Introduce yourself!



  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    i'm steph gas from long island, new york. i am 32 (almost 33) and weigh about 285. which is confusing to me because i weighed about 230 when i was married over eight years ago and the only thing that has changed is my bra size - my clothes have been 22/24 since then. my highest was 299 and at one point i lost 53lbs with a modified slim fast diet (and didn't drop one dress size).

    i've had so many problems with losing weight. i worked for weight watchers years ago in the corporate HQ and could join for free. i spent six months on WW and hired a personal trainer. i made huge changes in my lifestyle - and gained 30 pounds.

    i was always a bit thick, but when i was 17 my doctors advised me to gain a few pounds - i was 5'7" and 137. my doctor said 145 would have been perfect for my frame and build.

    all these years later, i'd be happy to drop below 200. my ultimate goal is 160lbs, then i'll see how i feel. i am happily married to a man who struggled to gain weight (sigh) but has gained 45 pounds of muscle in under two years. we have three ridiculous cats. i suffer from numerous mental illnesses, have eleven years drug free, am contemplating quitting drinking, and am studying to be an alcohol and addictions counselor. i have no medical problems - good cholesterol, good blood pressure, good sugar levels. i have every symptom of pcos but do not have pcos.

    i most often use mfp on my iphone - friend me and we can motivate each other!
  • Roserenee617
    Roserenee617 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    My Name is Renee. I am 46 years old and weigh 280 lbs. I live near Pittsburgh PA. I work part time at the moment and I also am an Avon Representative, which I love doing. I have been overweight most of my life. There was only one period of time when I was around 16 that I was at my perfect weight. I was a cheerleader which helped me to get there. I have been married 25 years and my husband loves me unconditionally. But I'm sure he would like to see me healthier and I'm sure easier on the eyes. We have a son who now 19 years old. He is our one and only. We wanted to have many children but we were just blessed with him. I was always able to carry my weight well until I hit my 40's that is. There was a lot of stress added to my life at that time as well, which didn't help. I was in a depression for many years. I found it so hard to get out of bed every single day. There were so many changes in my life and they weren't all good and I was not handling it well. Some of the changes had to do with my son. He was a great baby and child always made me smile. As he hit his teen years something happened. It was like an alien took over his body. I felt like I lost my baby. He also started going down a long hard distructive road. As hard as I tried to get him on the straight and narrow the more he fought to stay where he was. He is doing somewhat better but still struggling in certain areas. But I have given him to God. He has a great plan for him and I need to let Him do his work. I am still there for my son and still give my words of adivce and encouragement but I can't force him to live the life I think that he deserves. He has to want that for himself. Leaving him in God's hands has lifted that sadness from me mostly. Most days I'm good. But I need to start focusing on me and getting me healthy and maybe that will be a good example to my son as well. I would like to get down to about 155 if not even lower. I want to be me again. I don't feel like this is me. I can't believe I let myself get this unhealthy. I've never done anything like this before joining this group or logging my thoughts and what I eat. So I am hoping this will be a new a great start for a change in my life.
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi all! I'm Brittany! I was invited to this group and then didn't know how to access it until today. Blond moment! I'm in Houston, Texas. I'm 26 (almost 27) years old. I'm married and have a 3 year old daughter. I am currently 228lbs, starting weight of 235. My goal is to get down to 130, which is what I weighed in my early adulthood. Although, my body is vastly different after having a child so I might not get to that goal. As long as I get to a place where I'm healthy, it doesn't really matter.
