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  • Hi,
    I'm in my early 50's. A single mom with a couple of kids, one teenager and one "tween." I'm a freelancer who works mostly from home (New York City style). This is my first time trying a kind of get-in-shape thing. Technically I am within my "ideal" weight, but I weigh 20 pounds more than I did 20 years ago (and apparently 20 pounds lighter is ALSO within my ideal weight), and while I don't expect to every be that again, losing 10 is my aim while building a lot of muscle and cardo stuff. (Since a whole lot of my "ideal" poundage is most likely fat stuff).

    Also, - menopause. Totally sucks - metabolism way slows down - and I need to head all that stuff off. I want to be able to move easily, be strong, and look damn good in case I run into any exboyfriends, which I probably shouldn't care about at my age, but I do.

    I wish all the young people on this site lots of luck, but I don't have a whole lot in common with those 20 and 30 year olds in terms of life-style and, frankly, metabolism. It's a whole other ball of wax in one's 50s.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    My name is Shirley and I am 63 years old and retired this year. Enjoying life now. Married with two grown
    daughters. I live in Ontario, Canada but I am an American Citizen. We live very close to the US border so
    shopping over there comes easy.
    I have been on MFP for two years in July and still enjoying it here and meeting and talking to new people.
    I have lost some weight here when I started but am stuck right now in the 180's and would like to get
    to the 150's for health reasons. I have all of the 3 health issues of BP, Cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes.
    I have the type 2 pretty much in check now with diet and exercise. I exercise 6 times a week with one day off.
    I have kept that regime for quite some time now. I am still struggling to get to my goal.
    Any suggestions would help. Please check my diary and friend me any time.

  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi there! I'm Marie, from R.I. , 62 years young! I'm divorced, no significant other, have two grown children and 4 beautiful grandchildren, and two cats! ! I recently retired from a sit all day with a headset on in a cubicle job that murdered my metabolism! I've struggled my whole adult life with trying to lose the same 30 to 40 lbs and never succeeded. I own just about every diet and exercise book written and have tried numerous diets like WW, nutrisystem, Atkins, south beach etc etc. when I look back I cringe at all the wasted time and dollars I've spent! I've come to realize that there's no magic formula or combination of foods that have you lose weight. It's a healthy lifestyle of choosing healthier foods in my diet , watching my calorie intake and moving more in the form of exercise!
    I came to join MFP because of my daughter who uses it faithfully! She's my inspiration! Lost her weight and maintains even after having her latest child , my little grandson , 4 months ago! I love this site and have made many wonderful supportive friends here and always could use feel free to add me if you wish! We can take this weight loss journey together!
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    Hi All, I am 44 (almost 45) years old. I have two teenage kids. I finally got myself back to running and figured out even if I work out, I also have to watch calories. Through MFP I found out I had no clue the calories in some of the things I would eat. I can never eat at Meatheads again! lol So counting calories, running (started as a run/walk, but did my first 5K since high school on Thanksgiving day), some lifting and/or pushups... weight bearing type things, I have lost a total of 26 lbs, a few before MFP. I have about 4 lbs to go before my goal weight, then I will evaluate if I want to lose a little more. I foresee myself always logging and keeping on top of this, because I know if I don't I will back slide. So looking for support along the way!
  • t_elliot
    t_elliot Posts: 38 Member
    Hello. I am from Beautiful British Columbia. I am 46 and fighting the everlasting battle of eating healthy and staying in shape. I am married and have 2 adult sons and two wonderful future daughter in laws. I love to cook and I love to eat! My fantasy weight would be under 140 but my real life goal is under 150.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi thanks for inviting me to this group. My name is Sandra and I am 56 yrs old. I have been between 20 and 30lbs overweight all my adult life. Over the years I have tried attending a gym, keep fit classes of all kinds, Slimming World and just trying to eat healthy (without really knowing what foods were really healthy at the time).
    My husband was diagnosed with heart failure last year and can sometimes be quite ill. Six months ago I reaised that I had to give up my full time job to look after him as my own health was becoming an issue with high blood pressure, high cholestrol and stress. I attended 'Living with heart failure' classes with him and realised that I desperately needed to get my own health under control to enable me to care for him and also for my own future.
    As he is unable to do much or go far we live a very very sedentary life at home 99% of the time. My weight increased since giving up work and I was the heaviest I have ever been.
    I bought myself a tablet to use for fun to get me away from the work ethic of how I used my laptop and came across this site by accident at the app store. I started using it just for something to do if I am honest. Within a few weeks I could see results and I have been losing around 1 lb each week. For me the best thing about the site is also being able to see all the other nutrients i.e. salt and potassium which is important for my husband not to eat too much of for his condition.
    I now have all the time in the world to do this properly this time, I have to do this, this time. I have no husbands health, my own health and I have time to prepare whole foods etc.
    I have two grown daughters and four grandchildren and we also have Ben our springer spaniel who gets me out of the house a few times a day (not for long as unfortunately he has hip displacia and we have to limit his exercise too!!!!)
    Hello to everybody and I look forward to chatting to you and knowing there is somewhere I can come for help on this if needed.. If possible I will also offer support to others if needed too.
  • cloh72
    cloh72 Posts: 38
    Hello, thank you for the invite to join this group. I am Cindy from NC and I am 57 years with a birthday coming at the end of the month. I don't work but spend my days going to my Mom's house and helping her, a few years ago she had a series of mini strokes and it has affected her speech and her memory. She can no longer drive or read and write. She lives in an apartment and is about 5 minutes away from me but I usually go there daily. I have involved her in Senior Aerobics and in going I now sub when our instructor is out. I also line dance and sub for that class when needed (same instructor as aerobics). I also do Senior Water aerobics and then Zumba some. So I stay pretty busy and am trying to lose this weight. I go out to eat almost every day and I know that isn't good for me but my Mom constantly puts me on a guilt trip about when I try not to I will enjoy my time with my Mom as long as I am able to. She is 82. Surprised I am losing so hope to continue this journey.
  • barbiek999
    barbiek999 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you so much for inviting me into this group! What a wonderful collection of people!!!

