Mid week check

MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
Are you tweaking your goals to match better? What goals have you tweaked?

I have changed squats to three times a week from five, and I have discovered I wanted the support Nd direction of an ab tape rather than just doing crunches. I have convinced the hubby to go on more dog walks with me so he is getting out too, and I have help with three puppies.

I see quite a few of you are working out hard...be careful to pace we want you with us the whole challenge ???? job well done. Next progress check is this Sunday.

Have a great week,


  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I did decide to switch from Coffee to Green Tea because I was using too many calories for my creamer. I'm still needing to get my gallon of water and bring it to work with me and I forgot the code to the stairs at work to be able to take the stairs instead of the elevator. But so far so good. I didn't really start until Monday, but I did exercise for the past two days and log ALL of my food. I'm going for day three in a row of exercise, and if I do that, it will be the first time in about six years that I've gone to the gym consistantly. I'm looking forward to working out for 5 days this week, that will be a huge accomplishment for me.:drinker:
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    OUTSTANDING!!! nicely done. Consistency is everything isn't it? Woo Hoo!!! :bigsmile:
  • laura920
    Mid week and feeling pretty good!

    I am being consistent with logging my food, which is HUGE for me!
    My water intake is greatly improving! Because of that my diet iced tea intake has decreased and I am getting some headaches. I am assuming because of the significant caffeine reduction?

    Do not have the workouts where I want them yet but that will come! Baby steps!

    I am happy with the progress I am making, happy to be under my daily calorie goal and happy that we are here to support each other! :happy:

  • colliegirl50
    Mid week and feeling pretty good!

    I am being consistent with logging my food, which is HUGE for me!
    My water intake is greatly improving! Because of that my diet iced tea intake has decreased and I am getting some headaches. I am assuming because of the significant caffeine reduction?

    Do not have the workouts where I want them yet but that will come! Baby steps!

    I am happy with the progress I am making, happy to be under my daily calorie goal and happy that we are here to support each other! :happy:


    LOL! I am having the opposite problem......not being consistent with logging my food, but am getting my workouts in this week! But you're right, Laura...baby steps. Learn and tweek as we go! And honestly, since my time is so limited and if I need to choose between the two on certain days, it's better that I make time for the workouts.

    Happy, happy!
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    Collie Girl,
    Spot on...these goals are your goals, and your prioritizing what is important. Well done!
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    Nice Work Laura...Pups deserve a celebration walk with mom :bigsmile: One step at a time, shoot we just got started.
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm doing ok!

    Workouts are on track, I do ok on my food, but get HUGE sugar/sweet cravings in the afternoons. I try to drink more water so I don't cave in, but am finding it very difficult! I had 2 of those 90 calorie Fiber One brownies today. I know it is mindless eating, but for whatever reason, I couldn't control it very well today.

    Any advice would be most welcome! Does anyone else get sugar cravings in the afternoon?
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    Tweaking...ALWAYS! ;-)

    I had a bad day calorie wise today and I know that it's not going to be any better tomorrow because of a change in plans due to matters out of our controle (baby-sitter availability). Hopefully I am given time for exercise tomorrow at work (fitness required for my job, get time sometimes)...that would help me a lot, but it still won't be a good day...again, hopefully though. I would workout tomorrow morning to be proactive that way, but I need the extra sleep tomorrow morning because I have already pushed my self an extra day compared to planned because of changes earlier in the week. I am making my self exercise on Saturday and sticking to my daily food consumption schedule on Sunday because of having my one off-schedule food day today instead, and I need the extra exercise with having two bad days this week...especially two days!

    Plan plan plan, adjust adjust, plan plan...move on, don't get down on my self and continue on with my new lifestyle. :-)

    Great work everyone!!
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    littlecat1 (my quote reply doesn't seem to work)

    I do! I have been packing dried-cherries to eat right after my lunch and it helps me in the afternoon (took a few weeks for that to work as well as it does now). It doesn't quite do it for night time...depends on the day, but if my calories allow than I let my self have a treat that I crave, but not just anything. I have learned a lot from the past; one thing is to allow my self my full calorie alotment for the day, even if I come in under the alotment (without using my workout calories). Lots of learning, lots more to come and lifestyle adjustments to make!
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    LittleKat I get sugar cravings at different times. I'm a fan of the fiber one brownies too :smile: This will probably sound strange, but I have found the more brocolli I eat, the less I crave sugar. Why I have no clue... I have what I think is an awesome broccoli casserole recipe for a 310 calorie meal too..If interested message me, happy to share.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    Tweaking...ALWAYS! ;-)

    I had a bad day calorie wise today and I know that it's not going to be any better tomorrow because of a change in plans due to matters out of our controle (baby-sitter availability). Hopefully I am given time for exercise tomorrow at work (fitness required for my job, get time sometimes)...that would help me a lot, but it still won't be a good day...again, hopefully though. I would workout tomorrow morning to be proactive that way, but I need the extra sleep tomorrow morning because I have already pushed my self an extra day compared to planned because of changes earlier in the week. I am making my self exercise on Saturday and sticking to my daily food consumption schedule on Sunday because of having my one off-schedule food day today instead, and I need the extra exercise with having two bad days this week...especially two days!

