Week of January 7th Challenge!

lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to another weekly challenge!! We are continuing on a conservative pace to account for new members so everyone should be able to get on board.

I didn't hear back from anyone so we will keep moving with a new challenge this week. Don't forget to report your progress to be included in the leader board either on this board or private message me.

Let's get things moving -- we'll start a little slow...

This week's goal:

100 minutes of cardio
5 days in the green (staying under in calories)
8 cups of water daily
2 pieces of fruit daily
2 servings of vegetables daily
100 squat jumps (total for the week) -- for an example visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVaEhXotL7M

If you are new jump right in! We report our results on this strain every Sunday night to be included on the leader board for the following week.

Welcome to the newbies take a minute to introduce yourself to each other.

My name is Melissa and I look forward to meeting you all!


  • squeekersmom
    squeekersmom Posts: 107 Member
    Ok let's see so far this week

    Under goal 7th and 8th
    Cardio walking tons at work. I'm go ing to put myself at 30 mins 7 th and 8 th. ( but way more then that )
    2 veggies each day

    Need to work on rest
  • ajmart
    ajmart Posts: 4 Member
    I am a new member and just saw this post..
    I also signed up for the Leslie Sanone 1 mile a day challenge. I have walked 1-2 miles every day since 1/1. (15 min mile)
    I've changed the way I eat, getting more than 2 servings of fruit/veggies per day. I need to work on drinking enough water. I drink a lot at night during/after my walks, but I know I don't get enough water during the day. I'll have to look into the jump squats. Thanks for the link.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    I have 90 minutes of cardio done already! Whoo!

    So far, am staying in the green---but I will admit some days are Barely!

    Vegetables I am getting, v-8 if nothing else.

    Fruit---that's hard. I do 2 servings of canned fruit every day.

    wondering about apples, does anyone know how to slice them and keep them fresh all day? Is it just lemon juice? does that work?

    I will report back
    thanks melissa...you SO rock! This helps keep me from falling off too badly, even though I have been struggling.

    Alana :happy:
  • squeekersmom
    squeekersmom Posts: 107 Member
    Alana I've heard lemon juice and water

    100 mins cardio -- tons of walking at work. Check
    5 days of green -- check
    8 cups of water daily--- no
    2 pcs fruit daily -- no
    2servings of veggies daily-- definitely
    100 squats--- he'll no lol
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    This week's goal:

    100 minutes of cardio ---yes I did
    5 days in the green (staying under in calories) --yes
    8 cups of water daily ---nope
    2 pieces of fruit daily---nope
    2 servings of vegetables daily --nope
    100 squat jumps (total for the week) -- for an example visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVaE I will echo the HELL NO! LOL!

    We started a biggest loser challenge at work, I am on a team of 4....hoping that will help me out for the next month and keep me on track!