Hello, My Name is...



  • Hello my name is Renita, this is my first goal of the year complete at least two weeks of JM and keep it going for the month and so on. Did my first 20 minutes today. Good luck to everyone. I have always tried got to week two not the level but the soreness has always defeated me but not this time...hopefully...
  • katmcq29
    katmcq29 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Katherine and have started the JM 30 day shred and am on level 1! I have only been working out to get fit in the past 2 months but the motivation and support on MFP is great and is keeping me going =)

    Happy New Year!!!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Hi. My name is Heather. I am just finishing up round 1 of the 30ds and I am planning to start it again so I was really excited to see this group. I discoved I really need the accountability I get on here. Things got a little out of hand with my eating over the holidays and I need to get back on track.

    On an exciting side note... My hubby and girls are going to be doing the 30ds with me!!!

    Are any of you planning to reward yourself when you have finished the 30 days? I am trying to think of an inexpensive way to reward myself at the end.
  • ridofthegoodies
    ridofthegoodies Posts: 38 Member

    I'm Betty, 33, new to Shred and new to exercise DVDs. Looking for MFP friends with similar goals. Also found the DVD at my local Library for free :wink:
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Raquel. I have already started the shred and today will be day 4 for me! I havecompleted it before and had amazing results with it but somehow over the past few weeks I have slacked off and lost all my nicely toned muscles the shred gave me. I am about 10lbs from my goal and really want to focus on getting tight and toned now so I will be completing this in the next month! It is hard (even though when you watch it for the first time it seems like a piece of cake!!) but the results are so worth it! Good luck to everyone and cant wait to see all your prgress!
  • safioux
    safioux Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, great! Thanks, I will try that :)
    Good luck everyone!
  • daretobethin
    daretobethin Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Angela and I am starting the 30DS again. Didn't get very far last time but really want to complete it this time. Tired of getting lazy and then after 30 days realizing that I could be thinner and in better shape if I hadn't quit!! Started today!!!! Keep me accountable please!!!
  • dmh140
    dmh140 Posts: 3
    How do all of you log the 30DS on MFP?
  • How do all of you log the 30DS on MFP?

    Hi :)

    I use my HRM but as far as I know most people use circuit training for 20 minutes. It's reasonably accurate too :)

    Hope this helps!
  • dmh140
    dmh140 Posts: 3
    How do all of you log the 30DS on MFP?

    Hi :)

    I use my HRM but as far as I know most people use circuit training for 20 minutes. It's reasonably accurate too :)

    Hope this helps!

    Yes! Thanks for your help :) Glad to know it's reasonably accurate too!
  • muzio
    muzio Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all! I started the 30DS on January 1st with the goal of completing it *in* January. Just about to do day 3 this morning! I'm 173lbs, and hopefully can see some results by the end of the month. Really hoping this will be the kick in the butt I need to make daily activity a part of my regular routine. Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • shells0715
    shells0715 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jenn. I have done the 30 DS a couple of times in the past, but never completed the full 30 days! Tonight I am going to start back up! It's a new year and I am going to really try and stick with this program! I really overindulged this holiday season and put on some extra pounds. Good luck to everyone! :)
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    Hello from Japan! My name is Rachel and I'm active duty Air Force. I did the 30DS after I had my second son, but never made it out of level 1- pitiful I know. So i'm doing it this time and i'm gonna make it all the way through. They say if you do something so many times it becomes a routine and that's my plan- to fit it in as a routine. I have 3 other videos of hers too that I plan to do after this. I also do crossfit along with the 30DS so I may not be doing the 30DS every day in a row. But anyways glad to meet you all and excited about what this year will hold! :smile:
  • bkbabe99
    bkbabe99 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi my name is Monica. Just joined the group today and started Jillian today as well. I did this last year and lost about 12-14 lbs total plus inches doing this workout everyday. I suck at maintaining so the 20lbs I lost last year are back along with an extra 4 :-( Trying to find my motivation once again so i came straight here to find a group :-)

    I need to change my weightloss ticker but embarrassed.

    Edited to add: Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • finallydetermined
    finallydetermined Posts: 70 Member
    Hi - my name is Deb. Started 30 DS this week - completed Day 3 today. Bound and determined to do 30 consecutive days. Anyone have a sugestion for a good Yoga (for beginners) DVD - Jillian needs to learn to stretch more!
  • Hi my name is Danielle. I started 30DS on Jan. 2nd and just completed day 3 today. I joined the group for extra motivation and some accountability. I'm really hoping that I can get myself motivated and see this all the way through to day 30.
  • Hey its Shivan, I am from Toronto... I will be starting the Shred today... i always start but never complete the 30 days...
  • hey yall im jessica i have done 30DS before but quit half way through! im getting married in june so i need to commit to exercising..feel free to add me im new here
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    Hiya, I'm Helen I'm 36 and from the UK and this is my first time doing shred, recently lost 36lb but want to lose up to another 14 maybe? Just started doing this yesterday, loved it, it's a bit like I've been doing with other workouts just a bit more intense though looking at the further levels I'm a bit scared! hahah Nice to meet you all xx x
  • moiaa
    moiaa Posts: 11
    Hi, my name is Monika, 22 and started doing shred from 2nd of January. I need someone who will encourage me! Feel free to add me :)