Anyone starting this week???

jenn33jj Posts: 1 Member
I purchased the set last spring then stopped after a few weeks because I started running outside. I would love to get on a schedule with others to help hold me accountable to completing it each day!


  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    I am starting mine again on the 14th. I started it once before and after a couple of weeks I got more hours at work and between that kids, and school I just had nothing left to give anywhere else
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    I started today, can't wait to see the lbs start to shift again
  • Tarapritchett
    Tarapritchett Posts: 21 Member
    I started today, too! Did you start with the 7 day metabolism quick boost?
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    I started on Tuesday. I dd workout 2 today. Throughout the year of owning, I've had a lot of false starts with this. However, I am 100% determined to complete. In fact, my friend and I have an agreement for exercise and following the Whole 30. SO, I can't lose!

    I must say that the diet must be working because this week was the first time ever that I've been able to do all activities and did not have to pause/stop the dvd for "a breather.' Yay!

    Only thing I've had a problem with is figuring out to track. Anyone?
  • Tarapritchett
    Tarapritchett Posts: 21 Member
    I reported it as circuit training - hope it's accurate!
  • I'm starting tomorrow morning. I am planning on doing the jump start. The food part is going to be the hardest part of that I think.
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    I am doing the kick start week though yesterday I didn't get the pm workout in cos my youngest baby didn't go down until after 10 and I was too tired then! So today I am gonna try do both workouts back to back, if I don't collapse in a heap that is lol! I'm following the meal plan as much as I can but have also joined slimming world this week so am adding in my healthy extras too.
  • cat_pro70
    cat_pro70 Posts: 6 Member
    Just started last night! I won't be following the food plan, but I hope to see results with the workout anyway. I will do the metabolism kick start between phase 1 and 2.
  • deemoggy
    deemoggy Posts: 3 Member
    I started this week... Monday every am at 5:30 Urghhhhhh I'm in so much pain my thighs my arms.. but it's a GOOD pain :)

    Enjoying the workouts so far.
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    I "re-started" on Monday this week also.
    I'm not following the food plan this time around, I think trying to commit to both the diet and the workout regimen at the same time really threw me. And when the diet was "flubbed" I fell into a shame spiral. So I'm focusing on logging my meals here and now my husband is helping me finish the program by going at it in the evenings with me. Having a buddy helps me so much, we keep each other going. This time I am just focused on finishing the 90 days rather than how much I am losing each week. Good luck to everyone.
  • kerigla
    kerigla Posts: 18 Member
    I am going to start on Friday. That will give me some flexible time over the weekend to get into the routine. Looking forward to feeling and looking better.