


  • ellie319
    ellie319 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Im Ellie,I have a 5 month old baby girl whom I love and adore! I gained 62lbs with my pregnancy and ive only lost 25lbs of it.I need to lose at least 20 before Oct and eventually 30lbs shortly thereafter.
  • kandrieu
    kandrieu Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my name is Katie! I just turned 24 on Friday and I have a 3year old son. My husband is in the army and is currently stationed in Japan and my son and I stayed stateside because he wasn't approved for travel. I gained 50lbs when I was pregnant with him and I am currently 232lbs which is only 20lbs less than I was when he was born. I have yo yo'd for the last three years thanks to being on BC. I am looking to lose another 82lbs and get down to 150lbs before my hubby comes home the end of 2013. My short term goal is to lose 30lbs before Dec of this year. Looking forward to making lots of new friends. I also run a support group on FB if anyone is interested.
  • pag41989
    pag41989 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone! I joined MFP back when I was trying to lose weight for my wedding and fell off the wagon, then got pregnant and gained a ton of weight. Right now I am looking to lose my baby fat and then some. I was not in a healthy weight range when I got pregnant but I am hoping to be there by this time next year. :) My daughter is 10 months old and I am in the process of planning her birthday party, I am excited but at the same time it is bittersweet because she is growing so fast.
  • Hello! My name is Nekita and I'm a proud mother of two (a two year old girl and a 11 month old boy) I have a wonderful husband of four years. I've been a member for 2 months and I love, love this site! My goals is to get my sexy back into a size 5 jeans!! I love playing with my children, having romantic dates with my husband and taking all my negative energy and putting in at the gym!!:tongue: -Stay Strong
  • We have 7 month old twin boys. They were quite the surprise at the beginning of my second trimester! Hence I had to gain a lot more weight because there were two of them. 60 lbs later they came out healthy but I was a totally different physically. I am 3 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight but I started out overweight so my goal is to lose 13-15lbs with MFP. I just connected it with my Fitbit so I am excited to see how the two work together. I love all of the success stories. It says so much about this site.
  • AggieKbear03
    AggieKbear03 Posts: 2 Member
    Howdy! I have been on MFP for about 6 months and I have a 5 year old and an 11 month old. I am trying to figure out how to do this with a baby in the household. It really does change things! :-P
  • Tell us about yourself!

    How old are your kids?

    How long have you been here on MFP?

    What are your goals?

    Share anything you'd like!

    Hi everyone:) My name is Miki. I gave birth to my little bundle of joy 9 weeks ago. I just recently joined after getting the ok from my doctor to work out. My goal is to go back to my pre-preg. weight which was 130...Im 153 pounds right now! I want to loose the weight by new years hopefully i dont know if thats a realistic goal but im going to try to do it by eating healthy and exercising:) I need friends who will help and support and i will do the same of course!
  • Hi, my name is Tina and I have a 19 month old. I am over 40 and gained 55 pounds during my pregnancy, I have lost all but that persistant 5 pounds but hopefully will get there!
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Im 2ill be 29 on oct 7 i have 3 kids a daughter who is 11 son who is 8 n another son who is 18 wks old. I graduated with honors in my medical assisting program. I have about 66 lbs to go to get to my goal weight of 150. I have been on mfp since june or july 2012. I really love this site n i have lost a total of 17 lbs since joining. I want to be healthier n feel better bout how i look :).I go to the gym 5-6 days a week i also workout at home with dumbbells n dvds(30 ds,pilates,n etc.)
  • Hi everyone, my name is Mia and I have a one year old daughter named Mya. I am married, a full-time student and I work two jobs and am very active in my church. I got pregnant right after my freshman year of college, so I gained the 'freshman 15' plus 30 lbs of baby weight. So far I have lost about 20 lbs but I keep losing and gaining, I just want to get to 160 again and be happy. I am currently at 205 and would like to reach my goal by January. I am happy I found this group, feels good to know other women are going through what I'm going through. ;-) Feel free to add me!
  • tlrcwr
    tlrcwr Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm Tami and I have a 7 year old daughter and 3 year old son. I work full time and struggle for any "me" time, and my body reflects it at over 30 lbs heavier than I ever wanted to be. I just joined and am looking forward to supporting others while I'm on this journey, too!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Justina. I am 31, married for almost 4 years but been togather over 12. We have 1 beautiful daughter Lillyan, she is 14 months today. She really is the most improtant thing in our world. I started consistantly using MFP since end of Feb. I had about 12 lbs of baby weight to loose and then another 25lbs to get to a healthy weight. I started on here at 172 lbs and I am now at 144. My goal is to get to 130 - 135. I am also on Weight Watchers but using MFP in conjuction with WW realy helps me keep an eye on how much protein i get in and sodium, sugars, carbs all that good stuff. I also do not eat meat, but I do eat some seafood. This is why i need to be sure i get inthe protein. I plan on raising my daughter this way, when she can tell me she wants meat then that is the day she can have it. I work full time doing the product safety testing for products before they do to market as well as inspecting the facilities where the certiifed broducts are manufactured. I love doing what I do but I have to say working full time and raising a baby is not easy. My husband also works full time with me as well as part time at a restaurant some evenings. I want to teach my daughter a healthy way of living. Eating right and exercising regularly. Feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    Im Athena. I am a single mother from Kansas with two kids. Zachariah is 5 and Khloe is 17 months. I just recently (yesterday) joined this site. My sister told me to join so here I am. Ever since the sixth grade I have had weight issues. I hate the way I look and I am determined to change that. My self-esteem sucks and I would like it back. I have a good support team here but am always willing to have more. Feel free to add me.
  • AishaL1
    AishaL1 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Aisha. I have three sons, and I've been married for 6 years. I have read through some of the post and can relate on so many levels. I've never struggled with my weight until I had my son three years ago. I did not know about support groups like this and learned a lot of things about weight loss through trial and error. I'm down to the last 15 pounds which is all centralized in my legs.

