What are your 2013 goals?

RyanRobertJ Posts: 19 Member
I had a few bad weeks in December (I went on vacation and just all around got lazy) and gained back several pounds (which I hope can shed easily!). I am back on things now, though, and I want 2013 to be awesome!

I thought it would be a good idea to outline a goal in here and see if I can reach it. I'll be updating once a week or so! If anyone else wants to join in here with their own goals, we can support each other :)

My sister is having her wedding on June 8th. I started exercising again on Sunday, so I basically have 20 weeks. My goal is to lose 30 pounds in 20 weeks. that's 1.5 every week. I definitely think I can reach that *and* beat that, but we'll see!

Let's make 2013 a positive year! I weigh in on Mondays, so that's how I'll do it.

Jan. 7th - 230
Jan. 14th - ??? (-?)


  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    To loose 100 pounds... I am currently weighing in at 230... And would like to be 130...
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    1) Stick to 2100 calories through to the beginning of February then stick to an adjusted calorie amount if I don't see weight progress. Try not to cry too hard if I don't lose on 2100.
    2) Continue 3-4 lifting days per week
    3) Bench 150 by the end of the year (intermediate goal is 135 and also 150 is pretty aggressive so it may not fly)
    4) Overhead Press 100 by the end of the year (115 would be spectacular but I won't hold my breath)
    5) Squat 200 by the end of the year (225 would be awesome but probably not gonna happen)
    6) Figure out why I'm so bad at deadlifting so I can try for 240 this year. 225 would be good. Anything past 185.
    7) get under 160 and as close to 155 as I can. Which means losing 5-10 lbs. I'd be so darn happy with that.
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    Get some muscle on this body!!!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Get some muscle on this body!!!!

    DO EEEET. its awesome
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    ultimate goal is to lose enough weight in 2013 to enlist in the Navy by 2014
    94 lbs to go :-/

    other goals
    -continue going to the gym 6x a week and be under my calorie goal everyday
    -get off my anxiety/depression meds
    -run a mile and a half in 12 mins
    -start strength training

    Oh and Ryan, you should definitely be able to smash that goal in 20 weeks :)
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    too lose 100+ lbs :D
  • RyanRobertJ
    RyanRobertJ Posts: 19 Member
    ultimate goal is to lose enough weight in 2013 to enlist in the Navy by 2014
    94 lbs to go :-/

    other goals
    -continue going to the gym 6x a week and be under my calorie goal everyday
    -get off my anxiety/depression meds
    -run a mile and a half in 12 mins
    -start strength training

    Oh and Ryan, you should definitely be able to smash that goal in 20 weeks :)

    That's a big goal, but you can definitely do it :) And yeah, I thought that my goal seemed a little tame, but I may raise it if things kick off well. Thanks!
  • 1) Lose 48 lbs (61, if it is sustainable and my body looks okay - think I'll be fine at 190, although medically I should be 177, but 190 is a very comfortable weight for me to maintain, once reached).
    2) Continue with regular exercise and mindfulness of the present
    3) Spend more time outdoors on long bicycle rides and walking my dogs
    4) Support my friends on here and share in the accomplishments of reaching our goals.
    And finally, seize the day and simply enjoy what life has to offer, whatever it may be!!!!
  • 1) Tone and add muscles
    2) Travel more
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    I'm going to run a half marathon in 2013.
  • Sarahsmiles0875
    Sarahsmiles0875 Posts: 95 Member
    To wrap this up already!! Going to be celebrating a year on MFP in April and hoping to hit my goal then...might be cutting a little close though...with that...a tattoo, and going to be training for a 5k w/ my 10yo daughter...lots of fun stuff, and maybe the Color Run
  • Keep on enjoying life.
    Run a 10k, and another, and maybe a half marathon.
    Get below 9 stone and stay there.
    Go to plenty of horse events.
    Grow some of my own food.
    That'll do!
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Lose 45 pounds
    Get a job
    Go on a real vacation with my love
    Learn to play my guitar :)
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    By summer, I will be slim and have an awesome man in my life :3
  • rabbitrage
    rabbitrage Posts: 13 Member
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    I don't have a specific goal - other than to keep moving and eat better.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    1. Keep pushing myself and keeping myself accountable to workout, even when life and hectic schedule gets in the way.

    2. Post monthly goals & updates by the 3rd of the month. (moved up from the 5th)

    3. Continue with current eating plan - clean, no grains/gluten (ok, minimal as possible), lots of veggies, high protein, good fats (no trans fats, limit omega 6s). Quality of food over quantity. Food is fuel!

    4. Increase fitness level. 60 burpees in 5 minutes. With pushup! Previous record is 47.

    5. Get bodyfat in acceptable range (under 31%). Currently at 39%. I'd still like to reach a goal weight of 140lbs to put me at a "healthy" BMI, but I think I'd rather have a healthy body fat percentage.

    6. Establish business license (which means I need a name for it).

    7. Volunteer more. Goal of 1 time/month. I've got some friends & teammates who have said they'll help, too.

    8. Do a chin-up at the gym, with a regular bar/grips. My pullup bar at home has a foam grip that is helping me.
    DONE!!! 1/9/13, 174.8lb, 38.1%BF

    9. Do measurements at least once every 3 months.

    10. Finish 2013 at a lower weight than I started it!!
    1/1/2013: 180.4lb and 39.5%bf

    11. Start a garden this year, as well as composting!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    1. Train/run in a 5K. In progress. 5K is March 23.
    2. Lose rest of my weight. 10lbs left.
    3. Lower body fat percentage. Have more muscle definition.
    4. Be a better player in softball/football.
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    1. Lose at least 60 pounds
    2. Be much less socially awkward
    3. Save up some cash after finishing payments on my daughter's medical bills
    4. Get my fibromyalgia manageable enough to exercise on a regular basis without it flaring up
    5. Confidence, confidence, confidence
    6. Meet an amazing woman that is supportive and understands me.
  • I just joined and really hoping this site will give me the motivation I need to succeed.

    -I would like to have lost at least 60 pounds by year end. I'd rather it be closer to 100 but I will gladly take the 60.
    -Right now I'm borderline on hypertension and becoming a diabetic. If I don't get it in gear I will have to start taking medication. Hopefully by years end those problems will be eliminated along with knee problems and lack of energy.
    -As I lose weight I hope to gain the confidence back I used to have when I was younger.
    -Find a great guy and to be me again.