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Welcome! Introductions here



  • tas57
    tas57 Posts: 6 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :happy: :sad: :cry: I have had shin splints this week so I know I":bigsmile: m overdoing again so I will just walk for the rest of month to just keep trying I keep going up an down like yoyo so all we can do is try so keep it up troops and hang in their get yourself a great day!!~~:flowerforyou: :love:
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    i have a whole bunch of medical issues starting w/ RSD/CRPS (the most major) and plenty of other issues, any questions just ask. and it makes it damn near impossible for me to workout so my food choices are of serious importance!! wishing all you the best of luck!!! :) and remember to take care of yourself and listen to your body
  • Hi All! I'm Dee and I have Hypermobile Joint Syndrome, and I'm allergic to wheat. I've had multiple dislocations and overuse injuries from exercise. Right now I'm working with a personal trainer, despite the cost, to increase my joint strength to avoid more injuries. I'm so weak right now! This syndrome makes it hard to exercise effectively, because I get spasms, muscle fatigue, knots and joint swelling from all but the very lowest impact exercises BUT I'm finding my place and getting stronger. Won't let this keep me down!
  • CBCelest
    CBCelest Posts: 3 Member
    Caroline, Thank you for creating this group. :happy: I have been struggling with my knee injury and weight for awhile now and it is nice to be around others who understand.

    My name is Chrissy. I had my knee dislocate in July of last year because of training I was doing with the Navy. Once is went the first time it just kept doing it time after time. Making it impossible to workout well. The doctors could not see anything wrong for the longest time except for worn cartilage under my knee cap. Finally one saw the tear in my MPFL and did surgery. I have been recovering from that since April, but am still not able to even jog because of the pain. Last month I went back and found out I have patellar tendonitis. Doc hopes physical therapy will help, but he also said losing weight would probably help it. After my injury I shot up 35 pounds and now I am struggling to get it off plus the extra weight I had before my injury.

    Good luck everyone and stay strong. :flowerforyou:
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Howdy all!
    I recently had a bad accident that left me with a cracked rib and two fractures in my foot. Doctor says I have to be on crutches for up to 3 months and then physical therapy after that. I may have foot pain for up to a year. I do a lot of hiking in the summer, and snowboarding in the winter, so this does not sit well! I know there isn't anything to do for a cracked rib except rest for like 6 weeks. I'm in week 3. I am just waiting for it to heal so I can at least do some light arm lifting and ab work. I feel like a lump just sitting around at all day!
    I had ACL surgery about a year ago, so I'm used to being down a bit, but unfortunately I also think I may have torn some meniscus (or ACL again) in this accident so I may have knee problems in a few months as well. Hard to say since I can't put weight on that leg right now to tell. Just felt like venting!
    I have also had back problems in the past from lifting super heavy things, so if anyone needs advice on backs or knees let me know. I have also done P90X multiple times so I know which exercises can be done with certain body pains.
    Hang in there everyone! It can get better.
  • I'm Jenny. I had a severe injury on 9/2/11 where I shattered my heel in 20 pieces and also damaged my subtalar joint. After several surgeries, and nearly 4.5 months later, I'm finally starting to walk a bit on my own. I have physical therapy 3X a week, which is beneficial, but time consuming. Months prior to my injury, I was an avid runner and had completed a half marathon in Alaska with Team in Training. I also snowboard, mountain bike, hike, spin, etc. It's been emotionally troubling for me, as well as physically. I used to work out 5-6 days a week in some fashion. To complicate matters, I have a wound on my foot from surgery that is refusing to heal. I wanted to pursue swimming, but must wait until that heals up. I needed to start tracking my food intake more aggressively, as I'm not physically capable of the activity I once used to do. I expect months more physical therapy, and I expect I will have a lot of arthritis and pain down the road. I'm trying to shift my interests from running to biking, and just purchased a Total Gym, hoping it will be an effective low impact activity I can do on my own. I need to gain strength and stability back in my leg. I've lost a lot of muscle mass due to atrophy, while my waist keeps getting bigger. I am also tracking my measurements as I think that will be more realistic as I start to increase muscle back in my leg. A long frustrating journey! And here I am.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Hi, I'm Lauren. I'm so glad to have found this group as it is exactly what I was looking for.

