Introduce yourself!



  • robinhoward123
    robinhoward123 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I live in Kentucky
    I am 5`2
    Starting weight-240
    Current weight-226
    Goal weight-140 but be happy with 160

    I am a stay at home mom, of two (b) 7yrs and (g) 3yrs. I'm home a lot, with hardly any money to out and pay for a gym membership. So everything I do is at home on my own. I have started this in Dec of 2011. And lost track of it in the summer over my moms I don't have any excuses, and I need to start taking care of myself for the sack of my young ones.
  • ladysatrina
    ladysatrina Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone. I'm Amanda and I live in Las Vegas NV. I'm almost 28 and I'm at my highest weight ever 305. I used to weigh 170 about nine years ago and I'd love to go back to that. I have two daughters who are 7 and 2 and a wonderful husband.
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Julie here and I live in Maryland.
    I'm 47 Young
    Married 25 years with 3 kids (Chris 24, Brendan 21 & Kelsey 17)
    I’m a Stay At Home Mom.
    My Starting weight: 295
    Current Weight: 250
    Goal Weight: 135-150 (Onederland will be so sweet)

    I've been overweight since my pregnancy with my daughter. I gained 100 lbs. with her. How did that happen, when I only gained 30 with my other two? Never got all the way down in weight. My father died in a car accident and I broke my ankle with surgery to boot. These definitely didn’t help. On top of it I broke my other ankle months ago, luckily no surgery.
    Minor setbacks.
    I really think my problem was, putting myself on the back burner to take care of everyone else. Normal mother thinking. Well enough of that, my kids are grown.
    I love Zumba, kickboxing and dancing..
    I am also a huge Washington Nationals Fan
    Love Baseball…

    Let’s Do This Together, We All Have In Us…

    Feel Free To Add Me..:smile:

  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Howdy Y'all from "Sunny" Florida!

    My name is Ginger. I am 41 and have 2 grown boys. The oldest is 29 and the baby is 20. Finally an empty nester! After having just graduated from College with an AS Degree (after 6 years of school), I decided to tackle the next big goal that I had been trying to accomplish for several several years (we won't go into how many). TO GET THIS WEIGHT OFF!

    As of 1/1 I weighed 273.8 (5 pounds down from my highest of 279). My goal is to get to about 150, so have about 125 to lose. I know it isn't going to be easy (as I have tried before) but this time something in me seems different and I know this is the year to do this. I am not into exercise. I am also a picky eater which limits which "plans" I can do. Because of this, I decided to watch what I ate (foods, portions, etc), try to get up and move a little bit more.

    I am approaching this like a baby learning to walk. Baby steps. Small, slow, baby steps. Little changes each month are what I have planned and am hoping to be able to meet. To look at the whole 125 pounds to lose is just too intimidating (kinda like looking in the mirror), so am making mini goals by each Holiday (Valentines, Easter, My Birthday, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think that taking this smaller approach just might be the trick that I need this time.

    Good luck to everyone! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Hello! I'm Marie and I live in beautiful western North Carolina. I'm 33 and have been married 12 years to my amazing husband who is also doing this journey with me on mfp :-) we have a 21 year old son, a ten year old son, and a three year old daughter. My husband and I work together as teaching parents in a group home for teenage boys. We have five teenagers living with us learning social skills at any given time. My starting weight was 316 as of two years ago. I currently weigh 265 but am sick and tired of gaining and losing the same 20 pounds over the past year so I'm getting serious and have committed to eating clean for the entire month of January to see what kind of results I can get. That's right, no "cheat" days for an entire month! My first goal is to get below 250 (it's been since before my babies were born that I've seen the 240's). Then I want to get below 200 (my husband has never seen me that small). Ultimately I want to wear a size 6. It doesn't matter to me what weight I am at that point but I'm guessing it will be about 140.
    Good luck all! We can do this!!
  • mairinosteen
    mairinosteen Posts: 30 Member
    Hey y'all

