Are you old points Or new points and why?

Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
Hi we wanna hear about which plan your following old or new reasons why. If you had success with either one post some strategies that you've tried.


  • rainey4
    rainey4 Posts: 164 Member
    I am on the old Plan. Core Actually. I live in Bermuda where we have no weight watchers. The Core Plan is the last full set of material that I have so I will follow that. I loved it and did lose about 20 lbs on it. I just found it easier.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    I am on the old Plan. Core Actually. I live in Bermuda where we have no weight watchers. The Core Plan is the last full set of material that I have so I will follow that. I loved it and did lose about 20 lbs on it. I just found it easier.

    Do you think that ww is too low in calories? Compare to mfp.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I am on the old points system. It is what I used to lose hundreds of pounds before and now that I am no longer going to get pregnant again I want to use weight watchers to lose the weight again. The new system has the same calories they just made it more complicated. I tried the new system and wasn't losing anything and with the old system it is starting to melt off again..I am already down to 227 again.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I am on the old Plan. Core Actually. I live in Bermuda where we have no weight watchers. The Core Plan is the last full set of material that I have so I will follow that. I loved it and did lose about 20 lbs on it. I just found it easier.

    Do you think that ww is too low in calories? Compare to mfp.
    I think it is lower than what MFP suggests if you don't eat your exercise points back. It is a guideline also and MFP doesn't have a lot of guideline and they lower you down to 1200 calories to soon I think. I personally eat where I feel comfortable. If that means eeating 26 points then great or 31 points if I am really hungry. Sometimes I workout and eat my workout points back too and I still 50 calories a point you eat around 1400 to 1600 calories.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    When I was down to the 160s I never ate below 24 pts to 27 pts and only worked out 30 minutes a day. I started off at 34 pts and worked my way down. I was 289 pounds when I got down to 164 pounds.
  • cjacole
    cjacole Posts: 69 Member
    I lose weight a lot better on the old system. I love it. And when I do my point with calories it was has eating about 200 less than MFP
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm doing the new points because that's all I've known. I never tried the program before PointsPlus although I've heard a lot of good things about it.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I did he old way years and years ago but forgot how until I found this group. I am now trying to old way again and hoping I can lose some weight. If anyone can provide me some tips on using the old way I sure would appreciate it.

    One think I noticed is that like my 1st day doing this , this week I was below 1000 calories which is not good and my daily calorie is 29. I still need help figuring it all out again and how to use activity points/weekly flex.

    If anyone can tell me the best way to go about losing weight using the old method ? Also looking for buddies :)
  • ajbltn
    ajbltn Posts: 57
    Th materials I'm finding online (since I'm not paying for it at the moment) are mainly points plus. As long as its consistent, it gives me better control over what I'm eating/day. Counting calories put a negative spin on it for me, where with WW, the points are much more positive. I did WW years ago and did really well. So I'm trying again. Unfortunately its not in my stay at home mommy budget to pay for it right now, so I'm determined to make this work!! Anyone also doing WW can add me. I don't track on here but I try to log into message boards daily! :)
  • tnpmonaco1
    tnpmonaco1 Posts: 4 Member
    I loved the old system. I joined an at work program 2 years ago and lost 30 lbs in 20 weeks for 200 bux...once I maintained my first 25 lb loss for 6 weeks I became a life time member! I can go to meetings for free as long as I weigh in no more than 2 lbs over my original goal, which I am about 15 over that now. The new system hasn't worked as well for me, but I'm sure many people have had success with it. Just depends on the person!
  • Ras_py
    Ras_py Posts: 129 Member
    I am doing the old plan. MFP didn't give me the sucess that WW does. Mainly i do the old bc thats what i KNOW and all my recipe books are for the old program. Im doing well now that i started doing WW again instead of MFP ~ i do enjoy logging my foods here tho, the reason is that makes it EASY to figure out how many points ive used!
  • isabelle1799
    isabelle1799 Posts: 7 Member
    With the old program and mfp I am doing the CORE plan and NOT filling out the food diary here. I want to stick to the plan I know works for me. I might change it up and go to the old FLEX, but right now I like what I'm doing. Though its only day 3, so we'll see. :)
  • LovesAmber
    LovesAmber Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a lifetime member and have been using the old point system. I'm going to start attending meetings again to see how I like the new program. I'll let you know my thoughts after Saturday.
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    I'm using the old points program because its what was successful in the past and because there is a user script that shows them on MFP. Also I find I can stay within my calories and go way over on points, but if I try to focus on lean meats and veggies I meet both my points and calorie range using all of the weekly point allowance. I think using the points along with MFP focuses me to eat healthier and make sure I eat enough. When doing WW in the past I sometime did not eat enough and my weight loss would stall.
  • KristiSixty7
    I'm new here and have used the both Flex & Core when I attended WW meetings. I am going to try the old points here at MFP with MFP and see how that goes (not so good already today!) but may end up switching back to Core because I definitely lost more that way. Counting points I tend to use them on too much processed foods where as I ate healthier on Core.