    Plan plan plan, adjust adjust, plan plan...move on, don't get down on my self and continue on with my new lifestyle. :-)

    Great work everyone!!

    You are so dedicated, cut yourself some slack... you are however changing a lifestyle not dieting to diet. Way to go Jess.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Mid week and feeling pretty good!

    I am being consistent with logging my food, which is HUGE for me!
    My water intake is greatly improving! Because of that my diet iced tea intake has decreased and I am getting some headaches. I am assuming because of the significant caffeine reduction?

    Do not have the workouts where I want them yet but that will come! Baby steps!

    I am happy with the progress I am making, happy to be under my daily calorie goal and happy that we are here to support each other! :happy:


    I'm with you Laura, I too have been consistent with logging my food and that's a big step in the right direction, so YAY for us! I'm still working on increasing my water intake as well. I'm glad we are doing this together too! Reading everyone's updates wether they are good or bad lets you know that we are not alone in this journey!
  • colliegirl50
    Tweaking...ALWAYS! ;-)

    I had a bad day calorie wise today and I know that it's not going to be any better tomorrow because of a change in plans due to matters out of our controle (baby-sitter availability). Hopefully I am given time for exercise tomorrow at work (fitness required for my job, get time sometimes)...that would help me a lot, but it still won't be a good day...again, hopefully though. I would workout tomorrow morning to be proactive that way, but I need the extra sleep tomorrow morning because I have already pushed my self an extra day compared to planned because of changes earlier in the week. I am making my self exercise on Saturday and sticking to my daily food consumption schedule on Sunday because of having my one off-schedule food day today instead, and I need the extra exercise with having two bad days this week...especially two days!

    Plan plan plan, adjust adjust, plan plan...move on, don't get down on my self and continue on with my new lifestyle. :-)

    Great work everyone!!

    Marla is right, cut yourself some slack. No one will be perfect and you're doing the right thing by planning to work out extra to compensate for the two days you couldn't be fully on track. Good for you! Don't worry about two days.....this is for a lifetime...look at it long term. Unless you're comsuming an entire cheesecake, 4 Whoppers, a pan of lasagna, 2 pounds of chocolate in those days, two days of not-so-great eating won't really mean a thing. Stick with your Saturday/Sunday plans and you'll offset those two days and get back on track just fine.

    Wishing you an awesome Thursday, Friday and an even better weekend! :-)
  • colliegirl50
    No you are not alone! :-)

    I am so glad I found this group, too!!!
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    You might not think so, but I am being easier on my self, while still sticking with it all :-) Both part of my goals!
    I am happy to transition into this new and wonderful lifestyle, and not a diet. If I ever say "diet", I use the word to refer to all calories consumption and scheduled, not the usual reference to the word...sorry.

    Marla...I'm the same; the more good food I eat, the less I crave the bad stuff and more I crave the good stuff. I can't wait to crave a healthy salad more often, once again! I am seeing my cravings change, which is wonderful and a huge mile-stone. A person knows that their body's changing when those types of things happen :-)

    This is a wonderful program, group and support network...simply amazing!

    Thanks again ladies!
  • Murraysk5
    Doing well so far, posting food everyday. Wearing fitbit everyday is easy , but logging food everyday for the whole day is challenging. I have done my normal workouts, but fitbit makes me do a little extra when I can.
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    Today I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease! I was already on my way to gluten-free, but this means SO much more. Kind of scared, but 'm on the right track, so I will be fine...
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member

    I like that you are using a tape to do your ab work. I find that I do better if I am following somthing else, rather than doing my own thing. I push myself a lot harder. When the tape says five more and I already wanted to call it quits 5 ago...I know that I got in ten more than if I was doing it on my own! :-)

    I follow Jillian Michaels video....and she always pushes me! I am contnuing to just start off on Monday and start with either jog day or video day and then switch off. I walk everyday during my break at work (unless it is pouring all day). Between it all...I am trying to get it 300 minutes of exercise from Monday through Sunday....I have 85 minutes left to get in this weekend. :-)

    Great Job everyone else for pushing through!

  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    Today I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease! I was already on my way to gluten-free, but this means SO much more. Kind of scared, but 'm on the right track, so I will be fine...

    Jess ~ hopefully the OFFICIAL diagnosis will help you stick with the Gluten free. you knew you felt better when you ate Gluten Free. Sorry to hear it is offical, but I know you are going to eat healthy and ultimately get to your goal.
  • runnstream
    I have joined a waist reduction group at work as well to keep myself accountable. This week was difficult getting back into the routine. I am finding ways to slowly do things without thinking constantly about my weight loss goals. I find that I think about it when it comes time to nourish myself or when I am bored I find that I chose to exercise rather than sit on the couch or eat. Realization to me came that I am not going to lose this weight in two to three weeks. Persistence is key so I have to lay back a bit as to not burn out. Hope everyone else is also finding some peace with this experience. Hope all is well!