  • gregevelyn
    gregevelyn Posts: 7 Member
    We have alot in common! Hang in there! Pray daily and Let God Handle The Rest! I have to say this everyday! If you pray why worry.... If you worry why pray? Our son is now 20 and has blessed us with a wonderful, loving Grandson. But our son is still not where he needs to be! But you are right, he has his own journey! God has big plans! I started out at 258 January 16, 2012 and have lost 60 lbs todate. I want to lose 40-50 more this year. I was and am an emotional eater. Sweets were my best friend. I had to take control of myself and focus on my health, not how my son was doing. My husband and I have been married for 23 years on January 20th. He was raised in a christian environment with all the best resources and opportunities. God has a plan.
    God Bless!!!
  • Hi my name is Laura, I am 34 and have been married for 10 years. We have 2 beautiful active kids ages 8 and 2. My current weight is 315. I have been big all my life my grandma used to say I come from big stock. I don't have any delusions of becoming skinny I just want to be healthy. I don't want to have to catch my breath before I read my son his bedtime story after climbing the stairs. It sucks. I have been successful before so I know I can do it. I just need a little extra help staying motivated
  • nsapp
    nsapp Posts: 9
    Looks like there are a lot of amazing women with whom we all share similar stories. The instroductions are great to read, but I believe the real motivation and encouragement comes when we take it to the next step. That being adding each other as friends. We are then one step closer to motivation without having to "scroll" down. It is impossible to add everyone as a friend, but I would challenge this great group to select a few "new friends" that you have the most in common with. I posted my introduction around the first of the year and have one new friend as a result. I need to practice what I preach more, but as I said, this is a "challenge." Good look to every woman here and may you all reach your goals.
  • Hi I'm Wanda from Ohio. I'm 56 years young, a wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandma ekkkk!!! I need to lose over 100 pounds. I stated out at 320 and now just past the 300 mark @ 298..yippy! I have always been over weight..but now am obese..not good at all. I also have diabetes, high blood pressure, and high colesterol..3 strikes! So if anyone on here has similar issues please freind me and maybe we can encourage each other. Thanks and Hugs!:happy:
  • cielbee
    cielbee Posts: 62
    Hi, my name is Carol Lynne (CL). I am 46 years old and live by myself (ie. I can blame my habits on no one but myself). I live in western MA and weigh 272 pounds. My goal is to lose about a 120 pounds. I have always cooked for myself (rather than eating out) so eating healthy food is not a problem for me-just eating too much. My second problem has always been keeping up with exercise. I'll go gangbusters for 3 -6 months, then fizzle. I liked using exercise dvds in the past, but now live on the second floor of a house with a downstairs neighbor who has the same schedule I do. I also did a lot of walking outside before, but am now in a bad neighborhood for walking. At this point, I am trying to get myself in the habit of going to the gym on a regular basis. I'm hoping that belonging to a group will help keep more more on track and keep me from losing momentum.
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    Hi My name is Krystle I am from Texas. I am 26, full time college student. I started my weight loss Journey December 21 2011 at 400+ lbs .. I am currently at 358! My goal is to be 195 .. I have lost lots of inches.. I started in a size 28 and now in a 22-24 pant depending on the make and material. Shirt size was a 4 x and now I'm in a 2-3 X . I love to workout but I'm at the point I need to be challenged ..
  • Hello All!

