Just joined

Hi! I just joined the group. I am 50 and in fairly good shape. I have lost 35 pounds since April and this time intend on keeping it off. I go to the gym at least three days a week and also do aerobics three days a week. I work full time also. I am married with one grown daughter and two beautiful grandsons, 4&8. Both my parents have passed. My mother just recently from a stroke and my father 25 years ago, he was just 57. Heart disease runs rampid in my family and I am trying desperately to keep this from happening to me. I eat well and get plenty of exercise. Please help me in this endeavor to keep on track. Wish me luck!


  • Hi, I also have just joined the group and am hoping that as this is the beginning of a new year it can also be the beginning of change for me. I have started this type of thing many times before and had great results, only to gradually slip back into old habits and the weight goes back on. I had a heart stent put in last May and for a while I was very particular about my diet and exercise but for the past few months I have been terrible. One would think that a heart scare would be all the motivation I needed! I also have pretty bad arthritis which limits the type and duration of exercise but there is certainly plenty I can do. At my last visit to the rheumatologist I was told I needed to lose 5 kilo by first week in March. However after Chrissy partying its probably at least 8 by now! So this morning is the beginning for me. Was going to join weight watchers online but decided to give mfp a go and see if i can motivate myself. I am going to begin the day with a weigh in on my Wii followed by a warm up and muscle/yoga session. Then at least 3 10 minute sessions throughout the day on my cross trainer, a short weight workout (dumbells only) and a few water exercises in the pool. Now that I have written that down I hope it helps me stick to it! Also my diet will be great. Sorry for rambling but I really need to do this and maybe this will help motivate me. By the way I will be 58 years old on Saturday 5th so it is time to get serious before it is too late. Seems as though most people on here are much younger but that's OK.
    Righto then I'm off to the Wii.
  • heidikmorris
    heidikmorris Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! And Happy New Year! We share the same birthday - I am getting ready to turn 49 - not quite 50, but decided to join the 50 group to get a head start on some of the 50 tricks. I have put on 30 lbs in the past couple of years and after my sister visited a few weeks back, we decided to use this tool to help us lose weight! I am hear cheering you on! Stick with it and you will be in tipity toppity shape in no time!
  • lcgoss
    lcgoss Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I turn 50 in three months! Looking to be in better shape than I was 10years ago. I too exercise regularly and have lost about 40lbs in the last several years. Looking to get off the last stubborn 15lbs or so and hope to complete my first 1/2 marathon in May. Just starting training for that!
  • Jettgirl2013
    Jettgirl2013 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi just joined this group also! I need all the help I can get for support. I am a Nana of 6 and work a full time jos on my butt! I have 40 pounds to lose! :(
  • Goodjaz50
    Goodjaz50 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi - I'm new also. Turned 50 last May and decided to get serious about losing a lot of weight (75 pounds). Have started at a women's gym 3x/week (1/2 hour cardio and 1/2 hour strength training each session) and last week added Zumba 2/x per week. Am also trying to follow a paleo diet. Have done WW many, many times and decided something new might do the trick. I work full-time and have 2 teenagers. Have moved 4x in last 3.5 years (including 2 years overseas) so life has been crazy. It's now time to focus on a healthier ME.
  • Jettgirl2013
    Jettgirl2013 Posts: 6 Member
    Great job on the weight loss! Hang in there, 50 isnt that bad.
  • I have just completed my first weighin since starting on mfp and am stoked to find a loss of 1.7kg. I was hoping for at least 1 as I am feeling really good and have been very diligent despite a blowout on Saturday. I realise that it wont be this much each week but that is certainly encouragement. Gives me the strength to continue in the same way through the coming week.
    Actually when I look at my profile I see that I actually joined in Nov 2012 ( because my son talked me into it!) but didn't actively begin here until New Years Day this year when I decided I needed to get serious. Realised that 1.7 kg in a few months didn't really look that good but its actually my first week!
  • Greetings fellow fitters --

    I am back after a break. Soon to be 51, I worked MFP & Fitbit last year and dropped 25 lbs. I have a seasonal job that keeps me active so with 4-6000 cal burns a day and 8+ hours of intense physical work, I quit tracking my food -- I couldn't eat enough to keep up -- and my exercise. All my fitbit graphs were over the top. But since the end of the season about Thanksgiving time, I've gone up 7 lbs so time to get back on track because this program WORKS. Also doing it to help support MBH who you can also find on MFP. Keep at it, DON'T WATCH THE SCALE!!! -- only once a week at weigh-in! Feel free to friend me.

    Never Give Up -- Never Surrender!
  • Hi! I just joined the group. I am approaching 59 and am working hard to improve my health. My biggest problems are high blood pressure and cholesterol. In the past I have started and stopped too many times. I am now committed to turning my situation around. I need all the support that I can get.
  • Jettgirl2013
    Jettgirl2013 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck with your training, just remember you can do anything you set your mind to!!
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi. I'm new here but a long time user of the MFP app. I turned 50 yesterday. Have struggled with extra weight most of my adult life. Need to lose about 25 now. I restarted in January and have dropped 8 lbs since the start of the year, eating 1400 cal per day and working out regularly. Looking forward to meeting you.
  • Jettgirl2013
    Jettgirl2013 Posts: 6 Member
  • Jettgirl2013
    Jettgirl2013 Posts: 6 Member
    Going to join a fitness club, is there anyone out there know about club fitness?
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    I have worked out at the YMCA for 8 years now. I find it's full of regular people like me. They provide solid fitness advice, most of it at no extra charge. And they don't try to sell me anything extra. I go to spin class 3 days a week and a muscle class 2 days a week. It's not too crowded (most of the time) and I've made some remarkable friends over the years. It's a far better experience than the commercial gyms I've used in the past. Good luck!