    For the past two years I have been struggling with (hopefully only temporarily) life-altering injuries. Initially I was diagnosed with a fairly garden-variety hernia. Six months later it was operated on - but they cut the wrong place! This unnecessary cut became badly infected and I spent a week in hospital, and a futher 2 months laid up while the gaping hole healed.

    I actually managed to recover to the point that I was capable of a single 5km run before my second surgery (within 3 months of the first). Recovery from the second surgery was (I thought) surprisingly slow, roughly 6 weeks, but I continued catching every cold and stomach bug that went around for the next 4-or-so months. Despite this, I managed to build back up to running 3km a few times a week, and some form of moderate exercise on the other days..........

    ......when I noticed another lump. One year had passed since initial diagnosis; I had quit my studies due to disability and could not now continue them.

    The doctors said it was another hernia, possibly coming through the scar tissue. It was much more painful than the previous hernia; within 2 months I had ceased running, and within 3 months I had to stop walking.

    Through trial and painful error, I discovered that I could not do any excercise that involved moving my legs (because of the location of the lump even swimming and pilates hurt). I also dicovered that I could not lift or carry anything, or use my core for much more than standing or carrying groceries.

    Six months ago it was diagnosed as some weird, rare bulging vein that might as well be a hernia, because it looks and feels much the same. I am still waiting for my third surgery.

    Initially I just accepted that I would put on weight during my second year, but I continued gaining with no sign of stabilising. I decided to try mfp to track my consumption.

    Happily, I had the recent epiphany that I CAN wave my arms around frantically, so I bought a wii with wii sport and Just Dance, hahaha.

    I've literally had to change everything about my routine, from my career path to my leisure activities.

    I am an ecologist - my favourite activities used to be chasing frogs, catching snakes, climbing mountains, traversing streams, camping, running to keep fit, and general hiking. I now sometimes go for a 2km totter down by the river, or the beach; bash my boyfriend in wii boxing; watch television (which has never been an interest in my life); and have shifted my career focus to making ecologically informative maps and websites. COMPLETE overhaul.

    I put on 10kg over this time, most of it in the last year.

    The experience has been positive, but has not always felt that way, and I still miss my old life. I am thankful that HOPEFULLY SOON I will have this third operation and will be able to get back to the things I love.

    I should mention that, while I didn't really suffer depression, I did experience disfunctional levels of anxiety...

    I can help with a) exercise ideas, b) mental health issues, and c) a little bit with diet ideas.

    I'm here to support :D
  • EfFemme
    EfFemme Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm Jess,and although I work at a top rated sports medicine clinic in Chicago, I am among those who have experienced a life-changing injury and now must cope with the physical and emotional challenges such injuries bring. I have a ton of experience with helping others through various injuries, but never realized how horribly upsetting it is to suddenly not be able to walk, run, or even BE without pain, loss of range of motion, or having to stop doing one's favorite things.
    On the fourth of July, I was running in a field and hit a pot hole. I tore the tendon and muscle that runs down the outer side of your leg and foot (peroneus brevis) in addition to popping off five ligaments in my ankle. After many weeks in a boot, on crutches, and hobbling around, I am now thirty pounds over weight, feeling depressed, and unable to do the ONE thing that makes me both happy and skinny-- RUN. No cute heels or girle shoes! No soccer! No carefree strolls on uneven surfaces or jaunts to catch a bus! EVER. AGAIN.
    Going from running 20+ miles and biking abut 100 miles a week to barely being able to walk or move without pain is a nightmare for me. Working with professional athletes when you're chubby is also not the most fun! I am hoping to connect with fellow pain sufferers, those with life-altering injury experiences, or pretty much anyone who understands the frustrations and sadness that comes with injury and illness... And we can help each other bring positivity and humor to the crappy and anxiety-inducing challenges thrown our way. I hope to be able to find exercises that can work within my limitations and be a supportive, encouraging online friend to those in need of someone who understands... I can help with sports injury questions, diet/recipe suggestions, discuss things that help me cope with my depression and anxiety, and provide an encouraging word when you need one.

