July 2013 Babies



  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Has exercise been difficult for anyone else? I had been doing so well with workouts before I was pregnant, but now I am so tired and often nauseous, that naps usually win over exercise. Today I did some resistance band work and I felt almost like passing out, and I had to keep sitting down. It seemed like standing work was alot more difficult than mat work. I just can't believe that walking is what I am going to have to stick to. Feeling discouraged. (I am 7 weeks today)

    oh hun, I feel ya! I had every intention of keeping up my 20 miles a week running.... um... i think I have run about 9 miles in the past MONTH! it is just so hard first trimester. my main goal is to survive the next couple weeks (I am 10 weeks now, hoping the 12 week mark brings some relief!) and get back into it then. for now I am doing daily walks, chasing a toddler and doing little things like taking the stairs and such. hang in there!!!!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    12 weeks today and last week of the first trimester! So happy! Hope everyone is well.
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I'm due July 25th!
  • MysteriousWays
    MysteriousWays Posts: 40 Member
    Hello! I am 14 weeks 1 day - due July 9th. My daughter was July 3rd. Guess we had our own little Rocktober.

    I have had terrible morning sickness this time around. Every time I eat, I feel ill - junk food or good food. I think I'm going to start exercising later this week hopefully. I used to run and do boot camp. Not since mid November!

    We have had 3 u/s because two were for dating. I thought I was due July 14th, but I'm measuring at the 9th. Heart rate has been 140-160.

    Is anyone finding out the gender? We should know by mod February. We have a boatload of girl stuff that we want to know if we should keep.

    Feel free to add me too!
  • meoneto
    meoneto Posts: 16
    Hi!! I'm 14 wks today and this is my first pregnancy, our little one is due July 11.

    Due to some difficulty in conceiving I also had to stop running those 3 mi that I was doing everyday and my first trimester was really sedentary. Now in my second tri and I am taking prenatal yoga twice a week and making sure I get to gym to get some light cardio in....and interested in trying swimming.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    So glad to find a July group! I'm due July 9th with my first. I just started my 2nd trimester and I'm hoping I can get some energy back and start my work outs again. Through the first trimester I worked out some but it was really hit and miss because of the exhaustion. Feel free to add me, I'd love the accountability!

    Mysterious: We're finding out the gender at 16 weeks. I'm going to pay to do the elective 3D/4D ultrasound. I just can't wait until 20 weeks! We'd love a boy but after a year of trying we'll be thrilled with a healthy baby girl as well : ) It helps that my best friend is pregnant with a little girl and is just a few months ahead of me : )
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I'm due July 2 and just over 15 weeks now. Feeling much better but still tired.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    We will find out the sex around week 20 or so. For awhile I thought I didn't really care at all what the sex of the baby was, but as of late I have been really hoping that it is a girl. I want to find out so I can start bonding with the baby early, and not get too excited one way or the other :)
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    Hello All!
    14 weeks tomorrow and Due July 13th ahh! I may just have a Birthday Baby cause my B-day is the 20th!

    So glad to be over the first trimester, it wasn't very fun...i actually quit MFP for that time and now I'm back in action :)

    Going to prenatal yoga 1-2x per week and I plan to get back to the gym to get my walk on and hopefully some swimming

    feel free to add me :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hello All!
    14 weeks tomorrow and Due July 13th ahh! I may just have a Birthday Baby cause my B-day is the 20th!

    So glad to be over the first trimester, it wasn't very fun...i actually quit MFP for that time and now I'm back in action :)

    Going to prenatal yoga 1-2x per week and I plan to get back to the gym to get my walk on and hopefully some swimming

    feel free to add me :)

    I am due July 14th!!

    My daughter is 7 and I am actually hoping for another girl, but we should find out either way in a few weeks. I am going for US the first or second week of Feb and hoping they can tell us then!!
  • kimberly_grubbs
    kimberly_grubbs Posts: 70 Member
    Hey there! I'm 14ish weeks and due July 7th with my first! =). Things got a lot better for me when I hit the 12 week mark. My doctor told me to try to keep my heart rate around 160ish while working out. She said if it goes above that during a more intense part, that's fine, but to target around 160. Its been hard - I've had to modify a lot, but I know it's best at this point. Right now I'm just trying to make sure I eat healthy, and workout 3-5 days a week. I get super grumpy if I don't!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm 13ish weeks and due sometime around the 19th of July, I think. I haven't been given my 'official' due date yet. I have kept exercising even through a miserable 1st trimester and am still running, walking, and doing aquanatal classes. I put on 40 lbs with my first and it took me over a year to loose it so I'm hoping for a more modest gain this time. Hoping to really watch my food intake in the 2nd and third trimester as that's when I did the dmage last time. :)
  • emilyannross
    Hello everyone!

    I am due July 10th with baby #4. I am really trying to fit in more exercise and watch my empty calories. I've already gained 10 pounds, and I was 10 pounds heavier to begin with this time. With my girls I gained about 35 pounds. My 3rd baby, a boy, I gained 60 - eeeek! I'm hoping to stay in the 30 pound range. I've been doing some jogging on the treadmill and occasionally attend a group class at the Y. I can't wait until it warms up and I can go for daily walks again.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Hello guys, I'm 12 weeks pregnant and due July 27th :) I'm excited to share this journey with all of you guys and hopefully we all come through this without too much discomfort haha.

