New Here...

I am doing the South Beach (type) diet. I started two days ago. I will be 45 this year and weigh in at a whopping 345. I have lost and gained weight over my entire lifespan, but never really devoted myself to a diet before.

I found it ironic to be eating a whole box of butterfinger bites while reading the weightloss edition of People Magazine (January 2013) I thought to myself, "Why am I doing this to myself? Wishing I was skinny." Needless to say I have made my decision and started my "DIE-it" journey on Monday 1-7-2013. I even started my blog, and am logging my intake on myfitnesspal. I am still learning the ways of South Beach or Low Carb eating, and fitness pal gave me a calorie intake of 1900 for now. so basically I have been eating low carb up to 1900 calories or less. Right now I am not doing any fitness plan.

My first goal is 50 pounds.

If anyone had some suggestions regarding SB or Low Carb or if it sounds like I am doing something wrong, please let me know.... My ultimate goal is to get down to 190. I am 5"11 and large framed so I think I would be comfortable at that weight....I guess we will see when I get there.

Thanks for reading!



  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome to the group! You'll find a lot of support for low-carb eating on this forum. If you're looking for other low-carb friends feel free to add me! I keep my diary open to friends and try to shoot for under 75g of carbs a day so moderately low carb.

    Good luck! You're taking a step in the right direction. The unsolicited advice I have is to take baby steps. It's much easier to stick to a new plan if you make one change at a time rather than changing everything at once.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    South Beach is a pretty good diet. I've done it before. I am currently on a very low carb diet in order to control diabetes. Just going low carb worked great for me for awhile. After a few month the weight loss slowed way down to almost a complete stop. I've discovered since that I needed to keep my carbs low, lower my protein intake and significantly increase good fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts (in moderation). Since that change the pounds have been melting off of me. So, don't be afraid of fats. Enjoy them. Bacon is your friend. LOL!

    Add strength training now even if it's just lifting cans of soup as weights and knee bends. You need to work to retain all that beautiful muscle you have developed under that 345 pounds. As you lose weight your body will decide that it doesn't need that much muscle anymore. Well you do need it. It's much much much easier to keep it than to build it back up. I'll post a link to a very good article about weight training and weight loss as soon as I find it.
  • PaleoNewbi
    Welcome to the group!


    Best Wishes.
  • fabulessmommy
    fabulessmommy Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a low carber! Feel free to add me as a friend. Right now i'm doing 20-25 carbs a day! I'm in the induction phase as i have over 100+ to lose! Good luck!
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Hi there and welcome. I'm pretty new to MFP, although I was on Livestrong before this. One thing you may find helpful (other than all the other great stuff you are reading already) is to understand the science behind how your body processes calories, sugars, carbs, protein and fats. Plus understanding what all sorts of vitamins, minerals, supplements, etc do to your body. I am not recommending changing your diet, the best thing for now is to pick something and stick to it.

    What I do believe, though, is that the more information you have about all of this, the more power you will have going forward. My personal opinion is that Gary Taubes, "Why We Get Fat" and Diane SanFilippo, "Practical Paleo" are two great resources. Hope that helps!

    P.S. it really works, too. I know it seems like black magic, but low carb lifestyles take the pounds off and improve your health. I have lost more than 10% of my body weight in 6 months relatively effortlessly and gone from borderline Type II diabetic to healthy glucose levels.
  • Chicagolopez
    Chicagolopez Posts: 39 Member
    I believe Eric nailed it with his advise, I read the Gary Taubes' book and found the book to be life changing. I have faith in Mark's Daily Apple web site.

    Put the effort into learning and you will see the benefits.