How's your day?



  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member

    My plan has come off the rails as I've gotten the stomach bug that hubby had earlier this week. I haven't been this sick in years. I'll be drinking Ginger Ale(with sugar) today to try to recover. I think I'll start cruise as soon as I'm able to eat again. I made it thru 5 days of Attack.

    Stay healthy!

  • Hi there! I'd love to join this group. I started Dukan on Monday. I'm on day 4 of the attack phase, currently down 3 lbs. I haven't experienced any of the side effects the book talks about, no headaches or anything. Pretty easy so far. I've done the attack phase multiple times and then never do anything after that point. But this time I am determined to continue on with the diet. I plan on started the next phase tomorrow. So that will be 4 full days on attack. Trying to come up with fun meal ideas already!
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Hope you're feeling better soon Primalgal.
  • Hi all! I have been on MFP for a while now, but very ho hum about it, if you know what I mean. I started the Dukan on Monday (2nd time round, first time I slid back way too quickly) and feel pretty good and down almost 3lb. I would really like to stay on the Attack phase for 7 days..but I''m getting bored with the all protein already. I feel much more clear in the head this week (hmm, carbs or gluten?).

    Glad I found you guys :)
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'm feeling a bit better today, but not completely back to normal. I've lost 8.5 lbs on 5 days of attack and 1 day of "sick". I'm going to ease back into eating today so I'm sure my calories will be VERY low. I'll probably eat a few carbs today as I try eating a bit. When I get back to normal, I'll be going right to cruise. I was so looking forward to veggies, but right now they don't sound remotely good. :-(

    Hope you are all doing well.

  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    How about some oarbran porridge? I find it quite comforting & I imagine it will be easy on your tum.
    I am down to 9 71/2 this am so pretty much back to pre Christmas weight. I plan to eat oatbran for b'fast, eggs/soup/salad w protein for lunch & protein & veg eves. If I'm stalling I will do a day of attack. I am to lose another 1lb a week before I go away in feb. May go more hardcore Dukan if I'm not getting anywhere though, watch this space!!
    Good luck everyone.
  • Lost another 1.2 today. So my attack phase is complete. I lost 4.2 lbs since Monday. I have a department lunch today at a restaurant and I don't even want to go! I like eating my own food that I cooked myself. Already looked up the menu and thinking steak tips with a side garden salad, or a salad with grilled chicken on it with balsamic vinegar dressing. But I guess this is part of the process, going out to eat and learning how to do it successfully!
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Well done csullivan! Those look good choices. I found that when I was first eating out I would make sure I wasn't hungry. sounds nuts but if I had a boiled egg or tin of tuna before I went I had no trouble turning down crisps/bread/potatoes/dessert & I didn't feel deprived & wreck the good work. Report back & tell us how you got on.
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm so happy I've found this group! I am on Day 1 of the Dukan Diet and planning on doing the Attack phase for 7 days... I have already noticed I'm feeling lighter today which seems so unusual given all the protein I'm eating... have to admit that it is hard not to have fruit and veges as I normally drink smoothies packed full of both but I am really excited to see the difference on the scale in the next few days.

    I've already added a few of you for support and inspiration, I hope you don't mind :)
    My real name is Gemma, JakBuddy is my Yellow Lab's name ;)

    Talk soon!
  • ForbiddenFruit
    ForbiddenFruit Posts: 62 Member
    Hello Gemma, Beth Lab (our beautiful black lab) says hello to JakBuddy :-) . They're really good for getting you out and about aren't they? Lovely beach picture. We're not far from the beach either, on the South Coast of England.

    I've just come on to say 'whoooohoooo'. 5lbs down since Monday on the attack phase and I'm really pleased. That isn't even just pure 'bloat' as I'd already lost a couple of pounds the previous week under my own steam while I was preparing myself to do Dukan.

    I have to say, I've felt really good, no headaches or anything and I feel full of energy. Conversely, I'm sleeping really well and this is from an insomniac who often only logs 4 hours of sleep a night.

    Onto Cruise phase today so we'll see how it goes from here. I may have a little stall as we''re off to France skiing on Saturday. The good thing is that I won't be on my normal ski holiday carb overload as I've been diagnosed with a wheat allergy since we last went. The French don't believe in wheat/gluten problems, especially not in the mountains lol, so I won't be eating pasta or baguettes as usual. I can see lots of omelettes and salads instead so the food should be too bad (and I will be doing huge amounts of exercise). It'll be the quantities of red wine that might be the problem!
  • Well as encouraging as it is to read everyone's successes, I've decided to jump ship. It's just not the right plan for me. So it's back to Slimming World which works for me.
    Good Luck to everyone, Forbidden... Have a great Ski trip :-)
  • Well done to everyone. Bye Bailey, I'm a great believer that some plans work for some and not others - slimming world makes me fat!! It's almost as if my body can't process carbs properly but I have a friend who has lost loads on sw.

