Welcome RN's! Introduce yourselves!



  • That's me on the right. I used a really old pic. I'm not even close to being that thin now but it's my goal to get that size again. That's my husband on the left. The pic is back when we were dating.
  • Thank you! I am very excited about it!
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    @laurg my wife is hopefully going to be starting at Frontier Nursing University in the spring for her FNP and midwife. If you would, send her a friend request. Her screen name is CHRISTI41475. Im sure she would love to pick your brain.
  • Hello
    I'm Katie and I've been an RN for 31 years in England. I teach nursing in a university, but also keep up with clinical practice. My area is paediatrics, specialised in cardio-thoracic intensive care.

    I've been using MFP for just a couple of weeks now, and have found it to be fantastic.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all
    best wishes
  • tigerbunny82
    tigerbunny82 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, My name is Brandy, I am a critical flex nurse in my hospital (I work surgical, ICU, telemetry). I have been a nurse for 7 years. I have been on MFP for 8 months and took the summer off. Now I am back and ready to stay fit forever. I am here to get to know other nurses and keep ppl motivated as I motivate myself.
  • Glad to see a sight for RN's that want to help themselves be healthy! I graduated in 1997 and am currently working ambulatory surgery. I started MFP 3 month's ago and have 1 lb to go before I reach my goal. I have been training for a half marathon, which I am set to run October 27. This is my second 1/2, but due to leg fx and back and hip problems, it has taken me two years before I could train for another. Looking to help motivate and be motivated.
  • Glad to see a sight for RN's that want to help themselves be healthy! I graduated in 1997 and am currently working ambulatory surgery. I started MFP 3 month's ago and have 1 lb to go before I reach my goal. I have been training for a half marathon, which I am set to run October 27. This is my second 1/2, but due to leg fx and back and hip problems, it has taken me two years before I could train for another. Looking to help motivate and be motivated.
  • Hello,
    I recently found this site. I am an ER RN and have been a travel nurse at times and a float pool nurse as well. I am also and mom and an Army wife. So there is very little time in my schedule for me let alone to conform to a diet plan. As you know when working as a nurse for drinking water and eating healthy is not the easiest thing to do. But I am hoping that this site can help me.
  • Hello! My name is Jenn and I am a fairly new nurse, only about 7 months. I work on an adult medicine floor and its insanity but I love what I do. What I dont love is being stressed out and tired after shift its just easier to go through the drive-thru and eat some comfort fast food, not to mention those sugar burst during the shift to help make it through. Im looking for any motivation/support buddies and hope I can be the same to others!
  • angeleyes1015
    angeleyes1015 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm doing the paleo diet - I am a rapid response nurse as well as adjunct faculty doing clinicals for nursing students, mother of 4 grown children, grandmother of 5, need to get back to a healthy weight - on my way there but have a long road - hope to find friends and encouragement here
  • Hello nurses! I have been working as a RN since 1998 in a variety of setting, geriatrics, LDRP, orthopedic trauma and more recently, the last ten years I have worked with medically fragile children in the home setting. I have always worked the third shift and have been sleep deprived for two decades, but this shift works best for my large family! And I love what I do. :)

    Four years ago I was at my lowest weight since high school, 135 lbs, and I was feeling pretty good! Then I had my last child and the weight hasn't fallen off so easily. I am now back to my highest weight and decided the time has come! I am hoping to drop down to 145 by next summer and am excited to learn about MFP! Looking forward to offering encouragement and receiving it as well! :) Sandy
  • HI, I'm stephanie. I'm a critical care transport nurse on a MICU as well as an RN in a cardica intensive care unit. I"m so tired of being fat and tired and uncomfortable. I feel like such a hypocrit trying to "educate" my patients on cardiac healthy diets and lifestyle changes that "they need to make". Who am I kidding!!! I need to practice what I preach! I'm a totally lost on how to balance fitness/eating/work/family etc... with stupid hours and a crazy job!!! We're always eating on the run!!!
  • Hello all,
    I have been a nurse for 26 years critical care trauma cardiac and oncology. I currently teach nursing in a BSN program. I recently resigned from the ICU I was working per diem in. It was too tiring to work summers holidays & weekend nights and weekdays at the college. Night shift is not conductive to good dietary, sleep and exercise habits. I was always so exhausted that I skipped sleep meals and exercise all together!! I am focusing on a healthy lifestyle. Too many nurses care for others but not themselves. I have been guilty of this. I had a wake up call with the death of a sibling recently and am now making myself a priority. So here I am on my fitness pal. 10 lbs down about 50 to go. Feel better already. Looking forward to the support of other RNs to reach my goal!!
  • Hello all!

    My name is Andrea and I've been a nurse for 2.5 years now. I weighed almost 200 lbs. after I finished nursing school and got down to 155 lbs one year after graduating! Now that I'm working on my MSN I am putting weight back on and just tipped the scale over 180. Hoping to get some good tips from my fellow RNs on how to get the weight off and keep it off. Going to try a paleo diet + dairy, but any advice you have to share I'd love to hear!
  • HI!!!