    I don't have any friends on here yet, so if you're looking for support, feel free to friend me!
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Hi everyone, it's so good to find this group! I'm a 25 year old newley-wed, originally from Toronto, Canada, but now living in Switzerland with my Swiss husband. I have a degree in Anthropology and education, and will be a *real* classroom teacher in August! I'm learning German, love yoga, and love any kind of yarncraft and cooking/baking.

    I've been dealing with a very injury and pain-prone ankle since I tore some ligaments when I was 6 years old. I was in a cast for 6 weeks with a serious sprain when I was 16, and in November 2010 I sprained it right before my sister's wedding which I was the maid of honor, and didnt get medical attention until I sprained it a second time, a week after her wedding (I did wear heels for her wedding, and was crying the whole time in pain, but it looked like I was crying for her). This took months to heal, but after practicing yoga every day for 10-30 minutes, it was back to normal by this time last year. Unfortunately I had the worst sprain of my life in November of 2011 while walking on some uneven pavement with my husband. I went to hospital and was in a cast (that I could walk on) for 8 weeks. The cast came off in January, and it's been incredibly slow to recover, and so disheartening. Before I sprained it in November, I had started running, and was just beginning to love it when it happened. The longest I've been able to run now before being in pain has been 7 minutes. I can do some yoga, but not nearly as well as before, and although I have lost weight, I'm pretty sure a lot of it has been muscle. I am a supply teacher, and can be on my feet all day, this leaves me in pain for days after sometimes. I will begin physiotherapy once my husband and I complete our move at the end of the month. I am also pigeon-toed and the doctor who looked at my x-rays last time told me that I had flat feet and deformed ankle bones (pretty upsetting that it took 25 years of my life to get that diagnosis).

    It's so nice to find a support group here, I hope we can all overcome our injuries and that we have access to good healthcare. I wish you all the best and hope to join in the conversation here!

  • resafabulous
    resafabulous Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, my name is Resa. I was run over by a Jeep in 2005. Although I was overweight at that point, I was still pretty healthy, no colds, no chronic issues. The accident left me with a plate in my right shoulder and a huge scar on my left knee, although I was so lucky that it didn't damage the kneecap. However, when I started trying to work out with a trainer to take off some weight once I got better, I ended up herniating two discs.

    I pretty much quit after that and while I would sometimes take off a few pounds due to diet, I eventually ended up gaining quite a lot. I tried to work out again last year, again with a trainer, and herniated another disc. Now I am the heaviest I have ever been and in pretty much constant acute pain. Since I work an office job and have to sit, the pain is almost unmanageable. I joined MFP to manage my weight loss since I tend to eat pretty emotionally, and I am doing okay so far. I am really glad to find this group though! It's amazing what chronic pain does to even the most upbeat person.

    I have been swimming for about two months now, and I love it. The water is relaxing but it's also great for taking off the pressure on my lower back so I can actually get some movement and burn some calories. I am working to lose about 150 pounds, so I know it will be a long road. But I am committed to going the distance and making MFP and exercise part of my life!
  • Shoelips33
    Shoelips33 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have recently joined MFP (today is my 50th day) and this would be the first group that I have joined.

    I have my own unique set of challenges. I was in a horrific car accident in my youth, that left me with broken legs and a bad back. I have more metal in me then a scrap yard!!! :laugh: That was 19 years ago, and I have been battling back ever since. For many years, I thought my weight is what saved me that night, and I used my weight as a security blanket... for protection. Since then, I have realized that it was my strong will that kept me alive, and not my weight, so I knew that it was time to shed this weight.

