turning 40 this year and I need to be healthier...

...any one wanna share & support?

The fact that I am turning 40 in a few months is one of the main reasons I have decided to make small daily changes in order to shed some pounds & be healthier.

I am very nervous about this because I have been contempt with my weight for so long but I need & WANT to make changes now!!


  • juiceplusbecky
    juiceplusbecky Posts: 56 Member
    I understand your feelings; I am turning 45 in the fall and decided right before I turned 44 that I would (Lord willing) turn 45 healthier than I turned 44 :-)

    You need to decided that exercise will be a way of life . . . that has been a biggie for me. And, that one, two or even a week of falling off the healthy eating doesn't mean I had to continue it. I did really badly during the 3 weeks around Christmas but I am ready and back working toward my goals.

    Best of luck to you. Feel free to friend me if you like.