    My name is Bridget. I live in New York and I am 32. This is my second go at trying to lose 100 lbs. I currently weigh in at 256. It was 4 years ago at this time where I decided I needed to do something different, so I did. I cut out a lot (not all) of the processed foods I and started moving. It took nearly a year and I had lost 80lbs, but I still wanted to reach my goal weight. I lost focus for awhile and when I finally really looked at myself I had gained back the 80lbs plus 2 extra. I am motivated to make a second go of this and sustain my weight loss. I just saw a clip on the Today show about a group who had never met and had encouraged each other to all lose 100lbs. each. I am hoping that this group will help us all do the same. Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you all!
  • EmilyJZ
    EmilyJZ Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! My name is Emily, Im 27 and live in Colorado. I am currently hovering around the 300 mark. My motivation to get fit is to start living. Because my husband and I are the size we are we miss out on a lot of things. We can't get off the floor so camping, hiking and a lot of mountain activities are out. We cant fit in seats so no Broncos/Avs/Rockies games, Movies, etc. I would LOVE to be able to sit in a booth at a restaurant. I think it is a crime that someone my size has to eat her meal in the middle of the room surrounded by all the skinny people lounging around in the booths. SO...I am getting fit with the help of my brother so I could do all those things I miss out on and start living the life I want to live. It would be lovely to make a few friends along the way as well. I look forward to supporting you and receiving support on this long, hard, but worth it, journey.
  • aleciamio
    aleciamio Posts: 6 Member
    Hello from frozen Fargo, ND. My name is Alecia and I have been heavy for what seems like forever. No, really, since 2nd grade I've been the fluffiest girl in the room, but usually manage to make good friends and have a great time regardless. I turned 35 this year and decided it's no good putting off getting healthy any longer. I got myselft a trainer and started logging on MFP, and all is going really well. It has always been hard for me to loose weight, but I am determined not to give up this time. I'm starting in the 300's and want to get down under 200's. Any positive people looking for encouragement, help, a shoulder to cry on, or just want to share please feel free to friend me. Might be easier going if we have each other, and I am on here almost every day!
  • lisasmitherman
    lisasmitherman Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Lisa,

    I am 46 years old and have a 7 year old daughter that I would like to live a long life for. I want to be there to see her babies! I am starting this journey at a point in my life that is super stressful! I have a full-time job, am a full-time college student(studying Accounting) and a mom! Phew, that wore me out just typing it! I have about 105 pounds to lose!
  • Hi Im Ann, I live in wisconsin. Im 41. Im 5'7 and weigh in at 319. i know ouch. Ive been on a dieting roller coaster for sometime now and its getting old. I need to lose 170 to be my ideal weight but im not going for that right now. Im trying to get down to 250 by june and then just keep working hard and eating healthy and see where that takes me. Its so hard when food is so yummy. Im completely addicted to sugar and im diabetic. not a great combo i can tell you. But im determined to do this and i think with the help of people in the situation I am to talk to and get support from i have a good chance of success this time. Would love to chat and trade exercise tips and healthier eating food tips with anyone out there, so please add me. Thank you and good luck everyone!!!!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Ali. I live in Loma Linda, California. I just turned 24 on the 5th. I am currently weighing between 264-267. I am 5'7".

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< That little angle brat right there is my buttercup Pany (Pandora)

    I've battled with my weight all my life. Hit 200 when I was 12. 230 from 14-18. At 19, I kicked myself in the @$$ and started doing aerobics, Debbie Seibers Slim in 6, (only ever used the first work out, start it up) and eating right. I had no idea what a calorie was back then, and I'm still pretty fuzzy on the calorie, carb, good fat, bad fat, thing. All I knew was fructose and sucrose were really bad and I avoided food that had them. I stopped eating out, drinking soda, eating candy. In 6 months, I went from 234 to 204, size 32 to size 14. I was a full of confidence and life. For the first time ever, I was happy.

    At 20, I met my husband. Got married, was still 204, on my way to onederland, and a month after we're married, I got pregnant. Slap in the face. I was a high risk pregnancy, and my doctors told me that the aerobics would be too much stress, but I could walk. I gained 60 pounds, and I learned that that is typical in first time pregnancy. I had a c section and my nerves on the right of my stomach have never grown back. Completely numb. I tried aerobics and could never get into it again. I joined a gym, and was able to get to 215 in about 6 months. I then started work at a fast food place, and the gym hours and work hours clashed so I had to stop going. Here I am, at 266. I just joined 24 hour fitness. Hopefully with that, and some new friends on here that are about where I am, I can finally lose the weight
  • pipsydoodles
    pipsydoodles Posts: 6 Member
    hi, I'm 20 years old, starting weight of 210 lbs. My long-term goal is around 130 lbs, but I'm hoping to be at 150 by April/May time.

