Sugar cravings

My biggest paleo problem is sugar cravings! I'm fine throughout the day, but after dinner I get mad sugar cravings. I will reach for a small piece of dark chocolate, which only makes me want (and then eat) more.

After reading other posts here and articles online, I'm thinking that my cravings are in my actual nutrition of what I'm eating throughout the day. My diary is open (today wasn't the greatest going out to lunch, check my notes for what I actually ate at the restaurant) and I've only been eating paleo for the last 5 days.

So suggestions please, friends? Thanks! :happy:


  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I know what you mean, I struggle with that sometimes too. I started doing better when I just cut off my eating time at 7:00 and when I feel the urge, I make peppermint tea....sounds boring, but it helps. Also, I see a lot of chocolate...maybe try weaning yourself off of that. Maybe that is causing you to crave more?
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    IMO, you cold be craving carbs. That's fine. Just have a larger dinner and include a nice baked sweet potato. You'll notice the difference - very satisfying.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I agree it could be carbs....I only crave sugar now during PMS lol...oter thanthat no cravingas at all...but the past couple nights were bad, I find brushing my teeth works, its a psychological thing :tongue:
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Also with only doing it 5 days, your sugar detox is still working out of your system. Since you are feeding your sugar monster (with dark chocolate) it could take longer to tame. I have been at this since November 1. I have noticed I only really crave sugar when I allow myself to eat sugar or I am eating for reason other than hunger. My biggest triggers are being upset, bored and tired. I peeked at your diary and it looked good. The bored and tired always hit me after dinner, Could this be your issue as well?
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Try some tea with a small bit of honey (best if you can find local honey)

    I love, love, love Bengal Spice - it is caffine free but has a nice bite to it and I have found that by having a cup in the evening it gives me a touch of sweet and a touch of spice.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Push through! Eliminate the chocolate completely! If it gets that bad berries. You need to jump this first hurdle and feeding into it will prolong the cravings! You can do it!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Try a banana or apple with some cinnamon and a little honey.
    I also found that cherry tomatoes helped satisfy my cravings as well as some fresh pineapple.
    I am only day 7 and last night I also made Paleo Pumpkin Cookies.
    I think it will get easier...I hope it will get easier...
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    dairy intake can cause sugar cravings.try and restrict dairy and see what happens.2 weeks without and then 3 servings in a day and see what happens.good luck..also,consider reading it starts with food.great book and very helpful
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    and I've only been eating paleo for the last 5 days.

    So suggestions please, friends? Thanks! :happy:

    You are probably still detoxing. Stick with the plan and the cravings will lessen. I hardly have them any more and I have been Primal for 1.5 years. After the first month, the cravings should ease. It is very important to detox in the first few weeks.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    and I've only been eating paleo for the last 5 days.

    So suggestions please, friends? Thanks! :happy:

    You are probably still detoxing. Stick with the plan and the cravings will lessen. I hardly have them any more and I have been Primal for 1.5 years. After the first month, the cravings should ease. It is very important to detox in the first few weeks.

    yes this, stick with it, it will pass, I find increasing fat intake helped alot in the beginning :smile:
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    Thanks everyone! Today worked really well for me by increasing my protein intake and getting fat in many different forms.

    Also decided to eat dinner later so I didn't feel hungry later in the night :) Oh and there's no more chocolate in my house (oops I ate it all yesterday :p) so I have to grab for fruits for something sweet.

    You all rock! I definitely can do this :D
  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    That's my problem time too! I will make a smoothie after dinner as a 'treat' and I use frozen strawberries, lemon juice, a little fresh squeezed OJ (lots of pulp),water, and stevia or xylitol for extra sweetener (I had a HUGE sweet tooth before, you may like it without stevia or xylitol)

    PS- surprisingly super satisfying! and it makes a BIG cup, I'll also put it in the freezer and make 'sorbet'... mmm mmm mmm