Welcome and Introductions



  • lovedork
    lovedork Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I'm Amanda, from NYC. We got engaged in September in Disneyland after dating for over 4 years. I am finishing grad school this year and going on to a PsyD.

    We just booked our venue in NJ for November 2014!

    I went shopping 'for fun' with my maid of honor in October (it was truly just for fun because its obviously very early). I thought I wanted a mermaid or trumpet gown, but every dress I tried on made me more and more upset. I walked out disgusted and in tears. I felt fat and unattractive and I DO NOT want to feel that way on my wedding day.

    I am a little over 200lbs right now and would like to get to 150, but less would be even better. I have a while, so I may as well try as hard as I can to have a body I feel comfortable in. I want to lose weight for my wedding, but also for the rest of my life.

    I belong to two gyms (one at work), I'm signed up for kickboxing, and I get free zumba at the work gym. I have no excuses now!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kluginbill1
    kluginbill1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Congrats to everyone! My name is Kelsey and I'm 23. Our date is August 17th, 2013 and we've been together for 6 years today actually :) We met while working at a restaurant in high school and have been together ever since.
    I've always been a runner, but gained 25lbs in college while I was living in Spain (and trying everything in sight!) and I've been working at losing it for the last few years, but not very seriously. Now that the wedding is getting closer, I want to lose the last 10-15lbs and really tone up. Our goals this year are to run a half marathon and do a triathalon, so I'm ready for this! I'm looking forward to the challenge! Good luck everyone!
  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! I'm 28 yrs old, live in northern california, and my FI have been together for almost 6 1/2 years. We've planning to get married for two years and he officially put a ring on it this past August on my birthday. Our wedding date is August 3, 2013.

    I'm so excited to be apart of this group. Not only are we all brides (congrats!!!) but I've been needing some friends to help motivate me and keep me on track. I've been plus size all my life and I'm really ready to change that. Since my weight loss journey began i lost 55 or so lbs. and I'm not ready to turn back now. Especially since i want to be the sexiest bride you ever did see . But also on both sides of my family there's diabetes, high blood pressure, stokes, and so much more I want to take control of my health before its too late.

    One of my goals to start with is to lose 50 more lbs . The other is to lose some inches by toning which is so hard for me to stay in top of. Can't wait to start this challenge with all of you!
  • Hi fellow brides! I have found this challenge on a search and I am so excited to see so many of us in such similar situations! It is great not to feel alone! My name if Juliana and I am 31 years old.
    I got engaged last August, and getting married in September 21st, 2013. I am brazilian, he is greek/english and we met and live in London. We have a house together and 2 lovely maine coon cats! We met while studying for our MBA degree back in 2009 ( we were in the same class) and been together since 2010. Getting married in Afytos, Greece, where his family is from.
    When we met, I was the fittest I had ever been: had a personal trainer, ran 3 times a week and participated in several runs as well. I weighed 120 pounds which now in hindsight was quite low for a 5'7" tall person. However, after I finished the MBA degree in early 2011, surprise surprise, I got a new job offer an started the craziest year of my life, travelling 80% of the time and working really long hours. Needless to say, my workout routine stopped and I caught myself constantly eating and drinking wine by myself as I was always in some hotel around the world all by myself. So not only I gained weight (27 pounds) but I became a very unhealthy person. Now things turned around: I quit the crazy job as personally no career goals are worth jeopardizing my health, got engaged literally 2 weeks after (i think he was secretly waiting for me to chose life over job) and I am excited about 2013! Getting married, still having a career but thinking about my personal goals too! Let's do this! Xxx
  • I am with you girl, this whole planning the wedding abroad is driving me crazy! Live in London and getting married at his hometown in Greece. Barely have any time to actually go there and sort thigs out! Super good luck to you! :smile:
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you for creating the group! I have fallen off the wagon and tried to get back on the last 6 months. Luckily staying within only a 10 lb gain.

    My name is Emily I'm 21, will be 22 by the wedding. My fiance's name is Alfonso. We started dating February of 2012 and were engaged on Labor day weekend. I know seems quick but we both knew early on in the relationship that we were made for each other.