    I'm a student, so I've got terrible eating habits, all of which I'm trying my hardest to curb, especially since I'm a boredom eater. I've always struggled with boredom eating thanks to spending long amounts of time in front of my computer trying to finish essays and other assignments (making me a stress-eater too!). I recently joined my local gym with a good friend and I'm hoping we can motivate each other into making better life choices.

    I'm very conscious of my weight/body shape when I'm out and I'm always fidgeting with my clothes to make sure they look okay, and I want that to stop. I would like to be as confident as I was at 16, being able to wear bikinis, shorts and vests without feeling like everything is wobbling in the wrong place!! I'm 100% glad to know I'm not the only person who feels like this, and I would like to think that with everyone's help I can get my goals!

    Always available for a chat if anyone needs it, I like to think I'm good at pep talks (even if I'm terrible at taking my own advice)! xx
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi lovely ladies :) I'm Kayla. I'm 29 years old. I started my journey Jan 1 with 108 lbs to go(then I'll see from there). I started at 283. I'm currently at 272. My goal is 175. I've been married to my amazing husband Jake for 10 years. We have three kids, Raleigh(Ray lee) who will be 10 in Feb, Dawson who's 8 and Brielle who is 5. I started gaining weight when I got pregnant with Raleigh. Then 9 months after she was born I was pregnant again. Then 2 years after Dawson I was pregnant again....Well my baby is 5 so no more excuses! I want to be healthy and active for my kids. I work as a window clerk for the postal service. Jake is a city letter carrier. We live in a small town in Illinois. I want to be able to ride bikes with the kids or play soccer or go to an amusement park and actually be comfortable on the rides! I have a long way to go but it's all about making smart choices each day. :) feel free to add!
  • Good Morning Ladies, my name is Dana and I live in Milledgeville, GA. I am 32 years olds and have been married to my best friend for 12 years. We have an active 5 year old son, Jesse, adopted him at 4 weeks old. My starting weight and all time highest was 296, that was in September, right after suffering from an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured. We had been TTC for 12 years and was diagnosed with PCOS about 9 years ago. We finally said if it happens it will happen, but decided to adopt, that is when we welcomed our son in 2007. Back in September I began having what I thought were regular cramps with my TOM but ending up in the ER because I could not stand up without passing out I was hurting so bad. I had no clue I was pregnant, as I have always been told it would be a miracle to get pregnant, having a 1% chance it would happen. When the doctor came in and said the test was positive, we asked him was he in the right room. Well not only did I loose the pregnancy but I also lost my right tube from the rupture. I am here to get myself healthy and to be here for a long time for my son and husband. Still thinking about TTC, a little scared after September, I do not ever want to feel that pain like that again. So far I have lost 27 lbs and still going. I am wanting to get down to 145, I really want to feel better about myself.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Hello all, my name is Samantha. I live in central Indiana. I am 33 years old and just celebrated my 12th wedding anniversary yesterday. I have had emotional and self esteem issues my whole teenage and adult life and I have used food to cope with alot of that. My starting weight is 358.2 pounds and I would like to be around 170. When I met my husband 15 years ago, I weighed 190 and thought I was heavy. Over the years I have battled depression and suicide and last summer I was inpatient for 6 weeks after a suicide attempt. I think I have finally got a handle on my life and I am planning on coming out the other side stronger and healthier! I am looking for a great support system and I look forward to getting to know all of you! I am an open book and if you have any questions about me, feel free to ask. Thanks and good luck to all! :)
  • RobynUnfiltered
    RobynUnfiltered Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all. I am about to be 41 in a few days, live w/ my hubby of 18 years and 3 kids 14, 10 & 10 (twins). I have lots of stress I have been dealing with using food which has to stop. I am finishing grad school in MArch so that dream is coming true, now I want to go back to the weight i was when I met my husband. I have 2 kids w/ autism and a teenager so my goal is to find healthy ways to manage stress because, let's face it , it isn't going to magically disappear!! It will take a while, but here I go!