    I live in Georgia.
    I am 5' 8.5" and 310lbs
    I just started MFP so I haven't lost any weight yet but my goal is around 150. Not too sure about that since I don't know what I would look like at say 140 versus 160 (I am pretty tall and even the skinny women in my family have an *kitten* and thighs). My main goal is more to be fit than to be a certain weight.
    In the past my main obstacles to weight loss have been hectic schedules (I just finished undergrad) and poor health. For several years I even had doctors telling me not to exercise! Apparently raising my body temp would damage my kidney's further (I was born with bad kidney's) so they thought weight gain was better but now there is new research so time to shed the weight added by 10+ years of being advised to not exercise (and a fondness for food).
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Red (Chel). I live in Tacoma WA. Never married :-( 2 adult kids, son and daughter 20. Both are very supportive of my journey neither live at home. Exactly last year this time I was 266.0lbs, I was going strong on this journey down from 301lbs the previous year. In January I had knee surgery which made matters 100% worse. Then in March I had an emergency hysterectomy, basically I couldn't adapt to 100% vegan with 60 minutes of vigorous wrkouts per day to prevent the surgery. Today, I weigh 285.4 and am struggling to get back to eating right, working out regularly, making better decisions about food in which I absolutely love. I love the good and the bad but, the bad always wins.

    My first goal is to get STRONGER and down to 175lbs.

    Diabetes, high blood pressure and, heart diesease run rampant in my family. Although I havent been diagnosed with any of it I know my weight can be a culprit. None of the people in my family that battle with the health issues are overweight and never have been.

    So far really glad about this thread. This is the first one that I've joined that includeds women close to my own weight. So now I don't feel so alone. Although there is a lot of support on this site period. All of my current MFP's are the reason I stay on this journey.

    You all can add me if you like, and we can chat it up from time to time. Forgive me for the typo's and misspelled words, I'm at work using my phone and my break is up.
  • rubyalison
    Hi, I'm Ali.
    I just started this on New Year's Day.

    I've tried to diet before, but never stuck with anything. This time will be different!
    I was chubby as a kid and teenager but then as an adult, I've just gained a little bit of weight every single year until it added up to this.

    I started at my highest ever weight of 268.5.

    My goal weight is anywhere from 120-160. We'll see.

    My goals for this year are:
    - to track my calories every day and be under my calorie target almost every day
    - to exercise at least 30 minutes at least 4 days every week
    - to lose at least 6 pounds each month

    I like to walk on the treadmill for exercise, at least right now.
    I am only weighing myself on the first of each month, otherwise I play mindgames with myself and sabotage my goals.

    I am 39, married, no kids.

    I also have goals to read at least 52 books this year, write the first draft of a novel (probably a romance novel), stick my budget, keep up with my chores at home, and make an effort every day to look my best (make-up, hair, etc).
  • nsapp
    nsapp Posts: 9
    Hi! I'm Nancy and I live in Southwest Kansas. I am 61 years old and have lost 100+ pounds over the years only to regain more each time. I currently weigh 234 and would like to get down to the 130s. I'm only 4'10" so my "ideal" weight would be below that. I think the "ideal" weight can be misleading. I believe the older you are, the harder it is to loose. I plan on retiring by August 2015 so I want to get down and stay down before then. I have been lucky in not having too many health issues, but the older the greater the risk. I have 5 beautiful grandchild, 2 wonderful children who each have fantastic spouses. I want to be fit enough to keep up with all of them. I also love to travel, but finding it harder as I continue to struggle with my weight. I am looking forward to new friendships, support and motivation from the women of this group. I believe we ALL need that. My mantra this year is one day, one meal, and one step at a time. I pray all of us in this group will be successful.:flowerforyou:
  • miss_asho
    Hello everyone I'm Ashley and I live in Houston, TX. I'm 21 and I'm 5'10.5 I want to lose about 100+pounds I know I have a long way to go but I'm just taking it one day at a time. I would love support from anyone! My sibilings and boyfriend are very supportive. I'm studying to be an Elementary teacher and I can't wait to help my future students. I'm not sure if losing 10 pounds a month is a realistic goal but I will try. Thanks and good luck to everyone :bigsmile:
  • vtynes1382
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Valerie and I live in Hampton, VA. I just turned 30 in November and I'm a wife and mother to two gorgeous kiddos. My starting weight is 261 and I am 5'4. I plan to lose 100lbs and be back to my cheerleading size before I had my kids.

    What works for me is blogging. My blog is going through a renovation right now, I have a page on fb that people can follow in the meantime and it just fuels my motivation. I know I can do it I just have to work hard. We have two weddings this year, both in Texas. One in July and the other in November. So I plan to be halfway to goal by the first and to full goal by the 2nd!

    We got this!
  • dhydes2
    dhydes2 Posts: 17
    Hi my name is Dishauna, I live in Boston, MA. I'm 26 years old and single. I'm at my heaviest of 272lbs and I would like to get down to 150lbs. I have a family history of obesity, but I'm determined to overcome this and reach my goal weight.

