Please post before pics here between Jan 01 - Jan 06!!! :)



  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone! Doesn't look like many guys joined the challenge but I'm super psyched to start this, good luck everyone.

    Age: 36
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 214 lbs
    10 week Goal: 20 lbs
    Goal weight: 194 lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: 140 lbs
    Calories: 1775/day
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    You look GREAT! Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration to all of us! Thanks for posting!
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    Hi! Here is my current progress photos! I am hoping to hit goal by June 1st!

    2008,2011,2012 by *inky*, on Flickr

    CW 164
    CS 10/12

    Goal for this challenge is 154 or less!
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    I'm testing a photo, I'm in the middle. I'll try to get someone to get a full body shot but it WON'T be in a bathing suit! THAT would be a scary sight!! LOL
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    Guess it didn't work well. how do you edit a pic? Maybe if it's just me it'll be OK.
  • knittiki
    knittiki Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks guys. I have gained 3-5 back over the holiday so it is good to see where I started and how far I have come! I was feeling discouraged.
  • luna16belle
    luna16belle Posts: 47 Member
    You are insanely pretty :)

    LOL just thought you should know!
    Here goes nothin'
    I'm the one in the red pants. I don't have many pics of me that are not from the shoulders up so count some blessings that I found one!
    Ok so here are my stats:
    Height: 5'7
    SW: 208
    GW (end of challenge):193-188
    Dress size:14
    Shirt XL
    Pants:I range from 14-16
    I haven't done all the arms and legs or bust measuring but I'll update them sometime!
  • CrazyAngel908
    CrazyAngel908 Posts: 9 Member
    This is me from every view I could get myself on Dec 29th 2012. I know it's a couple days early but I can't post from my phone and I have access to get this done tonight. =) I hope that is ok.

  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    I wanna lose no less that 15.6 lbs

    Starting Weight-174.6 (December 29th 2012)
    Goal Weight- 159
    Height 5 ft 2.5 inches approx


    These pics are also @ December 29th, 2012... And Im specifically showing my tummy area cuz I can hide the fat pretty well in clothes.


    Do u realise there is MORE back fat on the right, that on the left? pic above...UGGGGH... this back fat drives mr CRAZZZYY
  • Here goes!

    Height: 5'10''
    Starting weight: 230
    Starting Body fat %: 40%
    Current weight: 222.9
    Goal weight for challenge: 197.9
    Ultimate goal weight: 155

    And here's the dreaded photos....




    I want to reach my ultimate goal by the time I graduate in June, but that's only 6 months to lose like 65lbs. I'm sure gonna try my best though.
  • chazdiezal
    chazdiezal Posts: 87 Member
    I picked up 9 lbs over the holiday week, ugh! Let the shedding begin.

  • TisheeLamotta
    TisheeLamotta Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry, couldn't find any pics after I cut my hair - so this is the latest picture I could find before the cut.

    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 186.7lbs
    Size: 16-18
    Shape: Hourglass
    Target Weight after 6 weeks: 165lbs

  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
    As of today December 30, 2012


    Pants size:

    Not saying but reminding myself to check it as I go along

    See above

    See above



  • yorkieII
    yorkieII Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all!

    I am 44
    MFP starting weight 217
    current weight 169.2
    goal of challenge is to lose 10 pounds
    ultimate goal weight 128

    Good luck everyone on the challenge and your weight loss journey!!
  • Here goes!
    My stats are:
    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight: 247
    GW: 175(+/-)

    This is me in September:

    In October at Halloween (this one is particularly tough for me to look at... ignore the beer :P)


    And last week at a Christmas party:

    Here's to the last time I ever look like this!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    OK Guys, This is really really hard for me, pregnancy had not been kind to me, nor have I been kind to myself!
    But to those who haven't taken pics, let me tell you that I understand why, but for me this has been one of the most motivating activities, so I encourage you to try it. Up to now I had been telling myself I look "fine", but these photos to me show someone who needs to lose 15-20 lbs, and i have to stop lying to myself.

    My Stats:
    Highest weight (non-baby): 180
    Current weight: 153lbs
    Ultimate Goal weight: 135
    Challenge goal weight: 140

    ( I thought I could hit my LTG this challenge, but I think I have more than 10 weeks work now)



    By the way, I didn't "just have a baby" it was 4 years ago!!!!
  • cansu54
    cansu54 Posts: 2 Member


    after 30 days



    CW 108.8 kg planing to lost 10kg in 10 weeks
    GW 98 kg
    tall 1.67cm
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member my current weight is 161.5 starting weight almost 1 year ago was 205.
    I am 5 foot 3 inches...39 years old.

    Would like to lose 10 pounds during the challenge :)
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Hey Folks!
    This is me. I just took it. Don't mind the messy house. The maid ran off with the butler... :-)
    Starting Weight - 182.5
    Height - 5'5
    Highest Weight - 234
    Goal Weight - 140

  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    I added a new photo on my profile.