    Name name is Barb and I just celebrated my 55th birthday 3 weeks ago and live in beautiful Victoria, B.C. (on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada). I am happily married with 2 sons, 24 and 21, who have both (recently) moved out. My husband and I are enjoying the empty nest :) I work full time at a desk job, but try to get up for at least a short stroll frequently (usually to the bathroom from drinking so much water and green tea ;) ). I have been on MFP since mid-August and love it! So many lovely people, so much inspriation and support, I'm finding it all really helps with my weight loss and fitness journey! I am pretty much at goal weight now (have lost 15 pounds and that's including adding some muscle, which I'm loving!) but figure I will continue to follow the net 1200 cal approach 'til the end of December and then re-assess. I enjoy working out (Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and yoga classes) and once my physio therapist gives me the green light (back and neck issues) I plan to add weight lifting into my life:). I love gardening and if I ever can find the time, quilting:)

    So pleased to meet all of you lovely people!

    Sending good wishes. Cheers,
  • MrsMaui27
    MrsMaui27 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey ladies, Hi! My name is Trina.Live in wash, State.53~years young.A awsome hubby.4 growen kids 2~boys & 2~girls All in there 30's. And 3~Grandchildren.:happy: I have always enjoyed exercise some are tossing wieghts around,Zumba,The love of laughter,Power~walking. Being healthy for me is a must cuz 19 years ago i was in a bad car accident and both leggs were broken.I now have bars in both leggs, plate in one ankle.I love being health and being my best.(LIFE IS GOOD) I enjoy being around healthy people of all age.

    SOooooooo I'm looking forward to talking with all you ladies,:flowerforyou:
  • sae1316
    sae1316 Posts: 70 Member
    HI, everyone! I'm Sara and I live in Florida. I'm 52 years old, married with 4 grown kids and 6 :happy: grandchildren.
    Last year I lost 26 pounds and have managed to gain about 15 of them back! Today I decided to get it back in gear and start tracking my exercise and calories again. When I signed in this morning, the first thing I saw was an invite to join this group! I'm excited about a new start and having some new friends to share it with.
  • MrsMaui27
    MrsMaui27 Posts: 63 Member
    HI, everyone! I'm Sara and I live in Florida. I'm 52 years old, married with 4 grown kids and 6 :happy: grandchildren.
    Last year I lost 26 pounds and have managed to gain about 15 of them back! Today I decided to get it back in gear and start tracking my exercise and calories again. When I signed in this morning, the first thing I saw was an invite to join this group! I'm excited about a new start and having some new friends to share it with.

    Good for you! :bigsmile:
  • Gwynniemom
    Gwynniemom Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,

    This is my first day on MFP. I weighed in at 204 pounds. I have never been this heavy before. I need to change my lifestyle as well as my life.

    I am married to a wonderful man who makes me laugh like a fool. I have a beautiful 13 year-old daughter. And I am the primary caregiver for my 78 year-old mother-in-law.

    The past couple of years have been rough ones. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2009. She faught like a champ, but in the end the cancer won. She died in July of 2010. In January of 2011 I was laid off from my job of 5 years. I got a new job right away but was fired within 6 months. I was unemployed for 8 months after that and then worked part-time in a job I hated. I can see the rise in my weight tied to this time period. I was eating emotionally, not exercising, not being as active as I need to be. I was definitely having some depression and starting menopause.