    I'm glad I found this group. You guys are beautiful and charismatic and I wish you all the very best.
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi my name is Cathy I am 37 from NY I have 2 boys one 3 and half and one 9 months. I have been married for 5 years, With husband for 10. Been on mfp for about 70 days and lost 15lbs so far. Doing insanity have less than 2 weeks left of round 1.

    My oldest was a regular delivery and youngest was an emergency c section (placenta Abrupted). He was also a twin but lost twin at 9 weeks. (vanishing twin is what its called) So struggling losing tummy due to csection.

    Feel free to add me !
  • I am 26 years old and I have been on MFP for about 4 months now. I have 3 sons stephen-7, tez-5, and leo-4. I am hoping to lose a total of 55-60 lbs total to get back down to my high school weight. The first 30 was alot easier than the second, mostly because I was a little more motivated, but I am back on track and that all that matters. I am excited to have a group that supports not only losing weight and enjoying a healthier lifestyle, but being a mom as well!
  • mrsmclem
    mrsmclem Posts: 1 Member
    I am 24 years old with one daughter, who is almost 4 months old. I've been married for over 2 years, me and my husband have been together for a total of almost 10. I have been on MFP in the past couple of years on and off when I was still in college and going to the gym regularly. When I became pregnant, I was at my highest weight (pre-preg) of 155 and trying to lose weight. I gained a total of 70 lbs. Ive lost down to 160 now and want to get back down to about 135. I don't have a lot of time to work out so I use the 'Ten Minute Solution' DVDs.
  • Hi!
    I'm a 26 years old with one son, 21 months old. I gained 25 kgs during my pregnancy and lost only 6 kgs.
    A year ago I used myfitnesspal with different account and lost 8 kg with diet and exercise. Then my son got ill and hospitalized I was stressed and gradually gained back all the 8 kg I've lost.
    Now I have started again and I do hope I can lose all the excess fat and weight.
  • 2befitmommy
    2befitmommy Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 37 my first child just turned one year this month. I was so motivated to lose the weight when she was around 7 months, but I soon realized that my baby wasnt sleeping throughout the night and awakening at 5 am to run, wasnt going to cut it. The baby now sleeps thoroughout the night, but then at times I tried to workout while she's awake, I feel quite guilty. Because I'm not spending time with her. So my plan is to wake up early and workout while she naps or sometimes just let her dad have her. I have to get back healthy. I gained 30lbs, lost 20lbs (i had a lot water weight and breastfeed for 6months) so really need only to lose 10lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, but lost all muscle tone-just soft and flabby now. However, my goal is to lose 20-25lbs, hopefully by summer. Before baby, I was a runner. I had a tough pregnancy and currently work over 40 + hours a week. So this will be a challenge, my work hours wont change til late spring. Im know I want to get healthy and toned-im so flabby. But will defintely need some encouragement. I plan to workout 3 times a week for 30 min. I just recently joined fitnesspal. :smile:
  • Hey my name is Brooke

    My daughter is the love of my life, she is 4 1/2 going on 16... and she is a little wild.

    I have been on here for a few months, but just now getting back to the swing of things.

    I am not trying but going to lose 60lbs, and I would love some support.