    I've been a size 16 most of my teen and adult life, and I've maintained that for as long as I can tell. I did a weight loss study back in 2007 and I lost around 40lbs, but once I stopped I gained all of that back and more. I am planning to lose over 100lbs+ but at a rate that is manageable. Slow and steady. I hate taking pictures because I don't like the way I look. I want to lose the weight because I'm tired of hiding from the camera. I'm so ready for a change and I need all the motivation and encouragement to make it. I've dieted before and exercised and I've never kept with it, but this time it will be different.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    So exciting all of your introductions!
    Can't wait to get to know you all better!
    Feel free to add me if you would like.
    Also, I started a topic for just chatting in our group. :)
  • Hi Everyone! I am Audrey and I am determined to lose in the year of 2013!
  • Lindafunk_1985
    hi i am Linda, I am 27 i started off at 296 and am at 280 right now! YAY! I would like to get to 150! I live in Manitoba, Canada. Married and can't wait to shed these pounds
  • parismix63
    Hi my name is Paris I am 49 years old, I live in Alabama I have a 24yr old son and twin daughters whom are off in college. Now that I am home alone I would like to work on losing weight ,I weigh 293, And would like to weigh around 200 I work as an educator so I do very little excersise, But I do have some eguipment that I never use. I am glad to become a part of this family:happy:
  • pippylou9
    HI my name is Jennifer and currently I weigh 379 pound. My goal right now is to get down to 200 pounds so.....I am literally trying to lose another person. LOL. It is my first day on MFP and I am really going to try and hold myself accountable (good and bad) from here on out. My ultimate goal is not to be stick thin but just healthy and to feel better. I wish everyone good luck!
  • lgcrawford
    Hi, my name is Lateresa and I currently weigh 257. I have been overweight most of my life with the same old story of losing weight then gaining it back. Last year I put on 30 pounds. My short term goal is to 200 but would ultimately like to get down to 130. I just want to feel good and have some energy again.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    HI my name is Jennifer and currently I weigh 379 pound. My goal right now is to get down to 200 pounds so.....I am literally trying to lose another person. LOL. It is my first day on MFP and I am really going to try and hold myself accountable (good and bad) from here on out. My ultimate goal is not to be stick thin but just healthy and to feel better. I wish everyone good luck!

    You can do this, Jennifer!!
  • MarleeJean
    When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had kidney failure at 5 mos, my first stroke at 8 mos and following her birth 39 strokes and when she was 9 mos old had 2/3 of a kidney removed.

    I am not trying to one up your story, but I am telling you that everything is a day at a time. When I had a headache or was stressed I would ask my daughter for a hug and it would go away. I promised myself that I would take 2 min morning noon and night to tell her how much I loved her and what a gift she was to me. When I felt the world crushing me, that intentional 2 minutes with her fought off the dragons.

    I did the school at night and read biology homework to my daughter for her night time stories. When I switched to accounting, she would quiz me on terms. We did our homework at the table together. I was a single Mom for 27 years. You can do this Marlee. Let your love for each other be your strength and incentive. Being a single Mom just means you don't have to share her :)

    Thank you for sharing your story with me. Its been a very long Journey these last 7 years with her health. On average its about 2 weeks a month shes in the hospital 2.5 hrs away from Home. I need to learn to start eating healthier so that when i dont always have a way of working out hardcore, besides what i can do in a hospital room, then everything doesnt fall apart on me. I am very grateful my daughter is so supportive and love to help me with my homework. Its hard tho, i have class till 10 most nights, come home do hours of homework and start my day at 5:30 to make sure shes out the door with all of her medical needs getting done in the morning. I let her know to the fullest how much she means to me, and how special she really is. We have a bond like ive never seen with a lot of parents, basically because shes never left my side until recently. As her health gets worst its harder for me to stay focused on myself. Thats the one thing her dr's tell me, my friends tell me, and my family tell me all the time. I never take enough time for myself in a day. I will go weeks without doing one thing for ME to benefit myself. Thats why this whole new year is a "toast" to her health staying stable, hopefully graduating at the end of the year, getting my life back after a very nasty breakup a few months ago, and getting back to just being me. I am ready to start living and i love ALL the supportive words and encouragement that i see on here. I feel like we're all in this together, and i havent had that in a long time. Im very excited for this Journey!