


  • cazbalm
    cazbalm Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I can relate to the alcohol bit.. Its killing me not having a drink at weekends!!
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all - I'm from Sunderland but live abroad. I joined mfp last year and lost about a stone, then I gave up (as usual) and have joined again this week as I have my wedding dress to fit into, I purposely ordered it smaller so that I would make myself do it!
  • I'm from Teesside :)
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    Hiya! I'm from York - originally Doncaster but been in York for the past 3/4 years.

    I've lost 21lbs so far and hoping to lose about 36lbs before June 15th.

    Anyone feel free to add me :) x
  • Beth24793
    Beth24793 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm from Teesside :)

    Your already on my friends list but I didn't actually realize that you lived so close.. I'm from Bishop Auckland, 15-20 Minutes from Darlington :) x
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member

    I'm from Northumberland (North East - 30 mins from Newcastle!)

    I joined last year and lost 22lbs but then with some crap happening in my life and Christmas and indulging I gained 12lbs back!!!!! (Why did I do this to myself).

    Anyway I'm back on it - New Year, New Me!!!! I starter Jillian Michael's body Revolution programme on Monday and hoping that I will see some good results with that.

    good luck everyone on your journey. x
  • hey all, im from manchester!

    second time on here, after just having a baby im looking at loosing around 60lbs..

    taking it a stone a time otherwise it sounds SO daunting!! x
  • Hi peeps,

    Im from Sunderland originally - ive been living in Oxfordshire for the past 8 years but im 6 months pregnant with baby number 1 and moving back to Sunderland next month for at least my maternity leave and then maybe longer. I have been slowly picking away at my weight for years going from my heaviest at 15 stione 2 to my lightest at 12 stone. I was still down at 12 stone 8 mid 2012 but then I got pregnant and I have since gained 24lbs (although granted, some of that is the huge bump and boobs I now have).

    I was using MFP until halfway through my first trimester when I started getting really sick and pretty much could only stomach crisps, chips, bread, ice cream etc - I just did not feel like logging all the crap I was eating so I stopped. Im now just in my third trimester and finally seem to be wanting to eat healthily again. Also a bunch of the girls on babycentre are on here and I have just added them and it has motivated me to start getting back on track now rather than waiting another 3 months. If I can go the rest of my pregnancy without gaining anymore weight I will be really happy as 24lbs is plenty to gain and I was already 30lbs overweight anyway.

    Looking forward to being a yummy mummy in 2013! x
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, I'm Janice from Burnley in Lancashire looking for new friends to motivate me to lose all this excess weight. Please feel free to add me, the more the merrier ????
  • cazbalm
    cazbalm Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I can relate to the alcohol bit.. Its killing me not having a drink at weekends!!

    I'm from Lancashire by the way!!
  • cazbalm
    cazbalm Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Janice from Burnley in Lancashire looking for new friends to motivate me to lose all this excess weight. Please feel free to add me, the more the merrier ????

    Hi Janice

    I'm a Burnley girl too. I'll add you if that's ok
  • Hi i'm from Leeds. I'm pretty new to this so everyone feel free to add me :)

    I've got 60lb to lose to my ideal weight so i guess i'm gonna be here a while.
  • Hi, I'm from North Yorks and have been on here since 17th May and have lost close to 3 stone (put a couple back on over Christmas but am back to logging now as it sure is a slippery slope! Happy MFP'ing everyone - it's a numbers game now and once you get your head round the science bit it's relatively easy.
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Good to see a lot of positivity here! As ever seeing the road as a long bumpy one and keeping goals realistic will help you succeed. Personally I like to set small short terms goals but its what works for you. Since hitting 13 1/2st now I want to get to 13 stone though in honesty Im not really hung up on weight more body composition. Just ordered some scales that include body fat though I know they are not the most accurate its really about tracking change.

    Thought Id also share this little bit of inspiration as I liked it :

    Don't wait for the light at the end of the tunnel, go hang one there yourself!
  • darrenpclark
    darrenpclark Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,

    Im from Leeds - joined MFP after seeing lots about it on a forum I use so when my wife and i decided that enough was enough and it was time for us both to loose weight thought I'd give it a try.

    Everyone seems pretty friendly - I've got about 8 stone to lose so its going to be a long journey - but it will be so worth it. Everyone feel free to add me.
  • IsabellaC45
    IsabellaC45 Posts: 137 Member
    Hey! I'm Isabel from Manchester. :)
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi I'm lyn, born in Hartlepool, moved to co Durham in 96 then moved again to the Isle of Man in 2010.

    I have yo-yoed all my life, my all time high was 2003 when I hit 16st 9.. I vowed never to go that big again,

    My lightest is 12st 12.. Would love to get below that, we shall see
  • Macbobbins
    Macbobbins Posts: 17 Member
    Hi fellow Northerners! I've just joined up so I thought I'd introduce myself - I'm from mighty Manchester and the diet starts tomorrow!
  • In Hartlepool here. Diet started..well portion control first then will focus more on the food types. Going well so far, lost 20+lbs in a few weeks.

    Hoping I can drop weight, reduce strain on my legs so I can start riding motorbikes.
  • Hi all i live in Manchester with my wife and child but born and raised in Sunderland (100% Mackem)

    Looking to lose the weight so i am around to see my son grow up