    I lost 4lbs in four days and then went up by 0.4lb and have stayed the same weight for 3 days now and have not cheat once at all :(. Hoping this stall is due to monthly fluctuations and that I will dump a massive loads of weight next week. However, I do feel a lot less bloated than normal and the muffin top is definitely reduced!
  • Thanks for the welcome!
    Jak is one of my two labs, I have a Chocolate puppy called Indy - she's 13 months so not little tiny puppy but still wee! We love them and yes they are excellent for getting you out and about. The picture was taken at my friend's place, living in Auckland we aren't far from a beach but I can't claim credit for the photo ')

    I had a great first day - lost 700grams! And actually feel really good. I was trying some shakes before that (and I have never done more than one diet before which is Weight Watchers) but didn't notice any real difference so I'm pretty happy wIth Dukan - I feel like I've lost more weight than that through feeling lighter I guess.

    I hope you enjoy your ski trip! Jealous. Being surrounded by water it isn't that easy to just country hop! Next stop is Australia and with their incredible heat & fires at the moment I think I'm happy here :)

    Will report back tomorrow - sorry to see you go Bailey just as I arrived but as with me and the shakes, you've got to do what works for you!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm so happy I've found this group! I am on Day 1 of the Dukan Diet and planning on doing the Attack phase for 7 days... I have already noticed I'm feeling lighter today which seems so unusual given all the protein I'm eating... have to admit that it is hard not to have fruit and veges as I normally drink smoothies packed full of both but I am really excited to see the difference on the scale in the next few days.

    I've already added a few of you for support and inspiration, I hope you don't mind :)
    My real name is Gemma, JakBuddy is my Yellow Lab's name ;)

    Talk soon!

    I did a lot of "dukan shakes" with greek yogurt and sugar free jello and ice. Great stuff.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Lost another 1.2 today. So my attack phase is complete. I lost 4.2 lbs since Monday. I have a department lunch today at a restaurant and I don't even want to go! I like eating my own food that I cooked myself. Already looked up the menu and thinking steak tips with a side garden salad, or a salad with grilled chicken on it with balsamic vinegar dressing. But I guess this is part of the process, going out to eat and learning how to do it successfully!

    That is the best part of Dukan - it really helps you at restaurants! I eat out at least 7 meals a week for business...Trust me, It gets easier and you did the right thing by looking it up ahead of time. Cruise is so easy to follow!
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Well done FF & DW2BF on your losses & welcome Jakbuddy. Am out to lunch tomorrow so think i'll do a PP day on Monday. Keep up the good work everone.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry I've not been around much this week, but I've been under the weather. I had what I assume is the Norovirus that they were talking about on TV. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! It's a rough way to lose weight.

    Had my official weigh in at the boot camp challenge this morning. Down 8 lbs for Week 1. Trainer was shocked. That's what 5 days of Attack and 2 days of being sick will do for you! I might gain next week, so have to be prepared.

    I'm starting Cruise tomorrow with a PP day. Today I ate whatever I thought I could stomach as I didn't eat much Thursday or Friday. Off to the grocery store tomorrow to stock up on yogurts & veggies(!). Not sure what type of protein I'll be able to eat as the thought of chicken still turns my stomach for some reason.

    Sounds like you've all had a great week. Let's make next week even better!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Weighed in...and holding sready at 129.1! I ate every single workday meal out as i was traveling on business, so i am relieved.. I had a lot of nsv,'s during the week, but my wekly weigh in still is very important to me.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    Congrats pkw! You well and truly have a handle on maintaining your weight...and while away on business & eating out too!! I can only imagine what a relief it is to you. I look forward to that day.

    Feeling almost back to normal this morning...thank goodness. I could tell last night that I was making a turn to the better. Not much on tap today except laundry & going to the grocery store. I have to think about what protein sounds good to me today, as some forms just do not appeal at this time. I have a feeling today will be a very low cal day.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Well done Pkw, You're at my target! (envious!)
    Glad you're feeling a bit stronger Primalgal.
    Another week, fingers xed for more losses all round:)