Day 5 - Schedules

Day 5 - Schedules

Today is the 5th day of the challenge, and by now you all should have a set schedule of when you get your workouts in. I always say it's best to have a schedule so you can hold yourself accountable to it. I shared my schedule in the first post about our goals. My schedule allows for me to have some flexibility because I have 2 scheduled off days throughout the week. I will share my schedule again for those who missed it.

My schedule looks like this:
Sunday: 1 hour step (cardio), 30-45mins weights
Monday: 1 hour turbo kick
Tuesday: off day
Wednesday: 1 hour of turbo kick, 30-45mins of weights
Thursday: 1 hour of turbo kick
Friday: off day
Saturday: 1 hour turbo kick, 30-45mins of weights

Share the schedule you have created for yourself. Lets all help each other stay accountable!

Xo, Brittny


  • Here's the schedule I created for myself:
    - Sunday: Back and Biceps + HIIT Cardio
    - Monday: Legs and Abs
    - Tuesday: Cardio
    - Wednesday: Shoulders/Triceps and Chest
    - Thursday: Back and Biceps + HIIT Cardio
    - Friday: Cardio or Yoga (optional)
    - Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: BODY ATTACK
    Monday: Rest
    Tuesday: Cardio (35 min. min.) & 25 min Back & Shoulders
    Wednesday: BODY ATTACK
    Thursday: Cardio (min 35 min) & 35 min. Legs
    Friday: BODY ATTACK & CORE X
    Saturday: Cardio (35 min. min) & 25 min. Chest & biceps
  • EllyG08
    EllyG08 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm a Jazzerciser so....
    Sunday: Jazzercise/AM(60 mins) - turned out to be circuit
    Monday: Jazzercise/PM (60 mins)
    Tuesday: Yoga/AM
    Wednesday: REST or Kinect activity/PM
    Thursday: Jazzercise/PM (60 cardio, 45 strength)
    Friday: Jazzercise (not sure if AM or PM or both)
    Saturday: Jazzercise (60-120 mins)

    A typical class consists of a warm up, 30 mins of cardio, 20 mins of strength (I use 8lb weights) and a cool down/stretch. Thursday's second class is completely body sculpting with weights and bands (my favorite).
  • Here is the schedule I've kept for myself since September 2012:

    Sunday - rest
    Monday - Morning run - 3-4 miles
    Tuesday - Morning run 1-2 miles + weights
    Wednesay - Morning run hills - 4.5 miles
    Thursday - Morning weights + Evening run 2-3 miles
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - Long run - 6-10 miles
  • Monday-1 hour Zumba, 20 min weights
    Tuesday-30 min Stairs, 20 min run
    Wednesday-1 hour Hip Hop dance
    Thursday-1 hour Zumba 20 min weights
    Friday-off <----i want to add another Hip Hop class to this day, soon as I can free up my scedule
    Saturday-free day, not set schedule, 1 hour workout time
    Sunday-flex day (makeup if missed a day during week)
  • traceyalbert2
    traceyalbert2 Posts: 4 Member
    Finally figured out how to "join" via the world wide web & NOT on my cell, thanks for the instructions Britt.
    Here's my schedule and so far I've been consistent! :smile:

    Sun - Yoga (1hr)
    Mon - Cardio (45 min), weights (20min)
    Tue - Zumba (1hr), Abs (30min)
    Wed - Cardio (45 min), weights (20min)
    Thur - Zumba (1hr), Abs (30min)
    Fri - Rest / Zumba or Just Dance on the Wii w/the kids
    Sat - Cardio (45min), weights (20min)
  • MrsHollins85
    MrsHollins85 Posts: 9 Member
    I have also joined the 30 Day Cardio Challenge as well It started Monday so I am very excited!!
    This is my schedule this past week schedule:

    Sunday: 30-45 minutes Crossfit Interval Training (Mountain Climbers/Squats/Bicycle Crunches Etc) ;10 Butt Workout ; Arms Back Chest..Resistance Bands

    Monday: 1/2 Mile Jog/ 1/2 Walk
    Bicycle Crunches/Mountain Climbers Before Bed

    Tuesday: 5,4,3,2,1 MODIFIED (jumping jacks & jump squats/single leg lunges/ travelers push ups/wall sit ups/crawl down crawl ups/jumping rope ) 2 Sets
    Arms Back Chest..Resistance Bands
    Crunches/Bicycle Crunches Before Bed

    Wednesday: 30 minutes Ellipitcal; Running/Walking 3 Flights Stairs (2 sets)

    Thursday: 1/2 Mile Jog / Jumping Jacks & High Knees
    Arms Back Chest..Resistance Bands
    Pilates Stretches 15 poses Before Bed

    Friday: 1 Mile Walk W/ Kids or WiiFit Games

    Saturday: 30-45 minutes Crossfit Interval
    Training (Mountain Climbers/Squats/Bicycle Crunches Etc) ;10 Ab Workout