level 2

if any one get to level 2 before me letme know how u like it :)


  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Starting Level 2 tomorrow!
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    Im scared. I will do it tmrw though
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Wow. What an intense workout. I was out of breath after 3 minutes. All my muscles are burning, and I finished the workout an hour and a half ago! This is going to be so rewarding!
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree! Could you imagine doing Level 1, and then Level 2 in one workout?!
  • gracec523
    gracec523 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm planning on starting level 2 tomorrow! Kinda nervous about it! LOL
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    Don't be Grace. It goes by fast!
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    It does go by fast.
    Amber, thats a great idea actually. I may do that down the road.
    I'm pretty sure once the shred is done I'm gonna do P90X.
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Just finished day 2!! All I have to say is "aaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhh"! I burn so much, and feel so gross from all this sweat, but man, can I ever feel it. I know this level is going to bring big changes.
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    P90x? I am not familiar with that routine. Is it like The Shred? I would like to eventually be able to do level 1/2 together for a crazy burn in 40 minutes!
  • gracec523
    gracec523 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks ladies!! It went by fast and I got through it! Yay! I had to modify more than normal bc my knees have been bothering me. Hopefully I can do more tomorrow.
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    Grace: I hear ya with the knee problems. I usually do some of the impact stuff, walk around in a circle, then get back to it.

    Amber: P90X is a 90 day program. It comes complete with food guide (even different stages and levels so it can be most customized to you). I'm going to be tweaking it a little bit, cause there are things on the meal plan I don't like. And I won't be purchasing the recovery drink or protein bars cause they are way to expensive. But its by a guy named Tony Horton. He does the ten minute trainer (if you've heard of that. I've actually added it to my workout regime. 10 minute abs are crazy).
    I haven't actually seen the workouts but I know its designed for big changes. I just downloaded it and I think once the shred is done I'm gonna do it!
  • gracec523
    gracec523 Posts: 9 Member
    How's it going for everyone?

    I'm actually liking level 2 better. I like how my muscles are feeling when they are working so hard! I ended up resting yesterday because of my knees, which I think was a smart idea. So today was day 2 of level 2 for me. I'm planning on measuring myself tomorrow and filling out the spreadsheet. Hoping for some more inches off! :)
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    Grace, i like level 2 better. It is challenging and kinda fun
  • I like level 1 better, but that's probably because I have gotten used to doing it :smile:
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    I'm definatly in love with level two but I'm taking a second rest day this week. I need it for sure. And chai, you will get use to it. Probably just in time for level 3. :)
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    Chai, those pushups kill me!
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    I don't even do the pushup part. I can't because of my wrist. I just do the walk out! I can still feel it though!
  • gracec523
    gracec523 Posts: 9 Member
    Yay another day down! I always feel so accomplished after finishing! The biggest thing I am still modifying on level two is the plank jacks and the other plank one, I forget what she calls it. I just don't want to mess up my knees again with that type of jumping so I do what Anita does. haha :)

    Hope everyone is having a good start to their week!
  • Yay another day down! I always feel so accomplished after finishing! The biggest thing I am still modifying on level two is the plank jacks and the other plank one, I forget what she calls it. I just don't want to mess up my knees again with that type of jumping so I do what Anita does. haha :)

    Hope everyone is having a good start to their week!

    Anita is a girl's best friend!
  • ficblob
    ficblob Posts: 54 Member
    My week started well last week, but I got a second job on thursday and I have not worked out since. :( I will be doing day 9 of level 2 tomorrow. I'm sure its going to kill me.
    Has any one made it to level 3 yet?