    I am ready to start living again.

    With the help of an amazing physiotherapist, who helps me manage my pain, and increase my flexability, I have been able to increase my exercise to daily, and I do aquafit, walk my dogs, and have even tried yoga and the elliptical. I am doing things now I never thought were possible. But they are, and I AM doing them!

    With the help of MFP I have been able to loose an additional 14 lbs so far. Making my overall weight loss achievement 79 lbs.

    I am looking to meet others to share this journey with, laugh whenever we ca, and support each other along our roads to recovery.

    Pleased to meet everyone and looking forward to chatting you all up.

  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    Hi All,
    3 months ago I broke my shoulder- fracturing off a huge chunk off the top of my humerous where all the muscles all join onto the bone. After 6 weeks the bone healed but the muscles are still severely lacking in mobility and I'm still experiencing pain.

    Before that I was a very keen cyclist and all round generally active person.

    For 9 weeks I was off the bike, which I've been back onto recently- although I am severely limited in how much time I can spend cycling. I've taken up more walking (especially for the first few weeks) and even tried a bit of running.

    I've been a member of MFP for quite a while but only actively use it when I feel a need to improve my exercise:calorie ratio!
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    July 23 will be 2 years ago that I had a bad accident, broke my leg, dislocated my knee, fractured my knee cap, and was left with 2 slipped disk in my kneck and 3 in my lower back. Previous to my accident, I was an outdoors person, worked out at the gym 2-3 days a week for a couple hours and walked/jogged 5 miles almost everyday. I was very active and physically fit and barely jiggled anywhere. Since then and after physical therapy and rehab of almost 6 months for all of my injuries, I tried getting back on my feet and exercising and building myself back up. Well, needless to say, that has been impossible, because I cannot run/jog due to the fact that my ACL and PCL is still torn (Dr is beggin my to have reconstructin but I keep putting it off because I have already had 3 surgeries, rods and pins have been removed...thankfully...and frankly just don't feel like going back down again and having to work myself back up because I went thru heck and also a major depression after that) and my kneck hurts so bad and my back is likely to lock up on me at any wrong move...blah hate that...so anyways, I used to be one of those people that was addicted to exercise because it made me feel SOOOOOO good and I loved it. Needless to say, I can no longer do the things I did before. I jiggle more and hate that but I can live with that. I can walk with my knee brace on but not as fast as I used to. It takes me 40 minutes to walk 2 miiles at a pace of 3.5. Anyways, just wondering if there are any people out there that are in a situation similar to mine and what do you do to encourage yourself and combat the feelings of knowing you will never again be what you once were? Yes, it will improve somewhat when I have acl/pcl reconstruction but I won't ever be able to jump hoops again. I do good at losing weight still and am actually 10lbs below my goal weight I set for myself after I had my little girl but I get down when I see all the people logging their exercise and I can barely walk 2 miles in 40 mins.... I am about to get myself a bike an dtry that for low impact on my knee and my back. I have vigorously began to count and watch what I eat. Reading these post has been very encouraging...let's keep our chin up and remember the worst shall pass...it might not all go away but it will get better with time and we will do what we possibly can do...

    Thanks for the encouragement and I will encourage you as much as I can!
  • Hi everyone..
    My name is Lisa and I have just started using MFP this week. I started going to the gym about 2-3 weeks ago, when I found out that I have a narrowing of the discs in my spine. I am very scared about what the future holds ( I'm not even 35 yet). The doctor suggested that maybe some time down the track i may need an operation for it, but at this stage I am against that. Whilst I am still able to get around, I do not want the doctors digging around in my spine. I have started doing a 45-60 minute work out at the gym, 2-3 days a week, and water areobics for an hour one day a week. When I can't get to the gym, I try to go for a walk, or if not there is always my exercise bike. I am doing all this now, so that in my later years I will hopefully be fit and strong enough to get around on my own.
    Thanks for letting me vent :)
  • sparrett
    sparrett Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am currently recovering from a bad wakeboarding accident that left me with a right broken ankle, hairline fracture in my right shin and a partial tear in my left ACL. I have another 6 weeks on crutches and not cleared for wakeboarding for 6 MONTHS!! I am so upset as I am currently living in Asia with access to the worlds BEST wakeboarding parks.