    Last month I started a new, exciting job. It has really starrted to give me my confidence back. I feel like I am coming out of a fog now. Unfortunately, the clear sky has shined a light on my big body! I am hoping to eventually loose 50 pounds, but for now the goal is 35. I am hoping to get control of my metabolic rate along with my weight. Most of all I want to feel good and be a good example for my daughter!
  • Hi Ladies -

    I am Cheryl, and I have always been super healthy and active until my son was born 6-1/2 years ago. I gained a ton of weight during that pregnancy (80 lbs!) and while I have still exercised (I'm super active) I haven't gotten down to where I want to be - I would venture to guess due to white breads - which I am addicted to, and beer. I did lose 25lbs about a year ago but have held steady at 186-187. So it's time to make some serious changes. I am 41, am an artist and graphic designer married to a structural engineer. I also have an 11 year old daughter I want to be a good healthy role model for - that it's about feeling good and taking care of yourself. This summer we are planning on a dive trip to the BVI and I plan to put on a bathing suit and not feel embarrassed! That's my personal motivation - we live in AZ and it's HOT in the summer and I found myself this summer avoiding activities that would require me to put on a bathing suit. Not because anyone cares, but because I DO! As I get older I am finding things are..ahem... shifting and I would like to get them back where they belong. lol
  • monicas318
    monicas318 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just joined MFP yesterday, after not liking the online Weight Watchers new points program. I am 47 with 3 kids - 2 in college and my baby is 13. I have a cute lil 22 pound shih-tzu who we just found out is mixed with llasa so he's really a llasa-shih. I live with my boyfriend who better be getting me a ring for Christmas :) ha ha. I am Sicilian and have fought my weight from the day I was born. I don't like exercise, in fact, I find every excuse to avoid it. If I could just go out dancing every night, then I'd be happy and exercising but the gym is not for me and running kills my bouncing boobs. I have a malfunctioning valve in my heart which doesn't stop me from doing anything but can sometimes make me short of breath and tired. I love Big Bang Theory and wish I had more nerdy friends than I do. I work as an authorization specialist for radiology for my local hospital and love my team of ladies I work with. That's me in a nutshell....Hopefully not too much info :)
  • I'm Jeanne, and I'm 46. The weight has been creeping up since my last child was born (13 years ago!), and now I need to lose 50 pounds! I'm tall, so I can hide it a little, but now it's time.

    I think I've tried everything, and the only way this can be different is if I get the support and community of other people who are dealing with hectic lives like me. I love to bike, hike and walk (thank goodness or this would be even harder). This group seems like a good fit, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you!
  • Hello to all! I'm Merritt and this is my second try at MFP. I live in Central Florida and have two kids (9 and 6). I work full time while my husband runs the pizzeria we own so between work stress, family stress, money stress and just plain stress...well...lots of pizzas have found their way on to my hips. I've tried WW in the past and was successful, but I wasn't thrilled with their new points program either. I'm going to really try and focus on using all of MFP to help me on my journey to lose weight and keep it off!
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Hello Ladies. My name is Cindy and I live in the Bronx. I am a single mother of 2 kids ages 17 and 19. I have 2 dogs a pit bull and a rottweiller, 3 cats, a hedgehog and I am in the process of having a chicken coop built so I will have chickens soon. Since 1989 I gained 30 lbs and after I hit 50 I could not lose any weight. I am 54 y/o. I used to be a distance bicyclist but stopped after I had kids. When I hit menopause - my metabolism went in reverse. What helped me to finally change was watching Fat, Sick and Nearly dead. I went on a 3 day juice fast, which helped eliminate my cravings for sweets and carbs. I also stopped drinking coffee but I don't plan on avoiding it forever. Now I eat a healthy balanced diet with more homemade food and less convenience foods. I stopped eating fast food, fried foods foods and really limit sweets (can't give them up altogether) I started exercising for the first time in 10 years and I lost 20 lbs in about 10 months.
    For exercise I'm doing c25K and today I started Jillian Michaels body revolution. I could not do all the exercises, so I m wondering if I should redo day one (that's for another topic!)
    I am kinda OCD about MFP - I log everything and I bought myselft a fitbit which automatically logs walking and running and a scale that automatically logs my weight. I feel like such a techy.
    I am hopping to lose 8 more lbs and to maintain and get stronger.
    I walk like a lunatic and try to average 15,000 steps a day. But with winter here - i will have to ease up.
    I am happy to connect with ladies in my age group and look forward to making more "friends".
    Okay, i will shut up now!
  • KathrineRickerd
    KathrineRickerd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ladies my name is kathrine and I just joined this group tonight. I'm from Dallas Texas and I have lost 17 pounds. Losing basically 1 pound a week since I started. my husband Roland has my goal is to loselost 25 pounds since he started. I'm 5 foot 8 and weigh 198 now. My goal is to lose 48 more pounds.:flowerforyou: I didn't realize people would be seeing this picture of me....I'm making a funny face.
  • KathrineRickerd
    KathrineRickerd Posts: 2 Member
    I didn't realize anyone would see this picture...I'm making a funny face in this
  • New to the group:flowerforyou: