Introduce yourself here

mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
Well I am Erin I am 28 yrs old from IN. I weigh 210 well that was the last time i weigh myself since October I cannot weight myself until I get off the crutches and out of the boot/splint. I am going to lose 75lbs this year I am going to do whatever it takes to lose this weight. I am done before the fat one in the family! I want to lose the weight before my wedding whenever that will be, still waiting on my bf of 9 yrs to propose to me :).. In April I am going to FL and i am hoping I can lose 30lbs before then keeping my fingers crossed and praying. I have no kids right now, just have my nieces and nephews to love on.
Ok that is about me. You can add me if you like and we have this group to keep us all going go lets start this New Years off with a bang and lose this WEIGHT!


  • bobbiboo24
    bobbiboo24 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello!! I'm Bobbi, 24 from Ireland. I am currently at my heaviest weight of 170 and I'm not happy with myself! I want to lose weight and get a hot bikini body while I'm young enough to enjoy it!

    I'm going to lose weight by eating healthy and getting fit but I have the tendency to get lazy in the evenings after work so I need some support to kick my *kitten* (or guilt me by their success) to get off the couch and go do some sort of activity! :)
  • missliss4763
    missliss4763 Posts: 26 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone! I'm Melissa, 27 years old, originally from Toledo, OH, moved to beautiful Jacksonville, FL this past April and it has been AMAZING!!!! I am so excited to be here because we don't get the horrible winter!!! Don't get me wrong, I love the first snowfall and especially snow on Christmas day...but 6 months of cold weather??? No thank you. :noway: I am so motivated to get in shape....especially before I'm 30!!! So this is my year to get my health and fitness in far so good...I started MFP on December 10th and as of December 30th I am 6lbs lighter. :bigsmile: So good luck to everyone I wish you all much success....let's do this!!! :bigsmile:
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    Hey Yall! My name is Ashley and I'm 23. This coming April will be 2 years that my husband and I have been married ( I know I need to update my pic). We are working on becoming healthy so we can fully enjoy life and if we have kids be able to rise them with a healthy lifestyle. I weighted my heaviest on my wedding and seeing the pics of it and all the celebration things that went along with it made me so upset that I let myself go. But I am working on getting back down to the 100lbs I was 4 1/2 years ago when my husband and I met. He is in a biggest loser competion at work and hopes to lose 50-60 lbs. Feel free to add me or just message me anything else you want to know!
  • Cheetahgirl88
    Cheetahgirl88 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all, my name is Alex and I am from beautiful Sacramento, CA. I am 24 and have been on this site for a while. I am getting married in October 2013. I want to get fit for my wedding, but also I want to live a healthy lifestyle for my family. I currently do not have kids, but I want them some day. I want to get down to about 150 lbs. I currently weigh 220 lbs and have already lost 35 lbs in the last year (my tracker says different because I added it on in early 2012). Feel free to add me and i look forward to getting fit in my 20's with you all!
  • mnj777
    mnj777 Posts: 17
    Hey I'm Mani, I'm twenty-two.
    I've sort of always had a weight problem, it's just that never really cared for whatever reason. I blame it on immaturity, when you're young you kinda want things handed to you, I was also a very stubborn kid who pretty much ate whatever I wanted without actually trying to be myself. Which is a person who does like to exercise and I'm fine with eating healthy. I've always had the tools put in front of me but I never wanted to embrace any of it for childish reasons I guess. I when I realized I was wayyyy over my bmi I decided it was time to get in shape. Unfortunately around the same time I said I wanted to lose weight people kind of started bullying me about my weight so I became kind of nuerotic about it. I was dissapointed because I wasn't losing fast enough but now I realize I should've been greatful for where I was. I got depressed because of my weight and other things and I stopped caring and I gained all the weight back and thensome. Now I want to get back on track because there are a lot of things that I want to do but my weight always holds me back. I'm trying to lose like fifty pounds, seventy at most. That'd be great. I think I'm on the right track. So let's get this party started :bigsmile:
  • mummychubs
    Hi all I'm kay 25 and I need to lose about 70lbs so I want to make 2013 healthy and happy year for me. I also have a holiday in june which I'm dreading so its time to change for me. Good luck ladies let's do this :)
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome everyone to "OUR" group! Thanks for joining!
  • danninicole4887
    danninicole4887 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello All! :happy:
    my name is Danielle I am 25 and need to loose weight. I am tried of feeling sorry for myself about the way I look and feel. Ready to get this started! This is a life style change and I am committed!
    Looking for as much motivation I can feel free to add me!
  • loopylass1986
    loopylass1986 Posts: 7 Member
    hey im Tracey and im 26 and have 3 children and not liking what i see in the mirror i want to shape upbfor me and my kids :) and be able to run after them without sounding like ive ran 20 miles..

    feel free to add me :) id like to make new friends aswell
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    hey, I'm Tera, I'm 34, but look 25 ha ha. I asked to join because even though I am 34, I still feel young at heart, so I asked Erin if I could join. I live in Buffalo with my bf and our 4 kids ages 3,5,6 and 12. I gained weight over the years. The lowest I have ever been was about 175. That is my real goal to be at that weight again, I dont wannna be super thin, Like most of you I wanna be fit n be able to chase my kids around, esp my evil 3yr old. Yes hes quite the kid, I need all the energy I can get to be able to keep up with him. I was on here all the time, but seeing how its colder out, bf is home more, he is a complete computer hog n makes it hard for me to log in esp on the weekends. But anyway, I am recovering from the holidays though I did gain back some, 7 pounds n gonna work out to lose it. My motto is earn what you eat, so I try to exercise a lot, I believe its the key, well for me anyways. Plus I seem to think more clear with exercise, its like my brain is more focused more clear, more energized to take on the world. I am more than happy too share and to get more ideas on eating. SO if you ever want to be a friend go ahead n request me also, I am not one of those people if you leave for a week I will unfriend you. NO its wrong to do that. **** happens in life whether you are having a rough time or hey maybe your net got shut off. I am here regardless, because thats what a true supporter does.
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome TLC12078 to our team! Glad you joined.