    I have not been able to exercise past the first month in the first trimester and hopefully I will be able to do so again once I get my energy back (and stamina). Right now I just feel very tired most of the time and kind of a sore back. I have lost 2lb and gained them back so I'm at a net of zero weight gain currently.

    I had a huge 9lb 6oz baby in a previous pregnancy where my weight gain was just 23lb, so I am kind of terrified of having another giant baby.. and I am going to aim to gain 20lb but I will discuss this with my dr before making it a definite goal, I'm the exact same weight that I was when I started that pregnancy which is 125lb and I'm 5'6". I have read that only 12% of babies are over 9lb at birth, and of those only 12% are born to normal BMI people (in a recent study). So I'm one of the 1.44% of the normal BMI people who have a giant baby and I really don't want to repeat that birth.. because he was stuck and I barely got him out after two hours of pushing.. my other two kids took a couple of pushes and they were out.

    Anyways, that is my greatest fear during the pregnancy.. a giant baby lol so I am not trying to gain too much weight as who knows how big that baby could get? I'm going to discuss this with my Dr and see what she thinks. I've been using MFP to track my calories and have set it at maintenance currently which I will probably up to 200-300 extra calories later in the second trimester but again I will discuss this at my first appointment which will be at week 14 in two weeks.
  • GTSally
    GTSally Posts: 17 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm in my 16th week and due July 5th. I also have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. Right now I'm doing spin class pretty consistently 2-3 times per week and trying to find the motivation to do some yoga, walking, or circuit training on other days. I've already gained about 5 pounds and I'm hoping to keep my total weight gain in the 25-30 range.

    Please feel free to add me! I'd love to have some new pregnant MFP friends so that we can encourage each other to stay motivated!
  • Fiorefleur
    Fiorefleur Posts: 15 Member
    HI ladies, I'm due with #2 July 24th. :-)
  • rszalley
    rszalley Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all -- just found you guys here because I keep forgetting MFP has a community message boards (since they don't function on the mobile apps!)

    I'm due July 20th, but will likely get pulled early. I had borderline GD last time, so had to adjust my diet and this time we're looking at trying to keep that in check from the get-go. I'm looking forward to getting back to some low-impact exercise now that I'm out of the first trimester and have some energy back. (Thank goodness!)

    We found out in mid-November, had our first scan mid-December and just finished my NT today...so it's becoming more realy every week.
  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    Well I have been totally MIA! My 1st trimester was HORRIBLE! Nonstop morning sickness AND migraines. Thankfully the sickness is not so terrible (I can EAT!) and the migraines are now just daily headaches. This has prevented me from working out and gaining healthy baby weight. :-O

    Had my 3rd MidWife appointment was today, little guy is doing great and kicking my bladder on a regular basis. (You won't believed how excited I get when I have to run to the bathroom I feel the kicking even though it really does kind of suck!) YES!

    My EDD is 7/7 (15 week and 5ish days) and finally gained 5lbs this week.

    Happy Health Pregnancy to everyone!!!
  • Beth21AR
    Beth21AR Posts: 8 Member
    I'm due July 26th, 2013. My last baby was 9lbs 4oz. This will be my first pregnancy that I'm trying to watch my weight gain. I'm not overweight right now, but I do tend to gain a lot during pregnancy. (scary)

    Hello guys, I'm 12 weeks pregnant and due July 27th :) I'm excited to share this journey with all of you guys and hopefully we all come through this without too much discomfort haha.

    I have not been able to exercise past the first month in the first trimester and hopefully I will be able to do so again once I get my energy back (and stamina). Right now I just feel very tired most of the time and kind of a sore back. I have lost 2lb and gained them back so I'm at a net of zero weight gain currently.

    I had a huge 9lb 6oz baby in a previous pregnancy where my weight gain was just 23lb, so I am kind of terrified of having another giant baby.. and I am going to aim to gain 20lb but I will discuss this with my dr before making it a definite goal, I'm the exact same weight that I was when I started that pregnancy which is 125lb and I'm 5'6". I have read that only 12% of babies are over 9lb at birth, and of those only 12% are born to normal BMI people (in a recent study). So I'm one of the 1.44% of the normal BMI people who have a giant baby and I really don't want to repeat that birth.. because he was stuck and I barely got him out after two hours of pushing.. my other two kids took a couple of pushes and they were out.

    Anyways, that is my greatest fear during the pregnancy.. a giant baby lol so I am not trying to gain too much weight as who knows how big that baby could get? I'm going to discuss this with my Dr and see what she thinks. I've been using MFP to track my calories and have set it at maintenance currently which I will probably up to 200-300 extra calories later in the second trimester but again I will discuss this at my first appointment which will be at week 14 in two weeks.
  • pregmeg119
    pregmeg119 Posts: 151 Member
    I am also a July mommy to be. I have a 6 year old daughter and was just married last year. I lost nearly 50 pounds before our wedding in September, prepared to move in October, and found out i was pregnant in November. I have been utterly exhausted so having energy to exercise has been a struggle but not impossible. When i have extra bursts, i push myself to keep going and make the most of htat workout. I have gained 6 pounds since finding out i was pregnant in November and would like to gain no more than 30 pounds throughout this pregnancy. I already feel like i've lost my figure, i have muffin top again and my thighs touch again, i'm so bloated and feel yucky but its so nice to put my hand over my belly and know there is a baby in there.

    Long story short, please friend me. I am slightly active but am completely serious about gaining a healthy amount.