820 Posts: 117 Member
    ok i will thanks!!
  • larabell69
    Im in! I was going on monday to weigh in but will go to curves today and get all the numbers be back this afternoon with my Info! This is awesome! I want to kick starrt my year off right and no better way then a challenge! Woot woot!! :) Lets rock this!!
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Ok ladies, thank god I am not alone. Well I managed to do day with insanity but my knee starting flaring up again so could only manage 20 mins of it and the rest was done by strength training. I still feel that i had a good workout so I am pleased
  • larabell69
    Start date: 29th December 2012
    Starting weight - 241pounds
    BMI – 36.94
    Waist – 39.50 inches
    Chest – 46 inches
    Hips – 48 inches
    Thigh – 24.75 inches
    Top of inner thigh – 25 inches
    Top of arm – 12. inches
    Body Fat Percentage - 43.90%

    My Workout: Curves, walking, zumba, aeroic,elliptical... I try to burn 1000 cal a day in some kind of combo of these.!! and drink lots of water.

    I hope to hit 10lbs ( in Jan) (10lbs a month loss (30, by my Brithday April 9th) if I stay focused!! be stronger and more fit... get myself ready for spring!!

    I will be following my calories amount to stay under my goal to loss 1.5 week, along with my workout to burn the same to try to pull 3lb loss most weeks! I use herbalife shakes & vitamins to help hit my calories goal on most days and when I haveing a bad day I use it to help me not to go over as it has helped me with engery to keep my body moving! keeping this in mind I will be on low carb under 100, and, and protein at 100-125 range this will help burn fat as well! I have found this a great combo for me to keep my loss going!!

    So I got my mind set!! Lets do this!! :)
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I can't copy and paste on my phone, okay if I write everything down today and type it on Wednesday when I get to a computer?? I s would love to participate!!
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I can't copy and paste on my phone, okay if I write everything down today and type it on Wednesday when I get to a computer?? I s would love to participate!!

    Yes hun thats great
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Start date: 29th December 2012
    Starting weight - 241pounds
    BMI – 36.94
    Waist – 39.50 inches
    Chest – 46 inches
    Hips – 48 inches
    Thigh – 24.75 inches
    Top of inner thigh – 25 inches
    Top of arm – 12. inches
    Body Fat Percentage - 43.90%

    My Workout: Curves, walking, zumba, aeroic,elliptical... I try to burn 1000 cal a day in some kind of combo of these.!! and drink lots of water.

    I hope to hit 10lbs ( in Jan) (10lbs a month loss (30, by my Brithday April 9th) if I stay focused!! be stronger and more fit... get myself ready for spring!!

    I will be following my calories amount to stay under my goal to loss 1.5 week, along with my workout to burn the same to try to pull 3lb loss most weeks! I use herbalife shakes & vitamins to help hit my calories goal on most days and when I haveing a bad day I use it to help me not to go over as it has helped me with engery to keep my body moving! keeping this in mind I will be on low carb under 100, and, and protein at 100-125 range this will help burn fat as well! I have found this a great combo for me to keep my loss going!!

    So I got my mind set!! Lets do this!! :)

    You can do it hun
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    Well today I managed to do a workout with the personal trainer. I am finding the twist crunches strangely sore but I am told that is fine and absolutely normal. I just hope the pain eases. Day 3 for me. Hope everyone is getting on great
  • Pammy820
    Pammy820 Posts: 117 Member
    Start date: 29th December 2012
    Starting weight - 271.2 pounds
    BMI – 45.13
    Waist – 46 inches
    Chest – 40 inches
    Hips – 53.5 inches
    Neck – 17.75 inches
    Top of inner thigh – 33.5 inches
    Top of arm – 18.5 inches
    Body Fat Percentage - ?? not sure how to get this

    What do you want to achieve by the end of the challenge?
    I would love to lose 20 lbs and exercise at least 5 days a week, also clean up my diet

    What exercise will you be doing?

    I will be following Leslie Sanone walking videos and 30 Day Shred when my knees permit. I intend to exercise for 6 days a week

    What diet plan will you be following?

    I plan to clean up my diet and eat well balanced meals.
  • Pammy820
    Pammy820 Posts: 117 Member
    Well its Day 2 into the New Year! Hope everyone is doing great!
  • larabell69
    Start date: 29th December 2012
    Starting weight - 241pounds
    BMI – 36.94
    Waist – 39.50 inches
    Chest – 46 inches
    Hips – 48 inches
    Thigh – 24.75 inches
    Top of inner thigh – 25 inches
    Top of arm – 12. inches
    Body Fat Percentage - 43.90%

    Jan 29th 2013
    Weight - 232
    BMI - 35.9
    Waist - 39
    Chest - 44.5
    Thigh - 25
    Top/ arm - 12
    Body Fat Percentage - 42.9

    9 lbs lost, I was trying hard to hit the 10lbs ... as I want to drop ten Jan, Feb, and March, so I can be under 200 on my BDay April 9th... Still gonna try, just got to dig deep!! Woot Woot ~ friends keep up the hard work!!!