    I'm Megan. I've been an RN for 3 years and a LPN for 2 years before that. I just transferred to a new department 2 weeks ago. I am now working in the OR. I was working for an Orthopedic Surgeon in a clinic setting. It is a huge change. I am getting remarried in May and this was my initial goal for starting MFP. I kinda fell of the wagon on eating healthy and have really hit rock bottom on working out. I think with all this stress of a new job, working out might clear my head. I am just hoping to get it jump started again!!!
  • Hi Everyone, my name is Adrienne! I have been an LPN for two years and I am currently in school for my RN. And I am finding it very difficult to start this journey. I was wondering ifanyone had a few pointers? I work two jobs and I am PRN at both. So my problem is I have no set schedule and a lot of times I work overnight into the next day. Here is an example of my schedule from last week Mon - 0700 - 150 0 - 1600 - 2400, Tues 1500 - 2300, Wed - 1500 -2300 - 2400 - 0800, Thurs - 1500 - 2300, Fri - 0700 - 1500, Sat - 2400- 0800, 1500-2300 and Sunday off.My schedule is neve going to be tha same anytime soon. How am I supposed to figure out when to eat the right anount of calories? I thinkI do not eat enough calories in a day.Any words of advise would be greatly appreciated !

    Thankyou !
  • Hello to fellow RN family! Ok.....i need help! Everyday for the past 6 years of my life as a nurse (5 LPN 1 RN) ive pushed, encouraged and motivated my patients into healthy living, educated them on how to maintain their healthy living all while i live and do the opposite! Im sooooo tired of living in the body that i have and mad that laziness has won in my life! Ive dieted over the years lose wt only to gain it back! The only thing i have accomplished is staying out of the 20's clothing size that i wore for years and maintaining a comfy 16 lol in 05 i said no more to 18/20 jeans and hope to never return lol but now its time for more! Its time for goodhealth and healthy eating! I wish us all success!
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Hello! My name is Shelley and I am an LPN about to receive my RN in June. I currently work nights full time on a medical/Oncology unit. When I graduate, i would like to work OR. It is ireally hard to go to school FT, do clinicals, and work FT. I find it is hard to find the time to work out :-/ I am doing a challenge with Gold's Gym and I really want to win!
  • KetsyBaby
    KetsyBaby Posts: 40 Member
    Hello All,
    I am a brand new Vegan, a baby vegan as it were, and I have made this decision based on my current state of poor health, and the fact that I can no longer ignore the benefits of a vegan diet, but also the downfalls of not choosing to change the way I eat and treat my body and the environment.
    I am 40 years old, morbidly obese, and my life "was" (as of a week ago) pretty much over. I was gaining weight, chronically overeating, and eating nothing with any nutritional value. I have IBD, sleep apnea, SOB, knee problems, abdominal hernias, a permanent ileostomy, depression, anxiety, PTSD, carpal tunnel in both wrists, and am practically immobile. I haven't left my apartment in 2 months because It is too difficult to get in and out of my car and my belly hits the steering wheel. This is not living, this is waiting to die.
    I have tried every diet I know of, had consultation for gastric surgery, and am seeing a Bariatric specialist MD who believes I have ADHD. Because of my bowel disease and the twists and turns of the herniation I have, I CANNOT eat most raw fruits and vegetables. It is hard to be on any diet when you can't eat the "free foods".
    I have slowly been considering my relationship to meat, dairy, eggs, and animal products. I saw the documentaries including Super-Size Me, Food Inc., Hungry for Change, and Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead. Then I caught something on the evening news that disturbed me greatly, it was a hidden video of a pig farm where they were handling these small helpless piglets, and without stating what most of you already know, I was sickened. I also always thought that Kosher meat was somehow better, after watching Vegucated, then PETA's "If all slaughterhouses had glass walls", and finally Earthlings. There was simply no way I could ever put any of that crap into my body ever again.
    I realize the reason I was eating so much, such mass quantities of garbage food was because my body is craving nutrients that it is not getting. Not only that, all my food was processed and washed down with copious amounts of diet soda and artificially sweetened mix drinks. I was not drinking any water.
    Now, I don't smoke, drink, or drug, but I have been addicted to crap (and I now know that it is not entirely my fault). I am lucky in that I have normal blood pressure and no diabetes in my family history, but I am approaching early signs for Type-2 Diabetes. I am not living, and it is time for all that to change. I want the second half of my life to be better than the first. I deserve this.
    I am reading tons, and I have been juicing and tracking my intake, cleared out all the crap and filled the cupboards with the most nutrient dense and cleansing foods I can.
    I may have to puree or cook some veggies to eat them, but there is so much I can eat it is unbelievable. I am almost a week in and I feel fantastic, I have lost a lot of the swelling in my legs, I am sleeping better, I love the food, love the fresh juice (who knew beets and lemons made for awesome). I feel somehow 'brighter', less hungry, I am eating correct portions, I am kicking myself for not doing this sooner.
    This is my choice, no one told me to go VEGAN, but I don't think I could even look at meat, dairy, or eggs again, I am just not interested. To top it all off, I am a nurse, yep, I take care of others and help them find health for a living. I know better, I knew better, and now I will do better.
    I'd love to have anyone interested add me as a pal, if you have any of the same hurdles to overcome, if you are a nurse too, if you are a new vegan, if you identify at all with my story.
    With a compassionate soul,
    Ketsy :heart:
  • locoducky
    locoducky Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a newbie nurse, been an RN since May 2012. I currently work at a critical access hospital working nights. My main focus on losing weight right now I through increasing my activitity (such as standing to type this...lol) and trying to eat better. I am married with 2 kids and together we are trying to teach them a healthier lifestyle too. We love going bike riding as a family and I can't wait to get back at that this spring! The kids even asked today how soon we can start it back up again (we live in the midwest and I am super wimpy when it comes to the cold). I am working towards being healthier and more fit. I am working towards being able to run a 5k for time instead of only being able to walk/jog it.

    Have a great shift everyone!