Introduce yourself!

Introduce yourself and tell us what you're looking for in a pal!

My name is Jeski, 26, 5'5", kinda weird but kind all the same. I like walking, hiking, biking sometimes- it kicks my *kitten* sooooo bad - and generally eat unhealthy cheap foods because they're, well, cheap. I weight a great deal and while this doesn't particularly effect my love or family life in most aspects, it makes me feel ill towards myself. And loving yourself is what is most important, I feel. So that is why I am here, charting my intake with healthier food that my best friend helped me shop for and exercise while making new friends and seeing my progress and others.

I am looking for someone to inspire me. Someone to tell it to me straight but at the same time is willing to help me get out of this twisted obesity road. So yeah, anyone who wants to lose weight Woot woot!


  • debikay55
    debikay55 Posts: 61 Member
    im 57 and 6 feet tall i have been on a weight battel all my life took it off back on .Now i am the heaviest ever at 300 li need people to talk me through this pleasebs i haft to loose 140 at the least
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I'm Lisa, (I feel like I'm in AA) and I have an eating/exercise problem! I have decided to get healthy for me as there are too many thinkgs in life I am missing out on sitting on the bench watching. My kids are both active (daughter is in a Lacrosse academy for highschool) and well I'd like to be able to keep up to them.

    I just set my first major goal this year, and that is to do Mud Hero. In order to do this I have to (in my mind) loose about another 60 lbs by August. That works out to 2 lbs per week.

    I have a wonderful husband that supports me in EVERYTHING I do, and is also on the boat to change our lifestyle so we can be around longer (hopefully) and not suffering from avoidable health problems when we are old!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I am not here to motivate you (you have to do that part) but I am certainly here to encourge you and cheer you on and be a shoulder when needed! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I am a 32 yo stay at home mom of 3 kids, ages 1 , 4 , and 13. I have gone up and down for years but am now at my heaviest. My goal is to lose 50lbs this year. I am very excited to begin this journey with everyone!
  • Hello My name is Courtney and i want to lose weight to be healthy and stop all the aches and pains of being overweight and keep up with my two kids age4 and 8 months. so i loined this group to get and give encourafement and help myself and others stay on track. so HELLO EVERYONE
  • TaykeNOPrisonrs
    TaykeNOPrisonrs Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Latay, I'm 20 years old and I'm hoping to lose 20 lbs and 5 inches from my waist so that I'll be able to get into personal training or some type of work at a gym if Physical Therapy school doesn't work out (lol). I also think it will make me look more competent and feel stronger. I'm looking forward to these next months with you all!
  • Clarissa11s
    Clarissa11s Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! I am Clarissa, 31 mother of two toddlers (3 & 1year old). My goal is to lose 125lbs. I want to find myself again. Any type of support and encouragement is welcome.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Hey, my name is Terry, I'm 44 and I'm hoping that the logging in of my foods will deter me from junking it all the time. I'm a busy woman, I have three girls and between work, school, Rainbow, Church, and Taekwondo, I see a whole lot of my steering wheel. I log in anywhere from 60 to 100 miles a day in my car. I'm also a desk jockey and a grazer.
    I absolutely LOVE this site.
  • Hi, My name is Jessica and I am a single mother of two boys, ages 13 and 10. I am at the heaviest I have ever been and I want to drop about 60 pounds. I started the 17 day diet yesterday and was ready to throw in the towel at 3:00 and get a piece of pizza! But I spoke with my sister who is doing this with me and read some posts on MFP and took the dog on a walk... I made it through the day and didnt die so hopefully day two will be easier!!
  • Clarissa11s
    Clarissa11s Posts: 43 Member
    That's great Jessica! Those moments when you make the right choice instead of your usual choice are to be celebrated! Kudos!
  • Hi! I'm a 26 year old married mom of two. I lost 35 lb two years ago and have mannaged to keep it off. However I still have a good 30lb I need to lose to be at a heathy BMI. I'm here to try something new to get me at a heathy wieght so I can take care of my little family!
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member

    My name is Donna and I am 40, no husband and no kids (I'm working on the husband, but am content now with not having any children). My Dr told me about this site when I went in for my physical. He told me that I needed to lose 20 lbs :noway: . I didn't feel that I needed to lose any weight, but I came to the site just to look and became hooked after scanning and learning more about the site. I had just joined the gym less than a year ago, but wasn't taking it seriously. After joining the site and meeting some really great people with serious goals and ambitions, I wanted to be a part of that, too.

    So now, less than 6 months in, I am 4 lbs away from reaching my 20 lb goal!!! I go to the gym at least 3 times a week and more when and if I can find time. I feel good about myself, but I still need to work on my eating habits a tad. Just because I am burning them off at the gym, does not give me the "right" to eat them all back :tongue: . My goal is to reach and maintain my "40 and fabulousness" :glasses: and to find the man that I am destined to spend my life with :love: .

    I love giving and receiving support from those who are serious about their personal goals. Feel free to add me, I won't let you down.
  • kdd0476
    kdd0476 Posts: 7 Member
    I am late on my introduction, but my name is Kim and I live near Dallas. I seem to gain and lose the same 10 pounds over and over. My first goal is to lose 10 pounds and not gain it back. I have 2 sons ages 15 & 11 and then 2 stepsons ages 12 & 8. I work full time and also attend college. Finding work out times are hard for me, but I am determined!
  • taz343
    taz343 Posts: 14
    My name is Theresa I am 31 yrs old and the heaviest I have ever been at 247lbs. I am missing out on alot in life and instead of feeling 31yrs old I feel more like I am 50-60 yrs old. I need to change and have started the steps to achieve my goals. Looking for support, friends, encouragement, a shoulder to cry on when it gets tough and also someone to kick me in the butt when needed.
  • Dannygirl13
    Dannygirl13 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Daniella, 23 years old,mother of an 11 month old baby girl, wife and high school teacher. I am now at the heaviest that I have ever been and I am ready to get back to the me I remember and miss so much. I have a very stressful life and this has been derailing me for a very long time. Eating has always been my comfort when I am stressed, sad, mad etc. However I felt, it was always expressed with food. This is a very unhealthy habit and so desperately needs to stop. I am tired of being told by everyone I have gained alot of weight. Tired of starting and losing and then stopping and regaining. I need lots of help. I need encouragement. Im looking to find someone that will message me and say "Hey what happened yesterday?/Why didn't you log your food? /Why didnt you exercise?/ How's your day going?/ You can do it!" If I can find that friend who can do that for me then I am sure I will stay on track and do the same in return. So if your out there hit me up because I need you.
  • kittykinsqt
    kittykinsqt Posts: 24 Member
    Just looking to expand my friend/motivation list. I have about 130lbs to lose. Its hard because I am a very active person and I love weight lifting...I just struggle with foods. Feel free to add me :)
  • lapoof93
    lapoof93 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey y'all
    I'm Cimia, 28 in a couple weeks
    Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and accountable!
  • charleyLEEm
    charleyLEEm Posts: 2 Member
    lapoof93 wrote: »
    Hey y'all
    I'm Cimia, 28 in a couple weeks
    Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and accountable!

    we should totally do that! i’m down :)