    I have been eating clean and training hard the past 6 months and have felt amazing. However, since the injury, it's been a challenge to get around, eat properly and get motivated to do any sort of physical exercise. I try to go for an hour's crutch hobble a day, but it's just not sufficent. Being home a lot, I'm eating more and am slowly gaining all the weight I worked so hard to get off.

    I guess I'm looking for support and possible suggestions for workout routines that enable core and upperbody with cardio.
  • alaskadawnita
    alaskadawnita Posts: 2 Member
    Greetings from Alaska,

    I am looking for a support group to help with weight loss. I had foot surgery on 11-8, before the surgery I was in pain from walking to standing. Yesterday I was released to put 50-100 lbs of pressure on my foot. Today was my first day to try and use my foot with limited pressure. It hurts and is quite swollen. I am very nervous about doing any activity because of blood clots. I have several in my lungs and behind my left knee. Now any pain I feel in my legs I think could be another blood clot. I am on coumadin. I need to use my foot but am scared? How do you get past the fear of re-injuring yourself or making it worse when you know excerise could be the key to making it better.
  • JustVegas
    JustVegas Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm brand new to MFP and struggling to find exercise I can do! My right patella is cracked and I have undiagnosed pain in my left knee. I have plantar fasciitis as well but I can usually get through that with icing and stretches. The knee injuries concern me because both were static injuries so I fear further injury. I guess what I mean is that I don't mind the pain but I don't want to further injure myself!
  • sparrett
    sparrett Posts: 23 Member
    Hey AlaskaDawnIta

    The best advise I can give you is, listen to your doctor, but listen to your body more. Go slow, if you can afford it get a trainer for a few sessions so they can monitor your every move or sign up for some physio. BUT START SLOW! I'm recovering from a broken ankle and today was the first day I did lunges and squats. It was a slow process, but once I received a walking cast I started going back to the gym to do upper body, low resistant cardio and basic strength exercises. 5 days a week and 3 weeks later, I am just now squatting and lunging.

    Believe in yourself and listen to your body!
  • sparrett
    sparrett Posts: 23 Member
    I am recovering from a left torn ACL and Right broken Fibula, I created a few great workouts that have little impact on your knees. Lot's of mat work and zero to low resistance. Send me a PM if you'd like to hear more. As I mentioned to AlaskaDawnita, you should look into physio or a few sessions with a trainer to get a few more ideas. And most importantly, please have any workouts checked by your doctor.
    Check youtube as well. There are some great workouts on there for knee injuries. BUT DO RESEARCH AND GET THEM CHECKED FIRST!
    Good luck in your recovery
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Liz, and I'm recovering from a cervical fusion. I had a severely herniated disc (C6-C7) that was pressing on the spinal cord and a lot of nerves in the area, causing a LOT of pain--I'd had the pain for over a year, but the source was only recently diagnosed. On 2/25/14, my orthopedic surgeon fused the vertebrae together and put a spacer between them, with a titanium plate and screws holding everything together. I got to take the brace off this past Wednesday! I can do most everyday activities, including taking care of my 2 kids (7 and 4 months), and I've been cleared for low-impact aerobic activity. But I cannot lift weights, do yoga or anything that might stretch my neck, or do anything high impact, including Zumba (which I love) until everything is fully fused, which usually takes about 6 months. Thankfully I own a recumbent bike, but I'm having to modify my weight loss goals to minimize muscle loss, since I can't do any resistance training.