Post your goals HERE!

So we have 1 place to look for our goals, lets all post them here.

My goal for this 30 days is to lose 10 pounds and gain lean muscle. I hope to achieve this by doing cardio 5x/wk and weights at LEAST 3x/wk.

My schedule will look like this:
Sunday: 1 hour step (cardio), 30-45mins weights
Monday: 1 hour turbo kick
Tuesday: off day
Wednesday: 1 hour of turbo kick, 30-45mins of weights
Thursday: 1 hour of turbo kick
Friday: off day
Saturday: 1 hour turbo kick, 30-45mins of weights

January is going to be a busy month for me, but I'm going to strive and work to the best of my ability to do this!!! It's always best to have a set schedule you can adhere to, however, life happens & we can still be a little flexible. I'm ready!!!!

What are your goals?




  • My goal for this 30 day challenge is to drop 7 lbs. I have to admit that January 5th is my birthday... so I will have a cheat day, but my promise to myself is to hit the gym that day for a cardio and weight training session!
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! I've been searching for a group like this for a few days now and I'm glad to see this group now and I'm excited to join you! I've been on my path of getting healthy and losing weight for a few years now and I've done really well so far but it's taking a long time and I'm ready to reach my final goals. Life has been getting in the way and I need to learn to adjust. I work full time, I'm a grad student, I intern twice a week, as well as being a wife, new home owner and we got a puppy a couple months ago.

    My goals for this challenge are: 1. Lose 4 lbs by the end of January. This is realistic for me. 2. Workout 5 times each week alternating strength training and cardio. 3. No negative self talk. 4. Tell myself something positive each day.

    Each week I plan to sit down and write out my specific goals. For instance, this week I'm going to do 50 sit ups and 50 push ups. And I'm going to limit my sweets to only the 1st and the 5th.

    I look forward to challenging myself with the rest of you!
  • EllyG08
    EllyG08 Posts: 194 Member
    My goal is to lose 7 lbs, drink at least 8 glasses of H2O and to eat 5 servings of fruits/veggies a day.
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    My goal is to lose 5 pounds, burn 3500 calories a week, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and cut back on sweets.
  • My goal is 8 lbs in the month of January. Im down 16 so far and that was a big accomplishment for me seeing as I have never lost more than 4-5 lbs. Im working out at Fitness Connection 5 times a week and to keep from getting bored, Im doing Zumba, Kickboxing, Hip Hop dance. Ive also incorporated 30 min of stairs and the treadmill. For the first time im my life I can actually RUN on the treadmill! LETS GET HEALTHY EVERYONE!!!
  • Lose 10 punds!

    workout goal:
    5x cardio/CT, 3x strength, 1-2 yoga/pilate type
    Any thoughts on if/how I should adjust this?

    cook for the week ahead so I'm prepared
    4 meals a day
  • MrsHollins85
    MrsHollins85 Posts: 9 Member
    My goal is 15 lbs I know it may be challenging but my 28th birthday is Jan 23rd and I plan on losing a lot more before my 10 year class reunion.
    I will commit myself to working out daily eating more real food ... Fruits Veggies Lean Meats ... Instead of fast food & keeping my log of what I'm eating!!
  • Initial goal is to drop my body fat % from 19% - 13%

    I plan to do this by following the work out and eating plan below:

    Workout Plan:
    Sunday: Biceps and Back + Cardio
    Monday: Legs and Abs
    Tuesday: Cardio
    Wednesday: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
    Thursday: Biceps and Back
    Friday and Saturday: Off or Cardio

    Food Plan:
    High Protein, Low Fat meals. Limit eating out to once a week and one cheat meal.
    No alcohol until birthday (Feb 4th) and cut out all sugary drinks (regular and diet soda, juices (unless in a protein smoothie))

    Supplement Plan:
    Muli-Vitamin and fish oil taken daily
    Whey Protein taken pre and post workouts and through the day when possible
  • My overall health goals are to achieve:

    19% body fat
    gain 5 lbs of muscle
    optimal weight 123 lbs by loss of 15lbs.
    healthier diet

    - drink at least 64 oz. of water daily
    - sleep 7-8 hours nightly
    - limit sugar and alcohol intake

    Workout regimen will be a combination of weight training and cardio. I will strive to find a mix of activities to make workouts fun i.e. cycling, yoga, rockclimbing, etc.
  • My goal for 30 days is to lose 10 pounds by:

    Eater a healthier diet with more fruits and vegetables
    Limiting red meat
    No sodas during the week
    Drinking 32 ounces a water a day (I currently drink like none)
    Working out 3 times a week with two days of cardio and one day of weights
  • My goals for this 30 days are to lose at least 10 pounds, drink 80 oz of water a day, not eat after after 7pm Mon thru Fri. I will do all cardio this month as I am just returning to the gym. I have a goal of 10 miles per week using any cardio machine in the gym. Some days I will do Leslie Sansone Walk at Home b/c we get lots of snow.

    I CANNOT GET ANY BIGGER, therefore, I am thankful for the will that God has given me to be able to help myself, but also for the support in this group and in WW (Weight Watchers).

  • My goal is quite simple! LOSE WEIGHT (lol) I have a trip to Cancun coming up in March. I'd like to lose 30 pounds. That's 10 pounds a month. I'm committed to running a mile a day and weight training. I know it'll be rough but I'm glad I have my fitness pal buddies to keep me motivated. Best of luck to us all!!
  • I would like to lose 10 pounds by my birthday; January 29th. My big 30th. I am going do cardio at least 4 to 5 days/week. I will also log my calories daily, not exceeding 1300 calories. I have class on Tuesday's and Wednesday so those will be my break days.
  • beccaanne78
    beccaanne78 Posts: 15 Member
    My 30 day goal is to drop 7 pounds, work out at least 5 days a week and incorporating more clean meals into my diet.
  • My goal will be to be able to fit into a pair of jeans (no stretch) which will require 7-10 lbs weight loss. Since I don't weigh myself, I'll know if I've reached this goal if I can get these jeans on! Also while gaining lean muscle mass.

    I plan to reach my goal by maintaining the following workout regime I've had since August 2012 (which has been working):

    Sunday - rest
    Monday - Morning run - 3-4 miles
    Tuesday - Morning run 1-2 miles + weights
    Wednesay - Morning run hills - 4.5 miles
    Thursday - Morning weights + Evening run 2-3 miles
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - Long run - 6-10 miles

    My food intake since Jan. 2nd has been the Daniel fast. It is 21 days so no meat, no dairy, no wine until 1/24/2013 for me. :-(

  • My goal is to lose 10 pounds within 30 days
    Monday-cardio-45 minutes, abs 15 minutes
    Tuesday-cardio-30 minutes
    Wednesday-cardio-45 minutes, abs 15
    Thursday-cardio-30, weights 15
    Friday-off day
    Saturday-off day
    Sunday- off day

    Im also changing the type of food I eat and no alcohol on the weekends
  • traceyalbert2
    traceyalbert2 Posts: 4 Member
    My overall goal is to lose and keep it off. My short-term goal is to drop a few sizes by Feb 12th for Mardi Gras AND to drop 20 - 30lbs by my husband's big birthday bash in September! Woo-hoo!