Medication - What do you take for Fibro?



  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    1200mg Etodolac/day
    20mg Cymbalta/day
    800mg Gabapentin/day
    100mg Lyrica/day

    And those are just my Fibro meds. Don't even get me started on what all I take for my Lupus!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I was up to 200mg a day of Savella, and it really helped with the pain. However, my bp was up, my resting heart rate was so high, and when I had a biopsy done, I developed a HUGE hematoma. Took me forever to figure it out it was caused by not weaning off the savella before the procedure. When I finally got a doctor to listen to the whole mess, he took me off it immediately and switched me to cymbalta. We just upped it to 60mg a day, and I am just starting to see results. However, I am soooo tired. Exercise now is a joke. So either I can be in total and complete pain, and have the energy to exercise, or I can be in less pain and drop dead tired all day.

    I am trying to see if food affects my pain at all. I cut out caffeine this week. (Maybe THAT is why I am so tired???)

    The Savella meesed with my heart too. I had a lot of palpitations and pounding heartbeat. I really don't think it helped anyway, so I weaned off. I haven't been back to the doctor to try another drug yet. I'm just doing the Meloxicam for pain. I think tired just goes along with the Fibro! ]
  • gavians
    gavians Posts: 72 Member
    I was up to 200mg a day of Savella, and it really helped with the pain. However, my bp was up, my resting heart rate was so high, and when I had a biopsy done, I developed a HUGE hematoma. Took me forever to figure it out it was caused by not weaning off the savella before the procedure. When I finally got a doctor to listen to the whole mess, he took me off it immediately and switched me to cymbalta. We just upped it to 60mg a day, and I am just starting to see results. However, I am soooo tired. Exercise now is a joke. So either I can be in total and complete pain, and have the energy to exercise, or I can be in less pain and drop dead tired all day.

    I am trying to see if food affects my pain at all. I cut out caffeine this week. (Maybe THAT is why I am so tired???)

    Cymbalta is definitely the cause of being tired. It completely wiped me out for the first several months. It does it better but you never really have the energy you have without. Getting off Cymbalta is just as bad if not worse. I don't think the minor incremental benefits of Cymbalta are worth it -- at least for me.

    Caffeine doesn't bother me but I know that diet coke does. I gave up all pop but drink a lot of coffee. I am off all fibro meds now with exception to an over the counter medication based on Malic Acid for fibro. I think between the Malic Acid and no more asparatheme, I almost cured. I still have my moments when I get tired or very hungry it starts kicking in. But I am finally able to work out again without the impacts I used to.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I took Gabapentin for a while but the weight gain was counterproductive and I never felt good on it.

    Now I take several thing intermittently for relief form symptoms: Flexeril, Ibuprofen, Ambien CR and rarely Vicodin.

    I have been taking a homeopathic product
    It also contains Rhodiola rosea. When I finish the bottle I will make a final decision but so far it has not helped.

    I am going to look into the malic acid thanks to this thread.
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    Hey all, new to MFP but not that new to weightloss.

    I'm currently on Gabapentin and Magnesium malate. Tried Lyrica, caused weight gain. Tried Cymbalta did nothing for my pain or my depression.

    Indirectly I'm on Wellbutrin just recently for depression and anxiety not sure how that's doing just yet.

    I take Nise and Neurobion for pain...those work on and off.

    In a bad place right now, meds are just a formality...working through the days
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,355 Member
    Hello - any advice? I have fibro and have been through 2 doctors. The 1st gave me an antidepressant and a muscle relaxer. The 2nd doctor said after the initial flare it will never be that bad again. Ok, so I stopped taking the antidepressant . I took 6 - 8 500 mg Tylenol every day for years but this Spring, I weaned myself off of them. I also only take Flexeril when I truly *have* to. I talked to my doctor again this year and he doesnt seem to think this illness is worth treating. Or maybe he doesn't believe it's real? I don't know. Opinion based on your experience??? I'm in a lot of pain right now---should I try Tylenol again or Flexeril? Or just tough it out? Thanks.
  • VonaAnn
    VonaAnn Posts: 6
    :) Hello Everyone!

    I just found this site about a week ago. I use to track my calories on Sparkpeople, but I like this site better.

    I have Fibro, CFS, and symptoms of Lupus however not enough symptoms to label me as having Lupus. I currently take, Savella, Trazadone, Celebrex, Vit D, Tumeric.....and I think that it is. (It's enough that's for sure) The Savella works for me. I was worked up to 100mg twice daily, but it made me feel sick, so I take 50mg twice daily. The Trazadone helps me sleep. I'm able to vary the dosage as I need it.

    My weight has gotten out of hand since I've been diagnosed with Fibro. I currently have to really lose weight or else I'll have to go on BP meds. I just started doing Zumba on the Wii, and although I'm super sore, it is fun to do. My daughter and I take turns and I go low impact. A little shaking of the hips here and there, and some clapping and I'm sweating up a storm. It isn't much, but it is something!

    Gentle hugs to everyone!
  • VonaAnn
    VonaAnn Posts: 6
    Hun, it took me awhile to find a Dr. who was capable of treating my fibro. I would suggest asking around and looking for a new provider. Many people suffer way to long than they should!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,355 Member
    Thanks for the comments. I'll just keep on keeping on and try to use the resources I have. I am curious to know about Zumba on Wii. I don't have a game console right now. I heard you have to wear some kind of belt with the remote in it when you do Zumba with the Wii system?? How's that work? I see the Zumba web site shows Xbox Kinect now and apparently you do not have a belt or anything for that system. Again, thanks for any info. I haven't had a game console since the old Playstation days. (I mostly use my handheld Nintendo DSi---can't Zumba with that.)

