newbie !

rae_kelso Posts: 2 Member
Hello everyone,
I'm new to this website and broad. I'm 25 years old with a very active 2 year old son, I started my journey for weight loss surgery back in July . I did allbthe classes lost the wright needed for the bypass and was on the road to meeting with my surgeon . I guess something happen to another patient with the tools, they could not reach her stomach cause of all of her extra stomach fat . So the said to be on safe side they were asking all patience to lose more weight. So here I am making way to my new goal weight. I'm very excited for this both my mother and my father had gastric bypass back in 2004 & 2006 they look amazing . Dose anyone have anytips for me before I go in for my surgery in my mind I have everything planed . Baby sitter , help, my husband vacation time , my mother in law will be staying to help the 6 weeks after . Is there anything that I am missing or that you thought would he helpful?


    JLBAMA2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! Good luck to you!

    The best advice I can give you is "work on your head" while your body is recovering from the surgery. Having the surgery only fixes half of the problem.

    The reason we get as big as we do is because we don't have a healthy relationship with food. I'm going on 10 years from lapband surgery. Initial weight loss 80 lbs. Regained 40 over the years. Why? Because I use food for any other reason than hunger, so it doesn't matter that I CAN'T eat, I found ways around it for emotional reasons.

    You can eat your way back to your high weight if you don't address the issues of why you overeat. You don't want to put your body through the surgery for nothing.

    This site has been helpful to me. I was a 'grazer' but since I thought I couldn't eat a lot due to the surgery, I didn't think grazing could make me gain weight. But when I started logging, I found out just how many calories I can get in in a day and it was a real eye opener for me.

    Use the people in your life and us here to vent your eating issues. There are self help books that help with emotional eaters...find out what's worked for others for ideas.

    You'll do fine!
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    I would also start working on post surgery habits. For instance, my center wants me to do the following:

    Not drinking 30 minutes before or after eating
    No caffeine
    No booze
    No soda
    Drink at least 80 oz of fluid daily
    Walk daily-after 6 weeks I added in more exercise.
    Weigh and measure all food
    Maintain a food journal-hence I'm on MFP :smile:
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    The previous posters had great suggestions. I would add that you should line up your post-surgery meals now, and eat, at least part of the time, like you will have to later. Find some protein powders you like. Some people have a hard time finding one that is palatable. Find some soft foods you will eat when you get to that stage. Find the vitamins you will need, and get a supply to start with. The vitamins and calcium we take are pretty specific.

    And the number one suggestion is log, log, log. Weigh, measure and keep track of everything. Be honest with yourself. I think the key for my long term success is to keep track of all my food and activity, so I will know right away if I start to fall back into bad habits.

    And if you do these things, you will start losing weight quicker.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Don't go shopping while on pain killers post surgery. Seriously. A few days after I got home from the hospital I wanted to get out of the house I was stir crazy and needed to walk and get some sun so my husband took me to the bass pro shop where I blew tons of money. I'm a tight wad and never spend money on myself, my husband thought I needed the treat so he didn't stop me. He had no idea that he should be treating me like I was high. Thankfully I didn't spend anything I couldn't afford to but I would keep this in mind before going out while on meds.

    I too am a mom, 2 girls ages 6 and 2. I had the RNY on May 15, 2012, my mom also had the RNY over a decade and a half ago. If you want/need MFP friends feel free to send a request.
  • meangrl29
    meangrl29 Posts: 40 Member
    My nutritionist had a good idea that really helped me. she asked what my absolute favorite "treat" was. I told her I ate so many M&M's over the course of a day that I thought I might turn into one (I was already shaped like one). She insisted I cut them out before surgery. that way I wouldn't crave them after. it worked.
  • rae_kelso
    rae_kelso Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all so much ! I really can't wait I've been thinking about this since I was 18 I'm so happy I followed my heart this year and started my journey
  • Lauriecz
    Lauriecz Posts: 8 Member
    welcome , and good luck. Listening and using the advice everyone has really helps, You will find what works for you. we are all here for support.