    He has a daughter who I love very much and can't wait to officially be her "stepmommy". We are getting married April 6, 2013 (exactly 12 weeks from the start of the contest). I'd like to lose another 10-15 lbs by the wedding so I'm jumping back on board.
  • nailtechbec
    nailtechbec Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone, my names Becca, I'm 32, I am getting married in less than 4 months, Friday 3rd may !! We live in south Yorkshire, England and we met firstly at school ( he was my friends boyfriend for a while back then ) we reconnected 5 years ago via Facebook and we've been together ever since. We got engaged almost 4 years ago but had to postpone the wedding as we had a surprise in falling pregnant with our son ! I bought my dress before I fell pregnant and no longer fit in it :-( I NEED to fit back in that dress ! Congratulations to all you other brides to be and I'm really excited to get to know you and share this journey x
  • Jess3742a
    Jess3742a Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone, and congrats! Also, thanks OP for taking the time to organize this group! What a great tool it will be helping all of us at such an exciting time in our lives :)

    I'm Jessica. I'm 26 years old, and even though not the typical bride-to-be, I'm looking forward to finally being a married woman! I have been engaged for 3 1/2 years! Crazy, I know. I became pregnant while I was engaged, and wanted to hold off the wedding until I had lost my "baby weight." Well, another baby came along last Aug., and now I have 2x the extra baby weight to lose before the wedding bells ring!

    I have never attempted to lose weight until now (never had a weight problem until becoming pregnant). I started this weight loss journey Jan. 1st, and would love to hit the 45 lbs. lost sometime over this year! For now though, my 12 week goal is to be down to 155 from 177 (as of today). I'll def. have to work for that one!

    Looking forward to having such a great support system!
  • kyrabeth1986
    kyrabeth1986 Posts: 53 Member
    HI im Carla im 26 my OH is going to be 30. Getting married on 26th July 2013 :) Got roughly 6 months to lose around 2 stone so i can feel confident in my dress :)
  • satellitecat
    satellitecat Posts: 7 Member
    Hello and congratulations all around!

    You may call me Cat. My fiance and I have been engaged for almost a year now, and we are planning our wedding in September 2014 at a vineyard. I'm 25 now, and will be 27 at our wedding. I am in the worst shape I have ever been, thanks to my own complacency during grad school, and I'm hoping to shape up so I feel comfortable at my wedding. I've been losing some weight over the past year, but was not super focused on it. It's time for me to get into better shape, especially since I'll be applying for big-girl jobs soon, and making a good impression in my field includes being in shape!

    I can't wait to see everyone's progress over the challenge!!! yay!
  • Good morning everyone! Congratulations on your engagements. My name is Amy, 27 almost 28 and we got engaged last February after 3 years of dating. We are getting married in October 2013! I thought I had so much time to plan and get in shape but time is flying! I have lost a little weight but have lost some motivation after a really stressful month of December. I am so excited for this challenge and to be part of a group to offer each other motivation and support :)
  • missquela
    missquela Posts: 60 Member
    Hello and congratulations fellow engaged ladies!

    My name is Miquela, and I have been engaged to my fiancé Mike since 11.11.11 :) we're tying the knot on July 13th this year (eek!) which seemed to be a long ways away when we got engaged, but holy crap it's soon now! I'm trying to lose 50 lbs before the wedding, which is probably not possible but damnit I'm gonna try! I started MFP in May and lost 30 lbs but gained 12 of it back between August and now, so I restarted on the first. Feel free to add me as a friend for support and best of luck to you all!!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Hey everyone I'm Jesyka. I'm 24 and my fiance and I met in April 2009 and were engaged by June. Together we have three children. My first I gained a lot, I had pre eclampsia and it caused me to blow up. I lost most of what I'd gained and then conceived my second. We found out we were pregnant with her 2 weeks after getting engaged and decided to hold off on getting married for a year. In August 2010 our middle child was murdered at 5 months old and we learned in the same week that we were expecting our third. Depression, Grief and Pregnancy with my last put me at a whopping 265lbs by delivery. I didn't lose much after having our son and it wasn't until April 2012 that I finally realized I needed to lose a lot! We set our wedding date in December of 2011 for August 24th 2013 and I started my weight loss the following April at a starting weight of 256.8lbs!

    I'm taking a dietary supplement (started it on June 1st 2012) and using portion control and healthy eating as well as trying to get in at least a half an hour work out every day. I'm now at 198lbs :) My "target" is 160lbs but I don't know if that will be where I will actually stop as I don't know what my target weight should be so I'm going til I'm comfortable !
  • Hello everyone and congrats! =]

    I'm Emily, and I am 25 years old. I got engaged right before Christmas, and so all we have planned is the date and location. We will be getting married on December 20, 2013 in South Carolina. ^^ I met him on OKCupid a little over three years ago. =]

    Anyway, I gained a lot of weight throughout college after managing to drop about 40lbs in freshman year and I've put on some weight since I met my boyo, so it's time to get myself all back on track. Ideally I want to weigh around 150, but by the wedding I'd be beyond happy with somewhere in the vicinity of 200.
  • ibfree1027
    ibfree1027 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! My name is Stephanie and I just got engaged less than a month ago!! I am super excited! Our wedding date is April 26, 2014. The only decision I have made is to lose weight!! I seem to have always struggled with it but I am determined to look great in my pictures and be proud of them. I think this group will be great for that! We can all relate to each other. I know this started today and I am hoping I can still get in!