    Wishing everyone wellness and success.
  • VonaAnn
    VonaAnn Posts: 6
    Yes you have to wear a belt. The Wii has been sitting until I decided I wanted to use to to lose some weight. My son has an Xbox, but we don't have the kinect, and I'm sure I would need to schedule an appointment with him to use the Xbox. I've tried the Wii Yoga and liked that one as well. I think we all have to try and move somehow, and it's a trial and error game. I'm super sore today, but it isn't Fibro sore, it's from moving sore. (If that makes sense) When I tried the Dance Dance Revolution on the Wii board last week, it made me Fibro sore!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,355 Member
    VonaAnn - that really made me smile. Schedule an appointment---ha, I bet you couldn't get one!! Thanks for the info on the Wii. I do know what you mean, regular trying to get fit pain verus fibro pain. It sure is a balancing act on this exercise deal. AND the medications. THANK YOU!!
  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    Hello - any advice? I have fibro and have been through 2 doctors. The 1st gave me an antidepressant and a muscle relaxer. The 2nd doctor said after the initial flare it will never be that bad again. Ok, so I stopped taking the antidepressant . I took 6 - 8 500 mg Tylenol every day for years but this Spring, I weaned myself off of them. I also only take Flexeril when I truly *have* to. I talked to my doctor again this year and he doesnt seem to think this illness is worth treating. Or maybe he doesn't believe it's real? I don't know. Opinion based on your experience??? I'm in a lot of pain right now---should I try Tylenol again or Flexeril? Or just tough it out? Thanks.

    Is this your primary care doctor, family practice? I would try a different primary care doctor and also see if you can get referred to a rhematologist. Watch out for all that Tylenol, new guidelines recommend no more than 3 gm per day. There are two FDA approved meds specifically for fibro, Lyrica and Savella. Plus Ultram (tramadol) for chronic pain, affects opiate receptors but not a true opiate. I take Flexeril prn, even though it makes my eyes a little dry, it DOES help with the fibro symptoms. I found this article (look at the photo ha-ha) called "Muscle Relaxant May Ease Fibromyalgia Pain" link is:

    Do not give up! This is a real illness, and you deserve it to be treated as such.
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    Given up on the fibro meds.
    Not feeling any noticeable difference.

    Given up on the depression meds.
    Wellbutrin didn't work and I've run out of options that local gvmt insurance will pay for and that won't cause weight gain.
    Weight gain just isn't worth it to me.
  • kristinb78
    kristinb78 Posts: 5 Member
    I too have taken Cymbalta. I wanted it to work soooo bad but after one week with awful side effects, my Rheumatologist took me off of it. She also stated that she has noticed individuals with Fibro often experience more side effects to medication than most.

    I have also tried Flexeril which was awful. I was knocked out for days.

    What I find help a little is Naproxen for inflammation. I also take Librax for the IBS symptoms but again, this is as needed and makes me tired. I have been on 50,000 units/week of Vitamin D for a year now. My levels have increased but still not to normal levels. I take Zanaflex (muscle relaxer) at night when needed. It helps but can't take it during the day.

    So basically, none of the medications have been truly helpful. Just a lot of money and time wasted. That is why I have decided I need to start exercising and eat healthier. I know the this will help, it's just difficult to start when you are constantly tired and in pain.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I too have taken Cymbalta. I wanted it to work soooo bad but after one week with awful side effects, my Rheumatologist took me off of it. She also stated that she has noticed individuals with Fibro often experience more side effects to medication than most.

    I have also tried Flexeril which was awful. I was knocked out for days.

    What I find help a little is Naproxen for inflammation. I also take Librax for the IBS symptoms but again, this is as needed and makes me tired. I have been on 50,000 units/week of Vitamin D for a year now. My levels have increased but still not to normal levels. I take Zanaflex (muscle relaxer) at night when needed. It helps but can't take it during the day.

    So basically, none of the medications have been truly helpful. Just a lot of money and time wasted. That is why I have decided I need to start exercising and eat healthier. I know the this will help, it's just difficult to start when you are constantly tired and in pain.
    How much Naproxen are you taking? I'm taking two in the morning and two at night and I think it's helping more than anything else that I've tried.
  • kristinb78
    kristinb78 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow... two in the morning and two at night? My prescription is one in the AM and one in the PM, but I usually only take it once a day. I get nervous taking it too much because of the damage it can have on the kidneys. I have been on it for several months and I know long term use can effect the body. So I am trying to be very careful.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Wow... two in the morning and two at night? My prescription is one in the AM and one in the PM, but I usually only take it once a day. I get nervous taking it too much because of the damage it can have on the kidneys. I have been on it for several months and I know long term use can effect the body. So I am trying to be very careful.
    This isn't the prescription strength; just the over the counter ones.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    The Aleve really aren't cutting it now, so now I'm back to the Mobic 15 mg once a day. I will give this some time, before I go back to the doctor and ask for something else. Meds just scare me, but what do you do?
  • I am taking gabapentin for nerve pain, amitriptyline for sleep, flexeril for muscle spasms, and tramadol for pain. I am also taking vitamin b and d supplements. My rheumatologist originally wanted to put me on Lyrica, but my insurance wouldn't cover it unless we exhausted the generic options first. I mostly feel that they have been helpful, although they are definitely a band-aid and not a fix.
  • I've taken Savella since I was first diagnosed in December 2011. It's worked wonders for me! I went from barely able to walk 10 minutes to being able to exercise daily (nothing too strenuous).

    I also take a variety of other meds for my other conditions but just Savella for my fibro.