Challenge Expectations

I've seen a lot of questions about what is expected of everyone in this group...well, it's simple. Visit this page often and contribute often! :-) If you're doing well or if you're struggling, let this be a place that you come to for motivation, support & to check in with people that are going through the same things you are! Let us celebrate with you during victories and help you through rough patches.

If you are new to "Groups", unfortunately, when things get added to this page, you will not get notified, so the best way to say "in the loop" is to visit our page often! This is not "My" page it is "OUR" page - so feel free to post a new topic, comment on anything and everything and give all that you can!

Let's do this friends!! I'm so excited to get started next week!!


  • oAshlio
    oAshlio Posts: 44 Member
    I am right there with you, Crystal! I am not only excited to join YOU on this endevor but to join EVERYONE on this mission of getting fit! I know I can slack sometimes and I really have no one to blame but myself but I am here to offer support to others and to anyone who wants to offer me support as well! Weight loss is easier with friends and I would love to be friends with you all!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Are we posting weigh-ins as part of our challenge?
  • This is the first group I've joined. Looking forward to the challenges
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    Are we posting weigh-ins as part of our challenge?

    I think we should! I'll start a weigh-in thread on Tuesday night so we all remember to do it Wednesday morning. We'll also do our measurements. :-)
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Are we posting weigh-ins as part of our challenge?

    I think we should! I'll start a weigh-in thread on Tuesday night so we all remember to do it Wednesday morning. We'll also do our measurements. :-)

    Thank you. Tuesdays weigh-ins!! Let the game begin!
  • I was 15 pounds away from my goal... but I haven't weighed in for most of December (I moved, then let myself indulge over the holidays since I hadn't been weighing in, ugh). So, I'm probably closer to 20 pounds away from my goal now. I'll aim to lose 10 pounds in the next 50 days!
  • So I have found 3 "twins" (great idea) and here is what I want to accomplish in the 50 day challenge:

    drop at least 7 pounds. More would be great, but I know 7 is realistic
    stay hydrated, a real issue for me
    drop my percentage fat
    Learn to use my Heart rate monitor
    exercise an average of at least 200 minutes a week
    Learn to use MFP site better
    Give and receive support
    Learn to plan food better

    There may be more but that's what is on top for now. Here is other info:
    63 years old
    BW 252
    CW 224
    GW about 160