Weclome Moms!

baileyt1 Posts: 49 Member
I want to know your greatest stuggles fitness wise. Eating, working out?

Mine is getting time to get my workout in!! With 3 boys 4 and under I actually have to do it when they nap, or get up early with my husband to get it done. Anyone else stuggle with this?


  • kriskibbe
    kriskibbe Posts: 17 Member
    Working Out! I have 4 kids under 8 and a busy husband. With 6 schedules in the house mine usually comes in last on the priority list. :( Made plans with a friend to start a couch to 5k program and then 5 of us got knocked out by the stomach bug...this week we were set to go again when HER house got hit by the stomach bug! I just keep trying... I need to be more diligent to do strength training at home during naps and after they are all in bed.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    I think mine is kinda a combo deal. I have 4 kids 2-11 and I workout when the youngest 2 nap unless theres a late therapy appointment which derails it all. I get discouraged when I have to log the calorie brun from my HRM into mfp cause it seems half of what everyone else burns doing the same workout and yet I know I gave it my all. Well that leads to the eating cause y not i'm always going to be fat attitude. its a roller coaster. Need to refind my mojo and get back on track to losing
  • baileyt1
    baileyt1 Posts: 49 Member
    I actually just started the couch to 5k last week!! You know what we should do, if your friends will......do a facebook page for this group and we can all post together and motivate?? What do you think?
  • jelaw11
    I also struggle with a combo of eating right and finding time to exercise; I have 3 kids (10, 6 and 14 mos) and I nanny a 10 month old full time, and I go to nursing school 3 nights a week. I lost about 45 lbs on WW over the summer, but cancelled my membership after i found MFP. I joined a brand new gym about 25 mins away from me but sadly, I've only been once since Thanksgiving :( how embarassing. I love carbs, especially lately. I'm blaming my exhaustion and the weather, but really I know there is nobody to blame but myself.

    Hoping to find some motiviation buried underneath the spare 15 lbs I'm carrying....it must be in there somewhere! I'm frustrated.
  • jelaw11
    Great idea for the fb group!! I'm in!
  • baileyt1
    baileyt1 Posts: 49 Member
    I know what you mean by just eat what I want things will never change. Been there for sure. What do you think about an accoutability partner...would that help?
  • baileyt1
    baileyt1 Posts: 49 Member
    jelaw11......I had the same prob you did not being able to go to the gym. I workout at home now, let me know if you need some help with that. I'm doing a cool running program now and have some other ideas too!
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    the facebook page would be cool. I have tried c25k but always get bored after a few days. i get distracted usually or into my music and end up running the whole time. maybe i should give it another shot and see if it gets any better after day 3 which is where i normally stop.
  • Olivia1977
    Olivia1977 Posts: 84 Member
    My issue is my husband works 16 days and then has 7 days off. Most times he is in a hotel during his two weeks at work. I have trouble finding a routine when he is home. When he is gone, I get into a rhythm of healthy eating and exercise and then he is home and we do different things so I get off track quite easily and it drives me crazy!!
  • gettingstronger4me
    I started eating better, WAY better at the beginning of the year and I'm totally into it now, but working out is a different story. I have 3 kids, one is with me 24/7, we have a gym membership but I get lazy when I think of loading them all up into the car to take with me to the gym. my husband works crazy hours and is usually not home until 9pm. I started a beach body challenge monday and boy, I'm struggling to push play, I know I have to, I know it's good for me, I know I'll be incredibly happy when I'm fit and healthy again, but taking these first steps to get into the habit of working out daily is a bit of a struggle for me now.
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    I'm home with a 2 1/2 yr old and I started working out in the morning. It's a challenge because she gets mad that she doesn't have my undivided attention and starts throwing balls at me! My main problem is this 40 yr old metabolism. It's frustrating how long it takes to lose a few pounds compared to 10 years ago. I can always use a little motivation.
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    That is one hell of a day! I can't even imagine.
  • Jessie90Now
    My son is almost 2 and since having him im always tired and ive caught a bad case of laziness... Along with that I have had a food addiction for about a year. Im hoping by joining this website and having support from others i can overcome my addiction. I need to find an exercise program to do at home. Any good ones?
  • Jess11Gold
    Jess11Gold Posts: 154 Member
    Yay! Im soo happy this group was started! Cheers to my fellow fabulous stay at home mommies! Im so very excired to be a healthy example for my family :) Im looking for motivational /accountability buddiez so add me &we can help cheer each other on ;)
  • Jess11Gold
    Jess11Gold Posts: 154 Member
    My son is almost 2 and since having him im always tired and ive caught a bad case of laziness... Along with that I have had a food addiction for about a year. Im hoping by joining this website and having support from others i can overcome my addiction. I need to find an exercise program to do at home. Any good ones?

    Saaaaaame here girl! Ive been "clean eating" for a few days and its very difficult emotionally... embarassing but true ;)
  • kris2413
    mine is a combo of both! i've worked out once this week!!!! i went on a binge a week ago where i ate literally anything and everything!
    it shouldnt be like that! i have 2 wonderful kids 2 & 8 months so i have my hands full! i'm still young & its sad ive allowed myself to get this way. i have always been a hefty girl but im at my heaviest 240 & i'm only 5'6!!!! its so hard to stay motivated when im at home 24/7 with the kids cause hubby is always working! i desperately need this site to help me, its my last option!
  • baileyt1
    baileyt1 Posts: 49 Member
    Any Mommies on this page that would like to join my facebook accountability and support send me a personal message with your facebook info!! Let's get 2013 started right!
  • strength1983
    The evenings when I get mommy time when my kids are in bed is my biggest struggle with not eating. So far I'm doing goodnight just hope I can keep with it. Good luck moms!
  • strength1983
    Lunges, treadmill, insanity workout, are all great choices. Good luck and stay strong
  • lovetoruninNC
    I want to know your greatest stuggles fitness wise. Eating, working out?

    Mine is getting time to get my workout in!! With 3 boys 4 and under I actually have to do it when they nap, or get up early with my husband to get it done. Anyone else stuggle with this?

    Mine is the weekends eating food! I'm trying this week to basically bank calories and see where I am net at at the end of the week.