    Good Luck to all the brides!!

  • happyfitgirl
    happyfitgirl Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats to all and I look forward to all of our future successes!

    In 2008 I took a fitness bootcamp and absolutely loved it, I was hooked. I became a bootcamp instructor and was in the best shape of my life in the summer of 2009 (my profile pic). I met my fiance in the fall of 2009 and put on my "happy weight". Dating and moving in together sure does pack on the pounds! I'm currently at the highest weight I've ever been (234) and it's really hard to resist all the fun restaurants and things to cook/bake at home! But I think now that my fiance was officially diagnosed with high blood pressure and the wedding date officially set, we're both really ready to change and get into shape!

    Our wedding is 11-12-13 destination wedding in Mexico! My sister gave me her size 18 wedding dress and I'm hoping I'll have to get it taken in because I'll have lost most of the weight I want to lose! I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit for our honeymoon. My ultimate weight goal is 175 and I turn 30 this year, so I really want to be in the best shape of my life because we plan to start a family soon too! 2013 is my year and I can do this!!
  • arendiva
    arendiva Posts: 177 Member
    My name is Rachael. I met my fiance Eric on eharmony 4 years ago. We are getting married next October. I'm currently 225 pounds and hoping to significantly drop weight before then. I'm going dress shopping in March so I'm hoping to use this challenge to kick me into gear.
  • Hey everyone! I'm Ashley and I'm 22 years old and just graduated from college. My fiance and I got engaged in July and we have not set a date yet (although I'm really pushing for September 13, 2013). We've been together since we were 15, and just celebrated our 7 years the other day!

    I was on MFP for a while and it really worked for me. I lost about 12 pounds and I was really feeling good about myself and my body. I got busy with school, but now I'm back and ready to lose weight again!

    We are planning on having a Ravens type wedding, with our colors being purple and black. We are also hoping to have it somewhere on the water to celebrate our boating lifestyle too! Best of luck to everyone in the competition, I'm excited to meet you all!
  • Congrats everyone on your engagements! It's been nice getting to "meet" all of you!

    I'm Amalia and I've been dating my fiancé for 10 years. We're 26 now, 28 on our wedding day. B and I started dating in high school and have been together ever since! He proposed in August and we're getting married on the ocean in MA on August 16, 2014. I'm finishing my grad program in Dec 2013, so that's why we're having such a long engagement!

    I was never overweight until about 2 years ago. We moved in together after college and I started eating the foods and quantities of food he was eating (which is not the smartest when your FI is 6'4" and an athlete!!). Before I knew it, I didn't fit into anything in my wardrobe, was buying clothes in sizes I never imagined myself wearing and worst of all...I was making excuses not to see friends from college, go out, go the beach, etc. because I was ashamed of the weight I had gained.

    I am so determined to lose this weight and go back to the healthy, fit and confident person I was 3 years ago. I also want to have an amazing experience trying of wedding dresses at Kleinfeld's in March with my girlfriends and mom. I hope we can all inspire each other along the way!
  • thefitcompanion
    thefitcompanion Posts: 15 Member
    A hearty congratulations all around to all of my other fellow brides-to-be! I am excited to be starting this challenge with everyone. Good luck to all!

    My name is Heather, and I am 24 going on 25. My fiance and I have been together for six and a half years, engaged for two, and will have been together for seven by the time we are married on October 5th, 2013. We met at the place we both worked a month before my high school graduation, became friends, and by July of the same year, we started to date. We have been together ever since.

    From seven to seventeen, I was heavily involved in softball - I played from spring to fall every single year, including All-Star seasons. I was in the best shape of my life. When I began to date my fiance I also started college, so I piled on the fabled "freshmen fifteen" on top of "happy weight". Over the last six years, I have gained (a personally shocking) 50 pounds.

    We got a townhouse during the summer of 2012, and with all of the moving, I dropped down six pounds. I figured, hey, I've got a head start, so why not try for a few more? I bought Dance Central for my Xbox, signed for MFP, and lost fourteen more. A foot problem set me back around November (did you know you could have an extra bone in your foot? I surely didn't!), but I am back in the game and ready to go. I am ready to be healthy again.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful time during the next twelve weeks!