I need more Paleo/Primal Friends

The title says it all :)

I'll like to add more Paleo/Primal friends to stay motivated and on track.

I've been dabbling in this lifestyle for a few months (but fell off during the holidays) but went pretty much full Primal at the start of the new year. I feel great and can definitely see this way of life as sustainable AND the lbs are coming off steadily without massive hunger or exercise.

Here's a bit more about me:
29 (turning 30 in a few weeks)
HW: 174 (years ago)
CW: 157
LW: 142
GW: 130

Add me :)


  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Request sent! I've been paleo for a couple of months, and doing my second Whole 30. I find the Whole 30/Paleo way is the absolute best way to get my body where it needs to be!

    Here's info about me:

    HW: 213 (me in the pic from 2 years ago)
    CW: 184.5
    LW: 113 (with bad ED habits)
    GW: 125

    I'm starting the exercise again, and am trying to build up strength and stamina so I can check out my local Crossfit. No way I can show my face there when I can't even do one female pushup!
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I usually primal for the most part but have fallen off my caveman wagon the past week. Need to get back on it cause I feel awesome when I am primal. Sending FR now = )
  • Added :)

    I've yet to try Whole 30 but it's on my to-do list for the spring!

    As far as exercise goes, I'm sticking to running now and bodyweight training at home - looking to incorporate yoga again once I've got a good schedule going. I'd like to try crossfit one day too!

    Looking forward to supporting each other!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'm new to Paleo too and and always looking for more friends...
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Bikermike, I sent you a request too! I'm very new here and looking to build a support system as well!

    Anybody else feel free to add me!
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    You, and anyone else, can add me. I'm not tracking right now because I'm on a whole 30, but should be back to logging in Feb (if I don't do another whole30 round that is)
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Any Paelo guys out there? I was just looking at my friends list and its all females.. I feel like a creeper.. :smokin:
  • Haha, LOL @ looking like a creeper. Seems like there are way more women on MFP in general.

    Hello new friends!
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    I are male.
  • mistybkarma
    mistybkarma Posts: 30 Member
    I cannot believe you weight 6 pounds less than me. You look way better! Its amazing how muscle tone can make such a difference. I was on paleo for a while but was derailed. Starting back tomorrow. Can't wait! :)
  • jenjersnapco
    jenjersnapco Posts: 206 Member
    Feel free to add me. Nine months paleo (except for a less-than-exemplary December) and currently doing a Whole30 to get back on track.
  • Tarshs
    Tarshs Posts: 16 Member
    I want new friends too!!! People please add me if you like :)
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    Add me too! Been Paleo since last spring - 90%, and am currently doing a 21 Day Sugar Detox via the gals from Balanced Bites. It's been a great way to get back on the cavewoman wagon!

    As far as my stats, just looking to lower body fat a few notches and keep fit. And if I lose 5 pounds, that would be okay, too!
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    Dancing, I LOVE Balanced Bites! I'm doing the Whole 30, which is a very similar program.

    It was Diana Sanfilippo (sp), that got me into the paleo world!
  • I'm also doing the 21 day sugar detox, I absolutely love balancedbites.com! I have been paleo for about 6 month now---had a not so great December and ready to get back on the wagon. Please add me as a friend
  • I've just started paleo/primal am still confused as to which as I've seen different Paleo sites that differ in opinion as to what's allowed so am just using my best judgement.
    I was eating a whole food diet reduced sugar and had given up most items made with flour so the transition hasn't been too hard except when I smell a pizza or crave chips and salsa or taco/burrito.
    Anyway anyone can add me.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    I could use some Primal/Paleo friends aswell! :) Love this lifestyle and could use any support and motivation to stick with it

    HW - 220
    CW - 180
    GW - 140
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Feel free to add me:

    I'm 5'11"
    HW 267
    Started paleo at 234, November 1
    CW 217.4
    GW under 180
    Dream weight 160
  • IAmABetterMe
    IAmABetterMe Posts: 128 Member
    Can add me too... Love LIKE minded people !!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Me too. I'm only into my first week. I have lots of questions. :)