Should I keep attacking?

So, i lost 2lbs on day 1 and day 2 of attack and this morning gained... only 0.4lb but very pissed off!!!!!

Didn't do anything different yesterday except have bacon (salt?) and had some orange squash instead of plain water... thinking that the bacon/salt has caused some water retention?

So was supposed to start Cruise today but am thinking I might do another couple of attack days as I am 'in the zone'?


  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Hmm. If it was me I would go onto cruise but have a protein lunch & protein & greens for dinner.
    You are probably right about water retention so don't get disheartened. The reason I would go onto cruise is that friends that kept on attack often didn't lose then got bored & gave up. It really helped me to keep a chart. Days of week across the top & fill in daily weight underneath. My weight would go up & down a lot during the week but I could see that each week I was going down ie every monday would be lower than previous even if Sunday was up from Sat. Hope that makes sense, it helped me to be anal!!!!
  • Hi thanks for your reply. Yes, think that a PP day with a PV meal is a good idea..

    And really gaining 0.4lbs is not that bad and if i was weighing weekly I wouldn't even know! This is the great thing about weighing everyday, seeing rapid weightloss but it is also a bad thing when we see a small gain.

    On any other diet losing 3.6lbs in a week would be fab, let alone 3 days!
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    See, your feeling positive already! Look forward to your veg tonight, it will be so good after attack!
  • Is it weird that I'm a bit scared to eat veggies tonight?!!
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Is it weird that I'm a bit scared to eat veggies tonight?!!

    LOL! that is what happens with LC/dukan ha ha ;)
  • Braved it and an amaziing stir fry last night.... And weighed this morning and stayed the same :(