Hows everyone doing?

karen8873 Posts: 100 Member
I know we didnt all start at the same time and some of us are on Ramp it up now.. just wanted to see who has started and how everyone is doing?
I know its slim in SIX..but I may continue on with until I feel good about moving onto something else. I checked out the 3rd level and its looking pretty intense! So Im sure a few more weeks wont hurt me :)


  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Karen! I am on day 8 - I did Start it up for the first week, then this week (week 2) I decided to move on to Ramp it up. I think I will continue with this for weeks 2-4 and do Burn it up the last 2 weeks. I have just received Jillian M Body Revolution in the mail and can't wait to start doing that soon as i am done with this 6 weeks! I really like this program, and I MAKE myself do it in the morning to get it done for the day! I feel like I really get a great workout--I can't wait til I am done to take my measurements and redo pics ;-)
  • KetoLife4Me15
    KetoLife4Me15 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group. I've ordered SLIM in 6. Hopefully, getting it by the end of the week! I ordered online and didn't choose any of the extra add-ons. I think it was about 10 pages of different add-ons that they offered. I hope I got everything I need to get started!

    Good luck to everyone and Have a great day!
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome Crystal! I have the "old" set of slim in 6; does yours come with a resistance band? Other than your determination and putting in the effort, that's all you need! :-) you can pick up the band or light hand weights anywhere. Good luck!
  • KetoLife4Me15
    KetoLife4Me15 Posts: 14 Member
    I think it comes with resistance bands. If not, I have some that I've never used. :/
  • susanmarnold
    I finished day 5 today and have been loving it. I thought about starting RIU next week but will wait the full two weeks. I am think of doing two sets of RIU and BIU to make a total of 10 weeks. Then maybe check out ChaLEAN Extreme afterwards since I have a year or more of weight loss to go.
  • mbensily
    Hi all:

    Just finished second week of Start It Up. I think I need one more week of that before moving on. I can see improvements and it's gotten a lot easier, but I want to really be comfortable with this level before I move along. Hope you all are doing great!
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    FInishing up my second week today! (1st wk Start it up) and did Ramp it up this week - which I will continue til the last 2 wks. SOOO glad tomorrow will be my "REST" day!!! have a great weekend, everyone!
  • susanmarnold
    Finished my first week... 6 days of SUI and 1 day of rest and started my second week today with SUI again. Feeling good. Loving the program!
  • cjacole
    cjacole Posts: 69 Member
    Just did Day 1 today. It was a killer, but I did it:smile:
  • Shaneba
    Hi all!

    I'm new to the group, I started the program 01/10/13.
    Today I weight myself and I've lost 2 pounds, also I notice that clothes fit me better so by the moment I'm very happy with the program.
    I'm going to move to Rump It Up on Sunday and my rest days are Saturdays.

    We can do this!
  • dubout
    dubout Posts: 11
    Hey All-

    I am on my last week of RIU, but yesterday when I did it I didn't feel like it pushed me very much so I think I am gonna bump it up to BIU so that I feel a good burn again! I am having wonderful results though. So far since I have started SI6 & MFP I have lost 6 lbs since the last week in December!!! Pretty exciting and I can't wait to see what these last 3-4 weeks will have in store for me with more results!
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Am halfway thru--finished week 3...Glad to have a 'rest day" tomorrow! :-) Hope everyone else is doing great!!
  • susanmarnold
    Yesterday I did Ramp It Up for the first time. I was surprised at how well I did. I was able to keep up on all the reps except for a couple on the new "all-fours" section. Just a little sore today!
  • doran411
    doran411 Posts: 5 Member
    I started Start it up a week ago. So far, so good... Just hoping for results.... I want to wish everyone good luck!!:
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    I am halfway thru week 3 and I decided to do Burn it up..I actually liked it better than ramp it up....and it really wasn't that much longer, it seemed to go fast! So I guess I will continue with this until the end. I will be glad when I am done and can see my measurements, etc. not losing lbs, but don't really have a lot to lose...but look in the mirror and looks like I am getting more toned, esp in the abs/stomach area. I get bored with the same workout every day... looking forward to when I am done with this and doing my new JM Body Revolution.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Finished RIU last night, thank heavens. So intensely boring.
    Gonna see if Burn It Up keeps my interest, I really hope so because I'm determined to finish.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I quit during the 2nd week of Burn It Up. Too boring, made me dread my workouts. Moved on to p90x. Well done everyone who's sticking with it!
  • tkw6
    tkw6 Posts: 14
    You should buy slim in 6 advance! Killer workouts!